Savior Simulator

Chapter 323 Callidas

Chapter 323 Callidas
The lady wizard hid behind the Tin Woodman, preparing for the next spell.

I accidentally heard squeaking and screaming from above my head, and when I looked up, there was a little squirrel squatting on the pine tree rooted at the bridge.

The little guy seemed to be awakened by the sound of fighting below, with his fluffy and bushy tail raised, his face full of displeasure.

Ma Yun's heart moved, she tapped her heel lightly, triggering the "transformation", and instantly teleported to a branch hundreds of feet above the ground, while the squirrel exchanged places with her, squatting on the ground at a loss.

Ma Yun hugged a relatively thick branch with her left hand, resisting the fear caused by the suspension and shaking, and triggered the "shifting shape" again.

This time, the target of the change of position was the mad owl bear that had already jumped in front of the tin woodman.

The two figures flashed alternately, Ma Yun returned to the ground, and Xiaoxiong was hanging on the branch with a confused face.

The fragile pine branch couldn't bear the heavy owl bear, and snapped off.

Before Xiaoxiong had time to recover, he fell from a high branch and hit the ground with a bang, suffering 65 points of fall injuries. He then rolled off the cliff and fell into the river, where he was rushed downstream by the torrent.

Ma Yun cleverly used "transformation and transposition" to get rid of a owl bear, which greatly reduced the pressure on her companions.

At this time, another owl bear broke through the entanglement of the vines, and Jiang Feng took over the hatred with "taunting", pulled it over and stomped it over!
It's not a big problem for the lion Dimitri to single out an owlbear.

The Tin Woodman held the battle ax against the last owlbear, and seemed to be struggling.

The scarecrow's combat effectiveness is too weak. It can only throw stones behind it, and cannot help the front row companions share the pressure.

Goofy noticed that Nick the Tin Woodman was in danger, so he switched the "poet's mask" to the "thief's mask".

Nick held Owlbear in front of him, which happened to provide a "pincer attack" for Gao Fei who was behind Owlbear, and he could use the "thief mask" to launch a sneak attack.

Gao Fei didn't want to fight the ferocious owl bear, so he hid behind the monster ten meters away and cast the "Whip of Thorns", which also had the effect of "sneak attack".


In addition to outputting damage, Gao Fei also used the dragging function of the "Whip of Thorns" to pull the owl bear from time to time, interrupting its attack, and at the same time provide the Tin Woodman with an attack of opportunity.

The battle lasted for 2 minutes, and the owl bear was finally knocked to the ground by Nick with all his strength, and died with a mournful cry.

On the other side of the battlefield, Jiang Feng had already cut down his opponent, and Ma Yun also helped the lion kill the last owl bear.

After the battle, everyone took a short rest in place, bandaged their wounds, and searched the Owlbear's lair by the way, and found gems worth 1500 gold coins in total, plus a colorful magic wand.

The gems were shared equally between the three, Ma Yun appraised the wand, and told Gao Fei and Jiang Feng happily afterwards: "This is a colorful spray magic wand, which can be recharged 10 times a day, and can be used to cast a ring of illusion 'Colorful Jet'!"

"Colorful Jet? Good stuff!" Jiang Feng couldn't help but envy Ma Yun, "Among the 1st-level magic, Colorful Jet is one of the most practical spells for field control."




The mechanism of "Colorful Spray" is very complicated, and it has different effects on creatures with different Hit Dice.

But no matter how high the target's Hit Dice is, as long as the will save fails, at least one round of shock is required, which is enough!
Gao Fei rolled his eyes, smiled and said to Ma Yun: "The richest man, anyway, the battle plot of this chapter is over, so you can be idle if you are idle, use your magic wand to release a 'colorful spray' to open everyone's eyes! "

Ma Yun was using her professional ability as an artificer to try to analyze the spell structure in the wand and transcribe it into her own magic book. When she heard Gao Fei's words, she raised her head and gave him a blank look.

"Brother Fei! Don't think I don't know what you're planning! In fact, you want to watch me cast spells and take the opportunity to imitate 'Colorful Jet', right?"

"Oh my god! How young and smart are you, the richest man!"

"Slightly slightly~ You are the thickest-skinned!" Ma Yun stuck out her tongue at him and made a face, "What's the hurry, I will demonstrate it to you after I finish transcribing the spell."

"Okay, by the way, lend me your spell book to copy."

Now Jiang Feng couldn't hold back any longer, and complained with a smile: "Xiaoyun, you, Brother Fei, are the best at plucking the wild goose's hair. If you catch a toad, you can't wait to grab melatonin!"

"That's right! For him, if he didn't find the money when he went out, he lost it!"

Ma Yun finished copying the spell quickly, raised her wand, and blasted a beam of colorful light cones towards the broken bridge.

Gao Fei resisted the glare of the colorful light and focused on observing beside her, and then received a system prompt.

"Through a round of focused imitation, you have successfully learned the 1st ring of 'Colorful Jet', do you want to add it to the known spell list of 'Warlock Mask'?"

Goofy answered in the affirmative.

The imitator is upgraded to level 4, and the "warlock mask" can imitate two 1st-level magic, one is "entanglement", and the remaining one is just used to imitate "colorful spray".

Ma Yun lent Gao Fei the spell book to copy, so that his "Mage Mask" could also learn "Colorful Jet". He walked to the Broken Bridge, looked at the Taotao River below the cliff, and fell into thought.

The energy storage of the silver high-heeled shoes has been used up, and it is no longer possible to perform "shifting" today. How to cross the river next?
"Vita is very light, you can take the rope and drift to the other side of the river." Nick the Tin Woodman proposed an idea.

Vita smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Yes, Nick, I am very light, and I am more likely to be washed downstream by the raging river, and you will never see me again."

"Compared to rafting, I thought of a... well, immature method, which may reach the other side of the river more safely."

"Be confident, Vita, and use your ingenuity boldly."

Ma Yun encourages a scarecrow who lacks confidence in her own mind.

"Miss Mage, since my body is light enough, instead of risking drifting, why don't I just fly to the other side of the river..."

Vita expressed his vision.

Ma Yun nodded approvingly: "This is indeed a good idea!"

Then, according to the scarecrow's idea, she tied a cable around his waist, and then found Jiang Feng, who was the strongest in the team.

After turning on "Rage", Jiang Feng's Berserker strength attribute increased to 24 points. He grabbed the cable, swung the scarecrow like a meteor hammer, and threw it to the other side of the river.

Vita dragged the cable, arcing through the air, and finally fell to the opposite bank.

The moment he landed, the fluffy straw in Weta's body acted as a buffer, preventing his skeleton from being damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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