Savior Simulator

Chapter 316 Double Mask

Chapter 316 Double Mask

Uprightness and simplicity are indeed a virtue, but they do not conform to Gao Fei's aesthetic taste.

In fact, starting from level 4, the already complicated profession of imitator becomes more complicated, from "fancy show" all the way to the extreme rush of "super showy"!

The starting point for imitating the transformation of a fish jumping over the dragon's gate is the "double mask".


Dual Masks: Starting from level 4, a character can wear two "Magic Masks" at the same time, gaining all the abilities corresponding to the two masks!

12 magic masks, combined in pairs, there are 66 combinations in total.

There are a large part of the combination methods, which have the problem of incompatibility, which is meaningless in actual combat, and Gao Fei directly ignores them.

After excluding these incompatible combinations, Gao Fei divided the remaining combinations into categories according to the main attributes, and examined them one by one.

First, Goofy examines mask combinations that focus on "power".

There are 12 magic masks for imitators, corresponding to 12 professions.

Among them, Warrior, Berserker, Paladin, and Druid are all strength-oriented professions. Select two masks from them to combine, and set Strength as the main attribute. In fact, it is to take the greatest common divisor, which is basically compatible.

There are many examples of this.

For example, "Warrior Mask" + "Berserker Mask", the former provides "Fighting Style" and "Clearance", while the latter provides "Rage" and "Taunt", constructing an enhanced version of Berserker, the match is perfect!
"Warrior Mask" + "Paladin Mask" is also good, both offensive and defensive, and can also summon mounts to mount and charge.

The "fighting style" provided by the "warrior mask" can be superimposed with the paladin's "sacred cut", which not only gives an advantage in attack rolls, but also counts as a charm correction, maximizing the hit rate, as a trump card against high-defense enemies!

In this combination, in addition to the strength attribute, the charm attribute should not be too low.When performing attribute replacement, priority should be given to assigning higher attribute values ​​to strength and charisma, and the rest of the attributes are not so important.

The third combination of the power system, "Warrior Mask" + "Druid Mask", can be called the strongest melee configuration.

"Battle Style" chooses natural weapons, cooperates with Druid's wild transformation, turns into a bear, crocodile or killer vine, and directly turns into a "meat grinder".

"Paladin Mask" + "Druid Mask" is another style of painting, Gao Fei called it "Zoo".

First use the "Paladin Mask" to summon the bull, and then use the "Druid Mask" to turn into a bear. This wave is called the combination of the bull and the bear, and the stock market fluctuates...

The second type of combination method focuses on agility attributes.

Applicable "Magic Masks" include Rogue, Monk, Ranger, and Bard.

Thief mask + monk mask, isn't this the legendary ninja?
Rogue + ranger, a combination of "trap expert" and "survival expert", stealth + tracking, most suitable for scouting during wild adventures.

Rogue + poet, the biggest advantage of this combination is that you can sneak attack while singing.

The bard's "Ecstasy" can catch a creature that fails its Will save by surprise, just in time to launch a sneak attack.

This routine is actually the signature skill of "Sword Dancer". Gao Fei once saw Penny use it when performing secret service missions.

Monk + Ranger, both of which focus on agility and perception, can be perfectly compatible, but you need to spend some thought on weapon selection.

Rangers focus on long-range attacks, but monks are not good at using strong bows and crossbows. Only simple long-range weapons can give full play to the combat effectiveness of monks, such as short bows, light crossbows and darts (throwing knives).

Throwing knife...?
Gao Fei smiled knowingly, and found that this matching method is very suitable for the cosplay "Little Li Feidao".

Next is the "Sensing" type, which is suitable for magic masks such as priests, druids, rangers, and monks.

Priest + Druid, "God-given weapon" chooses natural weapons, combined with "wild transformation", can fight, carry and milk, in fact, it is an enhanced version of Druid.

Cleric + ranger, the essence of this combination is that the "divine-given weapon" and "enemy" are compatible, the attack roll has an advantage, and the damage is counted as double perception correction!
Priest + Monk, choose bare-handed or monk weapons for "God-given Weapon", a perfect replica of "God Fist".

Druid + ranger, similar to a rare type of ranger "beastman" - at the cost of giving up the ranger's spellcasting ability, in exchange for "wild transformation".

Druid + monk, this combination is the legendary "beast monk".

The monk's unarmed martial arts are compatible with the natural weapons of the beast form, and can also adjust the transformation form according to the environment.

For example, the high-strength "Black Wind King (Bear Monk)", the high-agility "Sun Dasheng (Monk Monkey)", the water battle becomes "Crocodile Monk", and the air battle becomes "Golden Eagle Monk"...

What is "72 changes"?

Tactical lean back.

Then there's the "charismatic" combo, which is good for warlocks, bards, warlocks, and paladins.

Warlock + poet, singing and casting spells, almost put together a complete version of the poet.

Warlock + warlock, can strengthen the warlock's fighting ability.

There is another way to play, which is to use the "magician's mask" to choose the "magic pet contract", plus the warlock's magic pet, Gao Fei can bring two magic pets by himself.

When the level is low, the magic pet is very weak and useless.

But as the level increases, more powerful magic pets can be obtained, and this routine will come in handy.

Warlock + paladin, compared with the genuine paladin, the difference is that the magic is replaced by arcane, which is closer to the arcane knight.

Poet + Warlock, a magician who can sing.

Poet + paladin, a paladin who can sing.

Warlock + paladin, this combination is amazing!
Warlocks choose "Weapon Contract" and pair it with "Holy Slash". The attack roll advantage is included in the Charisma modifier, and the damage can also be counted in the Charm modifier. In addition to the extra radiant damage converted from burning magic power, it can be called the most fierce melee combat at this stage. The combination!

Finally, there is an "intellectual type", which has nothing to say.

Among all the basic professions, only mages rely on intelligence to make a living. They don't match up with anyone, so go play by yourself...

In addition to the above-mentioned combination types divided by attributes, Gao Fei also discovered some more special matching methods.

For example, paladin + thief, at first glance, the painting style conflicts, and the attributes are not easy to match.

In fact, as long as you change your thinking, let the paladin give up the traditional power point and change to the agile route, melee long whip + long-range crossbow, you can perfectly match the thief profession.

Another advantage of this combination is that the paladin can summon a bull mount to act as a meat shield in front, and provide flanking attacks by the way.

A whip whipped over, triggering "Sneak Attack" and "Holy Slash" at the same time, and the damage was immediately maxed out!

(End of this chapter)

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