Savior Simulator

Chapter 303 Reunion with Halflings

Chapter 303 Reunion with Halflings
The next morning after returning to the Tiangong base, Gao Fei entered the game world as usual and continued to advance the Berserker module.

He was about to draw Jiang Feng's monk into the team, but found that this chapter did not support the team mode.

The game plot has advanced to the second half. It stands to reason that each chapter will be more difficult than the previous chapter. Before exploring King Olaf’s tomb, you can form two teammates, but now you can’t even have one. This makes Gao Fei a little bit Accident.

Jiang Feng also found that he couldn't form a team, so he wanted to enter Gao Fei's module by "watching the battle".

At this time, Ma Yun was also online and sent letters to Gao Fei and Jiang Feng in the team channel.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! I have good news for you, my parents are finally home!"

"Wow haha! I'm finally free, I have to fight all night tonight to celebrate!"

"Without your parents watching over you, the richest man, you let yourself go, right?" Gao Fei teased, "Don't forget, your brother is still in the provincial capital, so your parents didn't let him control you? "

"Tch! Ma Tao can't even control himself, so he still cares about me?" Ma Yun sent a disdainful emoticon, "Last night he played all night by himself! Do you know what is the most annoying thing?"

"What bad thing did Brother Tao do again?" Gao Fei asked.

"His game partner, the poet girl surnamed Li, went offline temporarily for something, and told him that he would not be back in two hours, and asked Ma Tao to accompany me to play the Berserker module first, but Ma Tao pretended not to hear, and would rather Playing minesweeping by yourself and not teaming up with me, you can’t be angry!”

Ma Yun sent a red-faced angry emoticon, which fully reflected her mood at the time.

"One thing to say, your brother is indeed a bit too much." Jiang Feng smiled wryly, "I can understand seeing sex and forgetting my sister, but my partners are all offline and don't bring a sister. How can there be such a big hatred between brothers and sisters?"

"Ma Tao said that I am too stupid and have too many troubles. If I partner with me, I will be shouted and ordered around. He also slandered me as a chatterbox and chattered endlessly. He couldn't bear it. Play minesweeper, at least the ears are clean!"

Ma Yun became angrier as she spoke, and complained aggrievedly: "Brother Fei! Sister Feng! You all come to judge, Ma Tao can't stand a shy, quiet, and reticent sister like me. The problem must be his own. Body! But he never introspects, do you think he is angry or not?!"

Shy, quiet, reticent...?
Gao Fei and Jiang Feng looked at each other and fell silent.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! Why aren't you talking? Are you disconnected?"

Ma Yun sent over a lot of emoticons and emoticons, and then various funny emoticons.

"I suddenly understand Ma Tao now." Jiang Feng leaned close to Gao Fei's ear, suppressed a laugh and said in a low voice, "If I were an older brother with such an overly lively younger sister, I would also like an introverted girl like Li Jiajia. "

"Brother Tao, this can be considered a type of PTSD." Gao Fei held back a smile and said to Ma Yun, "The richest man, no matter how good your brother is, sooner or later you will become someone else's husband. You still have to rely on yourself and find a boyfriend."

"I think so too, but it's a pity that I haven't met anyone who can close my eyes. Besides, I still prefer playing games to falling in love."

Ma Yun said cheerfully.

"Wouldn't it be better for you to find a boyfriend at school and play games with you?"

Jiang Feng gave advice based on his own experience.

"Sister Feng, what you said is so light! You and Brother Fei are both in the same school, which is pure luck! There may not be a second heavenly being in our school, and besides, I can't just see a handsome guy who is pleasing to the eye. Come forward to strike up a conversation and find out if he is a heavenly being!"

Ma Yun replied depressedly.

"That's true. Thinking about it this way, I'm pretty lucky." Jiang Feng turned to look at Gao Fei with a sweet smile.

"No, no, I'm the one who is really lucky!" Gao Fei straightened his posture quickly, "If you hadn't taken the initiative to come to me, I'm afraid I haven't made a name for myself until now."

"Stop giving sugar to each other, you two don't pay for your life! Really, you two stuffed your mouth full of dog food early in the morning!"

Ma Yun complained a few words, then asked Gao Fei and Jiang Feng: "What's the arrangement for today?"

"There was a little accident on my side. I couldn't form a team in the second half of Anxi Island. You and Jiang Feng first, and each finished a chapter of the Berserker module. If there is still time, the three of us will advance "The Wizard of Oz" together. "How about Chapter 3?"

Gao Fei's proposal was approved by the two, so they started work separately.

Back at the pier of Anxi Island again, Gao Fei was without Jiang Feng's monk and Qi Tian's thief.

As for Eve and other NPC teammates, they didn't bother to inquire about the whereabouts of the two of them—"Ice Tower Warlock" Gelmier had already teleported back with General Schroeder, and was hunting them on the pier.

The road leading to the anchorage has been blocked by a group of heavily armed frost giant warriors. General Schroeder, who leads the team, still holds a "gem of true knowledge" given to him by Gelmir. Or invisibility spells, will show their original shape under the light of this gem.

Gao Fei and the others hid on the roof of the tavern, watching the movement on the pier from afar, thinking hard about how to get out.

Before they could come up with a countermeasure here, the situation turned in a worse direction.

Germil and his party searched the pier and found the brig that Gao Fei and others were boarding.

The ice tower warlock waved his hand with a sneer, and the four frost giant warriors beside him boarded the sailboat with their battle axes on their shoulders. Within 5 minutes, the bottom of the boat was pierced, and the turbulent sea water poured in.

Gao Fei and the others hid on the roof of the tavern, not daring to vent their breath, and could only watch with anger as the sailboat was destroyed by the frost giant and slowly sank into the sea.

The ship on which to leave the island has been destroyed, and the frost giant guards are searching here, and everyone is in a desperate situation.

What should I do next?
Gao Fei can transform into a dragon and fly away, and Eve can also transform into a bird to get out of trouble. However, Mu Ning, Al, and Ushi are not capable of flying, so they cannot be left alone.

When he was anxious, Gao Fei suddenly heard a whistle behind him.

Looking back, a familiar figure was standing at the top of the stairs leading to the rooftop, with his hands in his trouser pockets, smiling at himself.

"Laury!" Gao Fei looked at the halfling thief in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"I went back to the port one step earlier than you, and planned to drink two glasses of shock at the tavern. Before the wine was delivered, the frost giant broke in first, saying that he wanted to hunt down Barsaka Olaf and his henchmen. Hide in an empty wine barrel."

The halfling exaggeratedly wiped off his cold sweat, and then said: "The frost giant searched the tavern up and down, but found nothing, so he left angrily. Not long after, the four of you also came to the tavern, so I went to the tavern. Come over and say hello... Master Su and Brother Xia are alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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