Chapter 302

The four-armed orangutan only looked fierce, but he was actually a coward. After being beaten up by Jiang Feng, he knew that he couldn't offend this female villain, so he struggled to get up, and suddenly turned around and rushed towards Gao Fei, who looked more bully.

"Hey! You're carrying a lantern to the toilet, you're courting death!"

Gao Fei sneered, switched to the "druid mask", turned into a small falcon, flew away from the giant ape's fingers, and soared into the sky.

Soaring high in the sky, Gao Fei switched his sub-profession to "Dragon Warrior". The little falcon suddenly turned into a giant red dragon!
The awe-inspiring Longwei radiated down from the sky, scaring the four-armed orangutan out of its wits, and fled to the bushes in a hurry.

The red dragon swooped down, caught up with the four-armed gorilla, and breathed out a fiery breath, burning it to death in the bushes.

System prompt: Team up to kill the four-armed orangutan, and you and your teammates will each get 1150 experience points!
Gao Fei felt dark.

As expected of a challenge level 6 monster, a four-armed orangutan provided 300 more experience points than ten mutant mastiffs combined.

After landing from the sky, Gao Fei changed back to human form, and switched his sub-job back to "imitator". He used the last chance to switch the magic mask today, put on the "poet mask", and sang an "inspirational song" to himself , to eliminate the exhaustion state accumulated by continuous berserk.

Feng Xiaojun crouched in the depths of the bushes, hoping that the four-armed orangutan would take care of Gao Fei and Jiang Feng for him. However, seeing the four-armed orangutan being hanged and beaten by Jiang Feng first, and then sprayed to death by Gao Fei's incarnation of the red dragon, he felt a chill in his heart. Hurry up and run away!
Through the back door of the courtyard, there is a parking lot outside the fence.

Feng Xiaojun ran to the parking lot like a dog in the water, sweating and panting, hurriedly took out his keys, and planned to flee by car.

As soon as he ran in front of his Daben, two vans rushed over and caught him between them.

The car door opened, and a group of men in black wearing sunglasses came down, all of them looked murderous.

Feng Xiaojun spent half his life wandering in the rivers and lakes, and even spent time in prison. Looking at the demeanor of this group of uninvited guests, he knew that they must be plainclothes police officers, and his legs went limp from fright.

"Feng Xiaojun! I am Deng Ziming from the Municipal Economic Investigation Team, please come with us!" Captain Deng showed his ID.

"You are looking for Feng Xiaojun, what does Ma Zhigang have to do with me? I am an online car-hailing driver passing by here with passengers, why do you arrest me!"

Feng Xiaojun's current distressed appearance has long since lost the demeanor of a spiritual master.

However, his "suggestive aura" was still there, and he pretended to be wronged to appeal for grievances, causing several policemen to be mentally disturbed unconsciously, with confusion on their faces, and suspected that they had arrested the wrong person.

"Captain Deng, this kid doesn't look like that Master Feng, maybe we made a mistake, why don't we search in the yard?"

A policeman whispered.

"Xiao Li, why are you so confused! Don't listen to that bitch's nonsense, you won't recognize him if you take off the wig? He is Feng Xiaojun himself!"

After all, Captain Deng is an old Anan who has been tested for a long time, and his willpower is exceptionally firm, and he has not been affected by the "suggestive aura".

When the police officers had a dispute, Feng Xiaojun thought that the opportunity had come, he quietly opened the car door, and was about to get in and drive away.

At this moment, a red dragon swooped down from the sky.

With a loud sound from Duang, the red dragon's feet stepped heavily on the roof of the Mercedes-Benz, and the steel plate was immediately dented.

Feng Xiaojun in the car was thrown out by the sudden impact, fell on the concrete floor, and rolled a long way.

The surrounding policemen were also startled by the giant dragon falling from the sky, and hurriedly raised their guns to aim at the red dragon standing on the roof of the car.

Captain Deng was the first to come to his senses, and waved his hand to stop his men from firing.

"Don't mess around! That's my own... uh, my own dragon!"

Feng Xiaojun clutched his broken nose, nosebleeds dripped out between his fingers, he struggled to raise his head to look at the roof of the car, and met the eyes of the ferocious red dragon.

The supernatural Longwei followed his line of sight, which scared him so much that he peed on the spot and tried to escape, but was stopped by an eyebrow-level stick.

The eyebrow stick was pressed against Feng Xiaojun's forehead and smashed to the ground, smashing a large piece of concrete floor, which made him tremble.

"Feng Xiaojun, where else can you go!"

Jiang Nvxia leaned on the ground with a stick, her pretty face was full of evil spirits.

She wished Feng Xiaojun would resist, be charged with assaulting the police, and give away his head and experience points.

It's a pity that Captain Deng didn't give Feng Xiaojun this chance, and led the policemen to swarm him and handcuff him.

At this time, both Jiang Feng and Gao Fei received a reminder from the astrolabe:
If you successfully capture mutant criminals, you and your teammates will each receive 550 experience points as rewards!
Jiang Feng was pleasantly surprised, and said to Gao Fei who had transformed back into a human form: "It turns out that the experience points gained from catching Feng Xiaojun alive are the same as killing him, which saves trouble!"

Not long after, Feng Xiaojun's believers were also arrested by the police, including Gao Fei's cousin Yue Peng.

Gao Fei winked at Jiang Feng, and the two went to Captain Deng to intercede for Yue Peng.

"Captain Deng, my cousin is an informant of the Tiangong Special Police. Thanks to his help, Jiang Feng and I were able to sneak into the MLM den. Is this considered meritorious service?"

"In fact, Yue Peng himself was the victim of the fraud case. When we had a conflict with Feng Xiaojun, he tried to protect Gao Fei and me, and he was beaten for it!"

Jiang Feng also came to help.

"That's right! Captain Deng, even if my cousin doesn't deserve credit, at least he has worked hard! See, can you be more flexible?"

Captain Deng smiled and nodded, and said to Gao Fei: "Your cousin has indeed performed meritorious service, and he is also one of the key witnesses in this case. Take him back to the bureau for filing, and then let him go."

"That's good! Team Deng, thank you so much!"

Jiang Feng opened his satchel, took out the cigarettes he had prepared in advance, and planned to distribute them to the police officers handling the case, but was politely declined.

That afternoon, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng came to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, fished out his haggard cousin, and treated him to a barbecue at a roadside shop.

"Dapeng, the beef offal in this shop is pretty good, how about roasting two big kidneys?"

"Xiao Fei, you can order whatever else you like, forget about the things on the cow, I feel nauseous when I hear it!"

The cousin listened to Feng Xiaojun's confession at the police station, and learned that the main ingredient of the so-called spiritual practice holy water was cow urine. He rushed into the toilet and vomited all the bile.

After sipping some hot tea, my cousin asked Gao Fei: "I heard from the police that when Feng Xiaojun was arrested, a big red dragon fell from the sky and then flew away. Unfortunately, I didn't see it. Do you know this? What's going on, could it be related to the Tiangong special police that has been raging on the Internet recently?"

Gao Fei shook his head and smiled: "Maybe! I didn't see it clearly, anyway, as long as it wasn't a monster summoned by Master Feng's method."

After dinner, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng went back to the Tiangong base to report to the station master and inquire about Feng Xiaojun's fate.

"Mutants cannot be kept in ordinary prisons. After the trial, we will take over and escort them to the Tiangong Arcatraz Prison."

Yao Guang smiled, and then said to Gao Fei: "Selling counterfeit medicines, organizing pyramid schemes, attacking the police with guns, and running a cult, this Master Feng will be judged!"

(End of this chapter)

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