Savior Simulator

Chapter 297 Undercover (for Subscription)

Chapter 297 Undercover (for Subscription)

"As I said just now, the arrest of mutants is not within the purview of the trainee special police, but considering the shortage of manpower on this site, and the fact that you are the informant, fully aware of the details of the case, and a relative is involved, I plan to Make an exception and entrust this case to you." Yao Guang's eyes fell on Gao Fei's face, "Gao Fei, are you willing to accept this task?"

Facing the expectant eyes of the stationmaster lady, Gao Fei stood up without hesitation and stood at attention, solemnly making a promise: "Stationmaster, don't worry, I promise to complete the task!"

"As expected, he is the best intern in our No. [-] station. He is responsible and courageous. He is a good seedling!" Yao Guang smiled gratifiedly.

Jiang Feng couldn't help jumping up from the sofa, and pleaded eagerly: "Station Master! It's too risky for Gao Fei to carry out the task alone, can you let me join in and help Gao Fei arrest Feng Xiaojun?"

"Of course." Yao Guang smiled and nodded.

She asked Gao Fei to bring Jiang Feng to the office, and she had already planned to let the two of them perform the task as a partner.

"Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, in addition to you two, the local police will also send people to participate in the arrest operation. I have already contacted you. Tomorrow morning, you will go to the Economic Investigation Team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to find Captain Deng. How to act, you and Lao Deng Let's discuss it."

Gao Fei nodded, and said to Yao Guang: "Station Master, I have an immature idea, and I would like your advice..."

"You don't need to circle around with me, just speak up!" Yao Guang gave him a blank look.

"Didn't my cousin be brainwashed by Feng Xiaojun? He recruited people everywhere to sell holy water for spiritual cultivation. We can use this relationship to sneak into the MLM dens and find opportunities to arrest Feng Xiaojun. As for Feng's followers and believers, they don't have extraordinary abilities. Ordinary people with high abilities can just leave it to comrades in the public security to deal with it.”

"This idea is good, you might as well give it a try." Yao Guang nodded approvingly.

Gao Fei took out his mobile phone and called his cousin. After a while, the call was connected.

"Hey! Dapeng, are you still asleep?"

"No! Xiaofei, what's the matter?"

"I've watched the video you sent. To be honest, I don't quite understand it, but I was shocked. I didn't expect there to be such a strange person as Master Feng in the world. It's my short-sightedness!"

"Haha! Xiao Fei, I didn't lie to you, did I? How about it, do you want to visit Master Feng with me and listen to his old man's teachings face to face?"

"Okay! Dapeng, there is one more thing I need your help with."

"Don't see your family members, if you have something to say, tell me!"

"My girlfriend, Jiang Feng, also watched the video you sent. She admires Master Feng very much. She wants to go to listen to his old man's lecture with me. Is it convenient for you?"

"No problem! Our business is growing and we urgently need fresh blood. The more young people we have, the better."

"Dapeng, Jiang Feng and I are so excited that we can't sleep now. See if you can make arrangements as soon as possible. It's best to see Master Feng tomorrow."

"Xiao Fei, you're lucky if you say it! It just so happens that tomorrow morning there will be a Fa conference, and Master Feng will give a lecture in person."

"Great! What time is it tomorrow?"

"Master Feng starts teaching at ten o'clock sharp. You and Xiao Jiang are waiting at the school gate at nine o'clock sharp. I will pick you up by car."

"Okay, that's it, see you tomorrow!"

Gao Fei hung up the phone and looked at Yao Guang.

The stationmaster lady nodded with a smile and praised him for his good acting skills.

"Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, I will open a magic power line for you now, so that you can awaken your sub-professions at any time during the mission. In addition, considering Feng Xiaojun is good at hypnosis, I have to bless you with protective spells in advance to avoid being hypnotized by him."

Yao Guang walked up to the two of them and patted them lightly on the shoulder.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng immediately received a reminder from the astrolabe:

"Magic Line" has been opened for you!
You can draw energy from the labyrinth at any time and activate the "awakening" mode!
You are protected by the 8-level spell "Mind Barrier", and within 24 hours, you are immune to all negative mind effects below the legend!

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng bid farewell to Yaoguang and slept in the Tiangong dormitory that night.

In the early morning of the next day, the two got up early, had a hurried breakfast, and called Captain Deng of the Economic Investigation Team as agreed last night.

"Hello? Captain Deng, I'm flying high! Yes, Tiangong trainee special police."

"Yes, I also have a partner named Jiang Feng. It is now 6:10. We made an appointment with the informant at the school gate at 9:[-] and drove to Longquan Villa where the MLM den is located... When will we go to the police station? Is it appropriate to report?"

"Did you bring someone over to guard? What time is it?"

"Isn't it? It's already at the school gate!"

Gao Fei was taken aback, and subconsciously turned his head to look out the window. Then he remembered that this was the Tiangong base, and laughed to himself that he was too nervous.

"No... Team Deng, aren't your brothers from the Economic Investigation Team too dedicated? The genius is Meng Mengliang, is it necessary to dispatch so early?"

"Haha! Xiao Gao, it's still early? Investigating the case is not a joke. Considering that the suspect is likely to have counter-investigation capabilities, it's normal to stay on guard all night. It's always right to be more careful."

There was a hearty laugh on the phone.

"Professionals are different!" Gao Fei really admired him, "Captain Deng, Jiang Feng and I will go over to meet you right away. Would you like to bring a breakfast for the comrades by the way?"

"Thank you for your kindness, don't bother, we carry dry food and water with us, just make do with it, just fill our stomachs." Captain Deng laughed.

"Okay then, see you later."

Gao Fei hung up the phone and said to Jiang Feng: "The police uncles are already standing guard at the school gate, let's hurry up and deploy the equipment, sub-professions, free attributes and specialties!"

"OK!" Jiang Feng opened the suitcase, took out the magic crystal pistol and the enchanted eyebrow stick, and stored them in the storage space of the astrolabe.

When Gao Fei was performing special missions in Jiuzhaigou, he saved 9200 experience points and was unwilling to use them. Considering the danger of going undercover in an MLM den, he decided to spend a huge amount of money on 900 experience points and make his sub-profession "imitator" Advance to level 3 to match your level in the game.

Gao Fei's main profession "Tiangong Special Police" has been upgraded to level 7, plus two main sub-professions, level 4 "Dragon Warrior" and level 3 "Imitator", should be enough.

Next configure 4 free specialties.

Gao Fei opened his list of free specialties and selected four of them, namely "Perseverance", "Powerful Attack", "Proficient in Rush" and "Rampage" which he got only yesterday.

This time, Feng Xiaojun, the target of arrest, is good at hypnotic ability, which is equivalent to the "confusion control" spell caster in the game. His own combat power is not strong, so Gao Fei doesn't need to prepare the "Standing Standing" specialty chain, freeing up It is more cost-effective to give specialties such as "Powerful Attack" and "Rampage" that directly improve combat effectiveness.

Of course, "Perseverance" and "Proficient in Rush" still have to be brought. The former can improve the endurance of "Frenzy", while the latter is related to Goofy's core tactics.

(End of this chapter)

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