Savior Simulator

Chapter 315 Storage Gloves

Chapter 315 Storage Gloves
The long whip shining with golden magic power lashed at the ogre, tearing off a large piece of bloody flesh.

The basic damage of the whip is 1d4, the agility modifier is +4, and then counted into the 3d6 radiant damage given by "Holy Slash", Goofy's whip goes down and takes 18 points of HP from the ogre!

Just ask if you are happy? !
Gao Fei took back the long whip in satisfaction, took the time to check his magic power pool, confirmed that the reserve was sufficient, and then continued to swing the whip to perform "Holy Slash".

Accompanied by the whistling sound of breaking wind, the golden whip lashed at the ogre's body one after another, crackling and splashing blood.

When the ogre wielded a big stick and finally knocked down the bull, his life was only in single digits, and he was knocked down by Gao Fei's last whip, unable to get up again.

As Umberto expected, the gladiatorial fight in the ring lasted only 2 minutes before the winner was decided.

The audience in the audience shouted wildly, almost toppling the roof.

Gao Fei raised his hand to release the "entanglement technique", and walked towards the dying ogre, intending to end his suffering early.

At this moment, he saw the dying monster burst into tears, and let out a weak cry.

"Oh, mom... Mom... come and save me..."

Gao Fei's hand gripping the whip slowly fell down, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

He turned and walked off the ring, returned to the bar, took off his mask and asked Umberto, "Where did you find that ogre?"

Avalon is the capital of the Kingdom of Fizen, one of the most prosperous and civilized human cities in the world of Vales. Even in the lawless place of Patus Street, there is no such evil as ogres. A space where monsters openly move.

Umberto turned to look at Mario.

"We found him in the alley near the workhouse, the guy was very drunk," Mario replied in a low voice.

"When the ogre was dying, he cried 'Mom' and begged his mother to save him. What does that mean?" Goofy asked.

"Is there a female ogre hiding in our neighborhood?" Claire guessed.

"I can't say for sure." Mario scratched his head.

Umberto glanced at him displeasedly, and said coldly: "Find some brothers and find out about this matter."

"Okay boss, I'll investigate right away!"

Mario stood up and hurried out of the tavern.

The dealer who set up the gamble sent over the bets won by everyone, as well as the 500 gold coin bonus that Gao Fei won by killing the ogre. A large pile of gold coins was placed on the bar, dazzling and dizzying.

Umberto put away the bet he won, took out a pair of almost transparent gloves from the storage bag, and handed them to Gao Fei.

"You helped me win money, and this is what you deserve."

"Thank you bro!"

Gao Fei had already seen that they were a pair of "storage gloves", and took them away with a secret joy.

Jiang Feng's monk also has a pair of gloves of the same style, with its own storage space, which can store up to 20 kilograms of items, usually used to store weapons.

Gao Fei's exclusive profession "imitator", every time he switches the mask, the weapon proficiency will be changed synchronously, so he has to keep a variety of weapons.

It is too cumbersome to carry so many weapons with you.

Now with this pair of "storage gloves", Gao Fei can put spare weapons in it, and switch weapons simultaneously when switching masks, which saves trouble.

Goofy now holds a total of four weapons, including a dagger of ordinary quality, a refined rapier, a refined long whip, and a refined hand crossbow.

The combined weight of these weapons is less than 5 kilograms, which is more than enough to store them with storage gloves.

Gao Fei put on his gloves, packed his spare weapons, and then received a prompt from the system:

You have reached the story milestone of this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!

The next step is character upgrades.

Gao Fei's "imitator" has been upgraded to level 4, HP +8, and also gained an attribute point.

Considering that the "warlock mask" is the most commonly used at present, Gao Fei added attributes to charm.

If you use other "magic masks" as the main force in the future, just adjust the order of attributes.

In this upgrade, a new level 1 "imitation technique" was added.

Corresponding to the "Warlock Mask", Gao Fei can also imitate a 1st-level magic, but there is nothing in particular you want right now, so let's leave it empty.

Corresponding to the "mage mask", there are too many options for a ring of magic, such as "magic missile", "weakening ray", "foot oil", "mage armor" and "Shields" are pretty good.

It's a pity that the "imitator" can't imitate himself, otherwise he would definitely use the "warlock mask" to imitate the spells remembered by the "mage mask".

A level 4 imitator wears a "mage mask", and can memorize up to two 1st-level spells. After a little consideration, Gao Fei chose "mage armor" and "shield technique".

His positioning of the "mage mask" is very clear. He does not need to play output, and it is enough to concentrate on being a "buff machine".

When encountering a strong enemy, put on the "mage mask" first, fill up all the buffs that can be added, and then go through a wave of "Gentleman Leopard Transformation" to switch to a magic mask with stronger output.

After the mask is switched, the buff that was originally filled will still take effect as usual until the time expires, so that you can make full use of the "mage mask" for assistance.

The original version of the "imitator" profession was designed by Gao Fei himself. Later, it was modified by Tiangong's module design department and part of the original design was deleted, but the core mechanism was completely preserved, including the one that Gao Fei valued the most. Project Design - "Multiple Masks"!
Gao Fei never denied that the imitator was designed to cheat on himself.

He once said frankly at the team gathering that the comprehensive performance of "imitator" is stronger than that of "dragon warrior".

If "Dragon Warrior" is an S-level profession recognized by heaven and man, then "Imitator" is definitely worthy of an SS-level evaluation.

In fact, Gao Fei's assertion was not fully agreed by his teammates.

Including Jiang Feng, Ma Yun, Ma Tao and Qi Tian, ​​all questioned his exaggeration.

No matter from the paper data or the actual combat effect, Gao Fei, who has been promoted to level 3 "imitator", seems to be weaker than the "dragon warrior" of the same level.

After all, dragon warriors can transform into dragons from level 1, not only their strength and physique attributes have skyrocketed, but they also have powerful AOE skills like dragon breath.

On the other hand, imitators claim to be able to imitate the abilities of other professions, but the imitated abilities are either half-baked or weakened, which is a bit flashy.

Gao Fei admitted that his teammates' comments were justified.

The career of an imitator is indeed very fancy in the early stage, and you can't fight a tough battle, but starting from level 4, it will change a lot immediately!
So, is it because the imitator has changed his style since level 4, no longer taking the fancy route, and has become upright and simple, simple and efficient?
(End of this chapter)

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