Savior Simulator

Chapter 325 Activation Skills (Subscribe)

Chapter 325 Activation Skills (Subscribe)
"Magic crystals are inseparable from the manufacture of magic tools. If you want to keep the 'item activation technique' on the construct, you also need to add magic crystals as the empowering material." Ma Yun said to Gao Fei and Jiang Feng.

"Such a small piece costs 500 gold coins, so expensive!" Jiang Feng looked at the price tag of the magic crystal and couldn't help but marvel.

"Sister Feng! One magic crystal is only enough to enchant a 1st-level spell, and the 'Secondary Revitalization' is a 2nd-level spell. At least two magic crystals are required, which is equivalent to 1000 soft sister coins in reality!"

After hearing Ma Yun's explanation, Jiang Feng's concept of being diligent and thrifty in housekeeping was deeply stimulated, and he shook his head and smiled wryly: "No wonder people say that being a mage is a profession that burns money. Isn't this just forcing you to spend money!"

"Actually, it's not a big problem that money can solve. What's more troublesome is that the enchanting process is a rather cumbersome technical task. Even if I am willing to spend 1000 gold coins to buy magic crystals, I have to repeatedly cast 'secondary magic' on the 'volley sword'." Activate', until the effective time of the spell covers 24 hours, the activation effect can be kept on this long sword."

A level 4 artificer casts a "secondary activation technique", which consumes 5 points of magic power, and the continuous activation time is only 4 minutes.

A simple calculation shows that Ma Yun needs to cast the spell 360 times to make the total duration of the "Secondary Revitalization" superimposed to 24 hours, consuming a total of 1800 magic points.

The total amount of magic power she can use every day is only 76 points, and she needs to work for at least 24 consecutive days, plus the enchanting cost of 1000 yuan, to finally activate this "volley sword" permanently.

"It's too troublesome!" Jiang Feng's head grew dizzy when he heard it, "It's so irritating and kryptonous... It reminds me of the time when I was dominated by the 'Itchy Rat'."

"It's really troublesome, and it's not necessary! You need to use the 'volley sword' in battle, just temporarily activate it."

When Ma Yun said this, she was actually comforting herself.

Gao Fei thought about it for a while, and asked Ma Yun: "The richest man, artificer's creation process, can you use the astrolabe energy to quickly skip it?"

Ma Yun was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "I haven't tried it yet... In theory, it should be possible! Brother Fei, your little brain is quite clever!"

"Generally speaking, I am a fool who thinks a lot, and I get something occasionally."

Gao Fei smiled modestly.

The three NPC teammates in the adventure team, Vita the Scarecrow, Nick the Tin Woodman, and Dimitri the Lion, also grow up with the level of the heroine.

The three of them have not yet obtained extraordinary professions, and the upgrade is mainly reflected in the growth of "hit dice", similar to the natural partners of druids and rangers.

Scarecrow raised to 5HD (Hit Dice), proficiency modifier +1, HP +10.

The Tin Woodman rises to 6 HD, HP +10, and even-numbered Hit Dice add 1 point of natural defense and 1 point of attribute.

Nick adds attribute points to Strength, bringing the Strength attribute to 18.

The cowardly lion is also upgraded to 6HD, also HP+10, natural defense+1, strength attribute+1.

There are no bonus classes in this chapter.

The three candidate bonus feats are "Awareness", "Toughness" and "Iron Will".

Gao Fei suggested that Ma Yun choose "Strong" to make up for the lack of a mage's HP.

However, after careful comparison, Xiao Ma finally chose the "Iron Will" that he prefers.

After finishing this chapter, Gao Fei checked the time, and it was already 10:30 in the middle of the night, no wonder he was dizzy from hunger.

Hurry up to call Jiang Feng and Ma Yun offline, and go to the restaurant for supper together.

If you eat too much at night, you will get fat easily. One bowl of wonton noodles per person is enough.

While eating noodles, classmate Xiao Ma yawned uncontrollably, he was so sleepy, and he was muttering about going back after dinner and continuing to yawn all night.

Jiang Feng winked at Gao Fei, meaning to ask him to persuade Ma Yun to be playful.

Gao Fei understood, thought for a while, and asked Ma Yun: "Your sister Feng and I start school tomorrow, when does your school start?"

"Tomorrow too."

"Then you still have to sleep all night! Go to sleep after eating!" Gao Fei was angry and funny, "On the first day of school, I went to see my classmates and counselors like a panda, do you still want to look good?"

"Didn't they want to go crazy before school starts!" Ma Yun pursed her mouth, feeling unwilling, "I've grown up so much, I haven't passed the night yet..."

"This is not an achievement worth showing off. In the future, you will have the opportunity to play games all night, and this night is not bad." Jiang Feng said with a smile.

"Okay..." Ma Yun nodded aggrievedly, "Brother Fei, Sister Feng, see you tomorrow."

After Xiao Ma went offline, Jiang Feng also yawned.

It was so late, she didn't want to go back to the school dormitory in the middle of the night, and was questioned by her roommates, so she decided to sleep in Gao Fei's rental house for the night, and then go back to school early tomorrow morning.

The bedroom next door had already been tidied up. These days, she carried all the spare bedding and daily necessities from her bedroom like ants moving house. In her own words, this was called "opening base".

Gao Fei visited her bedroom, and the small room was decorated warmly and full of atmosphere, which was quite different from her usual carefree style of painting, so she joked:
"It turns out that the heroic Jiang Daxia also has a little fairy in his bones."

As a result, the flattery hit the horse's leg, and Jiang Feng immediately put down the bucket of purified water on his shoulders, and stared at him with his hands on his hips:
"Have you ever seen a little fairy carrying 20 liters of bottled water and climbing up to the fourth floor without panting?"

"I've seen it!" Gao Fei said sincerely, "It's right in front of my eyes."

"Ha..." Jiang Feng managed to hold back a smile, and said angrily, "Stop being stupid, come over and change the water for me!"

In the senior year, the theme of college life is no longer class. Apart from writing graduation thesis, it mainly focuses on three things: employment, internship or exam preparation.

No matter which way out you choose, the young people who have lived together on campus for more than three years will get together less and less every day.

On the first day of school, there is a meeting as usual.

The whole school welcome meeting, various meetings in the college and department, and finally a class meeting.

Fortunately, there is no need to sit in the lecture theater to grind their buttocks at the class meeting. At noon, the whole class of 32 people went straight to the food street next to the school, and started the self-service hot pot!

Gao Fei's class dinners are not low, with an average of 58 yuan per person.

The scarcity of girls in science classes is normal. There are five girls in Gao Fei's class, collectively known as the "five golden flowers". They are either class committee members or cadres of the student union of the college. Two of them are going to Lijiapo to study abroad, and they are worried about the recurrence of the epidemic there.

When we arrived at the hot pot restaurant, the squad leader Han Bing specifically told his subordinates to cook: "You guys just put meat on the plate, and I'll choose the vegetarian dishes."

"Squad leader, stereotypes are bad!" Ma Tao said seriously, "I've been working out recently, and I want to be vegetarian."

"With your skinny little body, get fit to 114514!" The squad leader angrily scolded the rebellious minister, "Vegetables have increased in price recently, and they are more expensive than meat, don't you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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