Savior Simulator

Chapter 322 Lion's Charge

Chapter 322 Lion's Charge
As long as you spend a bonus action to activate "dexterous action" and execute "retreat", you can safely escape from the enemy and avoid attacks of opportunity.

Retreat to 10 feet away from the enemy, return to the carbine, and unleash a pounce for [-] round.

In the next round, continue to perform "dexterous movements" to retreat, turn around and pounce when you open the distance, and so on.

As long as the battlefield space is large enough, the tactical routine of "dexterous movement" + "pounce" can achieve miraculous effects!

After all, Dimitri was the king of the jungle who had experienced many battles. He had already mastered this set of tactics of fighting and running. Jiang Feng's advice mainly improved his self-confidence, which is what he needed most. .

Encouraged by the "motivational song", Dimitri, the Enlightenment Lion, finally plucked up his courage, roared and jumped into the cave, charging towards the weak monster closest to him.

After charging, the lion launched a "swoop", and the lion bit the weak monster's neck fiercely, and launched a "grab" to tear the prey in its mouth with a pair of strong and sharp lion claws.

Lion bites, base damage roll 2d6.

Two claws, base damage 1d6.

The special effect of "swooping" is activated, the attack damage dice of this round is doubled, one bite + two claws, the total damage dice is 8d6!

Each attack also counts towards the +6 Strength modifier, and the +2 Proficiency modifier provided by Power Attack.

This round of Dimitri's onslaught showed the majesty of the former king of beasts, causing a total of 48 points of damage to the weak monsters, killing them instantly!

"Good fight! Coward, come on!"

Ma Yun clapped and cheered excitedly!
Having won the first battle and successfully eliminated an enemy, Dimitri himself was very excited.

Relying on the defense strengthened by spells, he overcame the remaining three weak monsters for a round of counterattacks, retreated according to Jiang Feng's instructions, ran to the other side of the cave, turned around and swooped, bit another weak monster, and killed it cleanly. shredded.

After killing two bullying monsters in two rounds, Dimitri's perfect performance has secured the victory in this battle of overcoming demons.

The ensuing battle was uneventful.

Within a minute, the last two bullies also fell under the lion's sharp claws, disintegrating into foul smoke.

After killing the four weak monsters, the lion felt better, but soon found that the curse on his body was still there, and his eyes couldn't help but dim.

Ma Yun took the opportunity to invite him to join the adventure team and go to the Emerald City together, asking Master Oz to cast a spell to help him lift the curse.

Dimitri accepted her invitation without hesitation, and decided to take risks with Miss Mage until he overcomes his inner weakness and grows into a true warrior.

Successfully recruited the Cowardly Lion into the team, but Gao Fei and others did not receive the reminder to reach the milestones of this chapter. It seems that the main task of this chapter has not been completed.

Everyone left the "Nest of Fear" and continued to walk deep into the jungle along the yellow brick path.

Dimitri led the way through the jungle. In front of the adventure group was a steep cliff, and between the cliffs was a wide and turbulent river.

A single-plank bridge is erected at both ends of the cliff, forming the only way to cross the torrent.

The night was getting dark, and suddenly there was an owl-like scream from the woods near the single-plank bridge, which echoed in the moonlit night sky and was extremely ear-piercing.

"Calidas!" Dimitri looked in the direction of the scream, his face full of horror, "We'd better not go any further, so as not to alarm Calidas!"

"What does Calidas look like?"

Ma Yun asked curiously.

"It's a strong monster with a body like a brown bear and a head like an owl!" Dimitri gestured and said, "Calidas' claws are long and sharp, and can easily tear me to pieces!"

Hearing his description, Jiang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Hey! What Calidas, isn't it the owl bear!"

"Sister Feng, have you seen this kind of monster in the game?" Ma Yun asked.

"I haven't seen it in the game, but I've seen a lot in reality!"

"You said this is a big deal! Tiangong arranged for us to exercise in the game world. The main purpose is to let us familiarize ourselves with the various monsters in the high magic world. In the future, we will know how to deal with similar monsters in reality."

"But who would have thought that Gao Fei and I had already encountered owl bears when we were on duty in Jiuzhaigou, and now we have to refer to the experience in reality to deal with similar monsters in the game. Is this... putting the cart before the horse?"

After hearing Jiang Feng's complaints, Gao Fei couldn't help laughing.

"This wave is called 'art comes from life'!"

Just when the two were expressing emotion, the roar came from far to near, and four monsters with the body of a bear and the head of an owl rushed out from the forest and guarded the wooden bridge.

To persuade Owlbear to give up blocking the single-plank bridge, one needs to pass a DC15 lobbying check.

"Calidas! Your master Ivanora is dead, you are free, there is no need to keep guarding here to monitor Dimitri, get out of the way, don't block our way!"

Ma Yun shouted to the owl bears guarding the bridge.

"Did the lobbying check succeed?" Gao Fei asked her in a low voice.

Ma Yun didn't make a sound, her face full of embarrassment.


"Big failure."

"Fuck me!" Gao Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Okay, it seems that your luck today has been exhausted, and if there is a test reminder next time, don't make a move, we will take it instead."

Ma Yun only rolls 1 point on the test roll, and the consequences of a big failure are very serious.

Not only did the owl and bears ignore her persuasion, they were enraged on the contrary, roaring and pounced on the single-plank bridge, clacking and clapping, destroying the single-plank bridge in a blink of an eye.

"Good guy, it's a lot of fun now!" Gao Fei had a headache, "Even if we kill this group of crazy owl bears, how to cross the river is still a problem."

"I'll think about the issue of crossing the river later. First, I'll beat up these four foolish guys and vent my anger!" Ma Yun's face was full of murderous intent.

Gao Fei smiled helplessly when he saw that the owl bears had rushed towards him, and raised his hand to release an "entanglement technique".

The grass by the river bank was overgrown with vines, which caught the owlbear's footsteps.

Of course Gao Fei knew that the owl bears were strong, and the "entanglement technique" could not trap them for a long time, so he cleared his throat, sang "Wild Wolf disco", and tried to use "Ecstasy" together with the "entanglement technique" to control them. field.

It's a pity, I don't know whether Gao Fei's singing skills are flawed, or the "iron will" of the owl bears played a role, only two of the four owl bears were controlled by "Ecstasy", and the other two still moved forward with red eyes rush.

Ma Yun raised her hand and shot a "flaming arrow", which ignited the owl bear who rushed to the front, and black smoke rose from its fluffy feathers.

The severe pain caused by the burns strengthened Xiaoxiong's fighting spirit, and even Jiang Feng's "taunt" couldn't stop it, roaring and rushing towards Ma Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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