Savior Simulator

Chapter 330 Fireball Bombing

Chapter 330 Fireball Bombing
The large ice element can also erupt the solid ice that makes up the body, turning it into countless small and sharp ice edges, attacking all enemies within a 60-foot cone in front of it, causing 2d6+8 piercing damage, plus 1d6 freezing damage and " trance" state.

A large ice element with thick blood, high defense, and omnipotent melee and long-distance attack, the challenge level is only level 5!
In Gao Fei's impression, this is probably the most difficult level 5 monster to deal with.

Fortunately, Eve blessed everyone with the "Cold Resistance Barrier" and "Stone Skin Art" in advance, otherwise the wave of "Ice Edge Piercing" that the large ice element just launched at the bow of the ship would have been enough for them to drink a pot of!

The "Ice Edge Piercing" of a large ice element needs to cool down for 1 minute after launching before it can be used again.

Everyone squatted on the deck, using the side of the ship as a parapet to block the ice arrows coming from the opposite side like a storm. When the rain of arrows stopped, they jumped onto the pier one after another, ready to fight.

Gao Fei saw four large ice elementals emerging from the snow in the distance, and quickly activated the magic power of the "Fire Djinn Gauntlets", and blasted two "fireballs" in succession, killing the ice elementals wherever they were. All the snow and ice melted.

Three large ice elementals were killed by the fireball on the spot, and the others were also seriously injured. The body of the ice sculpture broke and melted, and the swinging snake body hurriedly dispersed, trying to stay away from the fumigation of the heat wave caused by the explosion of the fireball.

Jiang Feng rushed out of the pier first, and turned on the "flash shield" on the way, surrounded by golden light, like a divine soldier descending from the sky, breaking into the enemy group alone, and sweeping away with his stick!
Five large ice elements surrounded her, swung their long arms shaped by solid ice, and beat her head and face.

They soon discovered, however, that they were asking for trouble.

Counting "Defensive Bracers", "Shield Ring", "Body Protection Qi", "Proficient Dodge" and agility correction, Jiang Feng's monk's comprehensive defense level is as high as 39, even surpassing all the boss levels that have appeared so far Role!
Five large ice elementals waved their arms vigorously, beating the skinny monk. Unless they were lucky and succeeded in the attack roll, they would not be able to break through the defense at all.

In fact, it's good that the large ice element can't hit Jiang Feng, but it's even worse if it hits her!
With their attack power, even if they hit Jiang Feng by chance, after deducting 10 points of damage reduction, there would not be much damage left.

What's terrible is that it will also trigger the special counterattack effect of the "flash shield", which suddenly erupts a round of strong flashes!

Enemies within ten feet of Jiang Feng, whether they hit her or were hit by soy sauce, had to make a DC 20 Will save the moment they were irradiated by the strong light. If the save failed, they would be blinded.

The will save of the large ice elemental was not high, and the moment the flash erupted, all five unlucky ones were hit.

It was difficult to hit Jiang Feng in the first place, but now he is blind, and he can't even touch the corner of his clothes.

Jiang Feng sneered and swung his stick, "Tit for Tat" together with "Proficient in Tripping" to launch a counterattack.

No matter who hits her, if she hits or misses, she will be rewarded twice as usual, and she will be knocked down with a stick!
She has already obtained the bonus specialty "Combat Reflexes", combined with an agility attribute of up to 24 points, there are 8 reaction actions available in each round, each of the five large ice elements has a counterattack, and there are still more reaction actions left!

It's a pity that an enemy can only be counterattacked once per round, otherwise Jiang Nuxia catches an unlucky person and hits him eight times in a row, and he is afraid that he will be smashed to pieces on the spot.

In just a few seconds, she knocked down the five large ice elements that had besieged Jiang Feng.Struggling to get up, another attack of opportunity, knocked down again.

Once caught in the "Infinite Blitz" tactical routine, the fate of this group of large ice elements is already doomed.

In the extremely silky "sit-ups" time and time again, he wasted his life in vain, and was smashed to pieces by Jiang Feng one after another, and finally turned into ice slag on the ground.

In addition to the five that were entangled by Jiang Feng, there were four large ice elements crawling towards the trestle bridge.

Al and Ush turned on "Rage", turned into bears and went up to prevent the large ice element from approaching Eve and Goofy behind them.

Eve was not idle either, and turned into a tornado, hovering above the heads of the ice elementals. At the same time, she used the druid's professional ability "Wild Spellcasting" to replace spells with the sound of howling wind, and cast the 3-level "Summon Thunder".

The transformation form of the four elements of water, fire, wind and earth, Eve is not good at transforming into the wind element, the reason why she chooses this form is to use the whirlwind formed by herself to create local severe weather, and then strengthen the " Summon Thunder Art".

Normally, each bolt of lightning deals 6d6 damage.

However, if you perform the 3-ring "Thunder Summoning Art" outdoors in harsh weather such as windy, rainy, and cloudy, the power will be doubled!
Eve is a level 9 druid. When she casts "Summon Thunder", the electric energy stored in her body can be used to release nine lightning strikes.

The druid girl turned into a whirlwind, and the roaring air flow was mixed with shining arcs, and the electric energy was transformed into lightning bolts, which continuously fell towards the head of the large ice element below.

When Eve released all the nine thunderbolts, the four large ice elements on the pier had been smashed into pieces of ice by Al and Wushi.

Apart from releasing three "fireballs", Gao Fei didn't take any shots against the large ice elementals.

His attention was drawn to the distant rumble.

The thunderous sound of horseshoes sounded like thousands of horses galloping.

Gao Fei looked in the direction of the sound of hooves, but only saw six tall figures.

This group of burly creatures, as Eve described before, has a pale-skinned frost giant in the upper body, and an eight-legged horse in the lower body, all dressed in shiny chain armor, holding spears and large shields, and behind them With a large composite longbow on his back, it is the elite cavalry under Akeron's command - Yitian troops!
This group of Yitian people probably heard the resonance from the "Fireball Technique", knew that there was a fight at the pier, and hurried to support.

Seeing that his companions were still fighting with the ice element, Gao Fei left the pier alone to stop the small group of Yitian troops.

The enemy's reinforcements were getting closer and closer, Gao Fei calmly opened the astrolabe and checked the details of Yitian's troops.


Counting the armor and shield, level 10 natural defense, +3 agility modifier, and deducting the 2-point evasion penalty for super-sized creatures, the overall defense level of the Yitian Centaur reached 27, higher than the frost giant.

In terms of combat skills, in addition to the "Skywalker" mentioned by Eve (can glide in the air while running, and cross the surface barrier within a round of movement distance)", "Natural Knight (proficient with a spear, wield with one hand, the spear can cause double damage)" and "Thunder Stomp (hoof plus deaf status)", also good at "Multiple Attack", "Power Attack", "Click", "Precise Shot", "Proficient Rush" and "Iron Will" and other expertise.

(End of this chapter)

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