Savior Simulator

Chapter 298 Clean and Hygienic

Chapter 298 Clean and Hygienic

Finally, configure 3 free attributes.

Gao Fei thought about it and decided to add 1 point to strength and 2 points to agility.

In this way, his strength and agility attributes have reached 16 points, which is relatively balanced, and can be further improved with "Rage" and "Rampage".

Jiang Feng's "Tiangong Special Police" is level 6, and the main sub-profession "Shenquan Envoy" has also been upgraded to level 5.The remaining experience points are far less than that of Gao Fei, but fortunately, it is enough for her to upgrade the "Yangyan Monk" to level 2, and comprehend the three items of "Daylight Barrier", "Deflecting Missiles" and "Blast Wind Fist" are very practical Martial arts.

She added all 3 free attribute points to perception, and the three free feats are still the third of "proficient dodge", "proficient trip" and "dexterous movement".

It took 10 minutes to complete the preparations. Gao Fei put on the anti-riot uniform and coat, and put the pistol, "Thunder King's Tooth" and "Frost Star Wand" into the storage space of the astrolabe.

Jiang Feng also put on his "defensive wristband" and left the Tiangong base with him.

One minute later, the two teleported back to Gao Fei's rental house.

Not far from the door, there is a small supermarket selling tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea on the side of the road.

Jiang Feng stopped in front of the supermarket and said to Gao Fei: "This case involves your cousin, some things can be big or small...Since I have something to ask for, I'm sorry to leave it empty-handed. We'd better bring two cigarettes." Go see Captain Deng."

Gao Fei heard her implication, nodded and said: "You are still thoughtful!"

Walking into the supermarket, Gao Fei stood in front of the cigarette counter and said to the shop owner brother: "Buy two cigarettes, and I will plant a picture of a panda."

"Jiao Zi! Red box, white box, blue box or gold box?"

"I don't know how to smoke, and I don't understand these things. If I bought it as a gift, which one is better to smoke, and the grade is a little higher?"

"I usually choose a gold box as a gift, but it's a bit expensive. I smoke blue jiao, which is cheap and comfortable, but the grade is a bit low. You two look like students, and you don't look like rich people. Just two red jiao, right? "

"All right, all right!" Gao Fei readily took out the money.

Jiang Feng unpacked a cigarette, stuffed it into his satchel, and followed Gao Fei to the school gate.

When the two of them were looking around, the window of the van on the other side of the road fell down, and an uncle wearing sunglasses poked his head out, smiling and waving at them.

"Xiao Gao, Xiao Jiang, don't be nervous! You two are sneaky. If you didn't know that you are a special police officer, you would have thought you were a couple of thieves!"

Captain Deng made a joke, which made Gao Fei and Jiang Feng very embarrassed, and quickly handed cigarettes to cover up their embarrassment.

Including Captain Deng, a total of 12 plainclothes police officers were dispatched in this arrest operation. They were divided into two vans and guarded both sides of the street.

Captain Deng expressed his appreciation for Gao Fei and Jiang Feng's undercover plan, and told them to be more careful, and gave them each a button-type camera, which was pinned to their coats.

Through this small device, the police can monitor the situation inside the MLM den, and if Gao Fei and Jiang Feng encounter trouble, they can also dispatch support immediately.

After a brief chat, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng went back to school and spent time in the library.

Finally, the agreed time was reached, and the two returned to the school gate to wait for Gao Fei's cousin.

At five past nine, a brand new Audi stopped at the school gate, the door was opened, and a fat, white young man in a suit and tie with his hair brushed back got out, looking like an insurance salesman.

Gao Fei waved at him and led Jiang Feng to meet him.

"Dapeng, this is my girlfriend Jiang Feng."

"Hello, my name is Yue Peng, Cousin Gao Fei."

"Cousin's name is really domineering, but it's a pity that he's not of Yunzi generation." Jiang Feng smiled and shook hands with him.

Yue Peng froze for a moment, his face full of bewilderment, he didn't understand what Jiang Feng was playing, so he could only sneer and prevaricate: "Xiao Fei, your girlfriend is so humorous!"

Gao Fei wanted to laugh but had to suppress it, so he yawned to cover it up.

"Xiao Fei, why are you listless, didn't you sleep well last night?" Cousin looked at Gao Fei.

"When I think about going to see Master Feng today, I'm so excited that I can't sleep." Gao Fei casually said.

"Oh! Then you must have a bottle of this pick-me-up!"

Cousin got into the car, tumbling for a while, and excitedly took out a bottle of light yellow liquid with E on the label.

"Come on, Xiao Fei, drink up this bottle of holy water, and you'll feel refreshed in no time!"

Gao Fei took it, unscrewed the bottle cap and smelled it, the smell was quite strong!
I checked the text on the label, but I couldn't find the recipe, so I asked my cousin, "Dapeng, what are the ingredients of the holy water?"

"That's too much, all of them are precious medicinal materials!" Yue Peng blew a lot, and finally said mysteriously: "Among them, the most precious medicinal material is the life essence extract of Tianzhu Sacred Cow!"

"Actually, this is not the most important thing. The greatest value of holy water is that it has been consecrated by Master Feng himself, and the curative effect is doubled!"

Hearing what he said so wickedly, Gao Fei became more and more curious, so he quietly identified it with the astrolabe, and flicked his wrist, so as not to throw the holy water bottle out.

None of the precious medicinal materials mentioned by my cousin has been identified. As for the "essence extract of the holy cow of Tianzhu", it cannot be said that there is no such thing at all-if it is admitted that cow urine is also a kind of "essence".

The main ingredient in this bottle of holy water is cow urine extract.

Who can stand this? !
Gao Fei hurriedly returned the holy water bottle to his cousin, and said with a wry smile: "Dapeng, I smell a bit ashamed when I smell this holy water... no, I mean it's a bit smelly, maybe it's the unique smell of the holy cow, but unfortunately I'm not so fond of beef protein. Allergies are really unbearable."

"Allergy? No way..." My cousin was surprised.

Glancing at the holy water bottle in his hand, the bottle cap was opened. It would be too wasteful not to drink it, so he blew it directly into his mouth, drank it dry in one gulp, hiccupped and gave a thumbs up:
"Clean and hygienic, bro!"

Gao Fei stared blankly, and almost couldn't help but want to remind him that he just finished a bottle of cow urine.

The three got into the car, and Gao Fei and Jiang Feng sat side by side in the back row.

My cousin started the engine and turned on the car stereo.

"Student Xiao Ai, play a piece of "Displaced Time and Space"."

Under the cover of the music, Jiang Feng leaned over to whisper to Gao Fei.

"When cooking hot pot last night, you made beef, offal, and beef balls. You made a lot of them. Why are you suddenly allergic to beef protein?"

"I can't do without allergies!" Gao Fei revealed the truth with a wry smile, "I just used the astrolabe to identify it. The so-called holy water for spiritual cultivation is actually the main ingredient is cow urine extract. If I am not allergic... how can I be embarrassed in the future kiss you?"

"Hey?! My god! This is not a hit!" Jiang Feng was so shocked that his hometown dialect popped out, he suppressed his nausea, and said to Gao Fei: "After this mission is over, I will send your cousin there Hospital, wash your stomach."

Gao Fei sighed, and said in a complicated mood: "I originally thought that the so-called holy water for spiritual cultivation was just pouring some plain water to fool people. Now it seems that Dapeng has been wronged. Maybe this holy water is really the original product of Tianzhu Kingdom. imported."

"Then it's better to pour boiled water!" Jiang Feng said angrily, "If you want to make money, you should make money, at least don't kill yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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