Savior Simulator

Chapter 326 Alumni Association

Chapter 326 Alumni Association

"That's why you can get back your money by eating more vegetables." Gao Fei interjected with a smile.

"Not all green vegetables are expensive. For example, the price of spinach is three times that of rattan vegetables... Forget it, those of you who don't usually buy vegetables for cooking, how can you understand this? I said it is a waste of words." Class monitor The adults waved their hands.

"I don't understand, but Brother Fei definitely understands. After all, he is from a family of chefs. Recently, he cooks for his girlfriend every day. The price of vegetables in the supermarket is clear." Ma Tao said uneasy.

These words really aroused everyone's gossip, and they all asked whether Gao Fei had really chased after the school girl, and whether they had already started living together as in the legend.

"Sure, Goofy! You have won the school belle, and you've done honor to our class, I'm proud of you!"

Han Bing poked his finger at Gao Fei's chest with a smile, and suddenly he groaned, rubbing his finger and frowning.

"Goofy! Is there an iron plate hidden on your body? Why is it so hard, I almost broke my fingers when I poked you!"

"No..." Gao Fei rubbed the back of his head, his face full of bewilderment.

"Let me come to Kang Yikang!" Ma Tao is really a good brother. He tore off Gao Fei's shirt and pulled up his vest, revealing quite strong chest and abdominal muscles.


"Ma Tao, you are pulling down! Sure enough, what a beautiful mermaid line!"

"After taking off my clothes, I realized that Goofy's chest muscles are so developed, no wonder I almost bruised my fingers!"

Being surrounded by everyone, including girls, Gao Fei was a little embarrassed and hurriedly straightened his shirt.

"Brother Fei! It's only been a short summer vacation, and your body has become much stronger! How did you practice?" a boy asked.

"Ah, I've been working out recently."

"Are you with Brother Tao?" Someone was smirking.

"That's not true!" Gao Fei gave Ma Tao a disgusted look.

"Brother Fei is in love, so he can't care about me." Ma Tao pretended to be resentful, "In fact, he has been learning martial arts from Jiang Daxia all summer vacation. To be honest, he has put in a lot of hard work! Are you I didn't see it, such a thick stick, slamming it on Gao Fei's body, Jiang Daxia was really cruel, and I definitely wouldn't be able to hold on."

"Brother Tao! You are talking about sour grapes because you can't eat grapes. If I can get a girlfriend like Jiang Feng, I would be happy to be beaten eight times a day!" A boy raised his beer glass, "Brother Fei, congratulations on getting off Shan! Come on, let's have a toast!"

After a glass of cold beer, the young people ate and chatted around the hot hot pot. The topic quickly shifted from the high-flying romance to their respective futures after graduation.

There are more than 30 people in the class, more than half of them are preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination and the public examination, and most of the rest have already booked their internship places.

Gao Fei listened to everyone chatting, and interjected with a smile: "It is said that biochemical environmental materials are majors in Tiankeng, and they will be unemployed after graduation. Didn't our class also find a way out?"

"Brother Fei! You made a typical statistical mistake by counting those preparing for postgraduate entrance examinations and public examinations as employment." Shi Lei, the top student in the class, pushed his glasses and asked Gao Fei: "If we graduate from a major, we can How can so many people go to graduate school if they find a good job?"

"I heard that Goose Factory recruits fresh graduates this year, with a total package of 40 yuan!"

"Fuck! 40 a year? I can't even think about it!"

"Ritha Immortal Banban! Don't say 40, give me 20, and I will do whatever you want, even cleaning the toilet!"

"Originally, my scores could also be reported to the Academy of Computer Science... MMP! I can only blame myself for having a bag in my head. I was so obsessed with ghosts back then, and chose such a crappy major!"

"Who isn't? Back then the college entrance examination scores were all about the same. I never thought that after graduation, because of the different majors, the income level would be very different... Maybe this is the class differentiation."

"It's useless to just complain, brothers, let's transcode as soon as possible!"

"Programmers are also very introverted now. Don't let us change careers with great difficulty, and the salary will come down again. Even eating Oli can't keep up with the hot ones!"

"There is such a sign! Didn't you notice it? Recently, major Internet companies have introduced policies to abolish 996. Capitalists are not so kind. They don't let you work overtime, mostly because the marginal income of overtime work is no longer worth the expenditure. If you find If there are no new outlets, this industry should be overwhelmed."

"Forget it, forget it, let's not talk about these bad things! Recently, there is a hot topic on the Internet, saying that the silver flash erupted, the concentration of magic power in the world increased, and there appeared many supernatural phenomena and monsters that cannot be explained by existing scientific theories. True or false?" Han Bing asked.

"Monster! Do you believe this kind of nonsense? Isn't it all made up by the gangsters on the Internet! These gangsters can turn black into white for the sake of traffic!" An old man was full of enthusiasm. Said with a disdainful face.

"But there are many live videos on the Internet, can't they all be fake?" Someone asked in doubt.

"Whether it's a picture or a video, it's too easy to fake these things! Besides, this is nothing new, such as aliens, ufos, Area 51, and that water monkey. It has been rumored that there are noses and eyes. Check Come and check, isn't it all nothing in the end?"

"That's right! For example, this so-called 'magic wave outbreak' is so evil on the Internet. Have any of you here personally experienced supernatural events, and has anyone seen the so-called magic-infected and mutated monsters? "

Everyone smiled and shook their heads.

Gao Fei glanced at Ma Tao, and the two shook their heads in tacit understanding.

"So, what 'spiritual events cannot be explained by scientific theory', isn't that nonsense! I made up a shitty thing, such as 'a dragon in the garage', and Einstein's resurrection can't explain it!"

Amidst the laughter, college students advocating scientific rationality reached a consensus that labeling the so-called "magic tide outbreak" as Fake News is nothing more than another carnival of self-media traffic.

At this time, a girl came back from the bathroom and excitedly said to Gao Fei: "I saw your girlfriend just now! Jiang Feng and his class are also having dinner at this hot pot restaurant!"

"Oh, that's quite a coincidence."

Gao Fei didn't even raise his head, but twirled his chopsticks to rinse his hairy belly in the boiling red soup.

"Brother Fei! Don't worry about cooking, baby, hurry up and invite Jiang Nvxia over here, brothers have to respect her!" A boy booed, and everyone responded with a smile.

"Isn't that appropriate?" Gao Fei showed embarrassment, "My family status does not allow me to invite her in a humble way."

"What family status? You're only the younger brother of the same family!"

When everyone was laughing, Jiang Nvxia pushed open the door of the private room and ran to find Gao Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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