Savior Simulator

Chapter 287 Holy Axe Hall

Chapter 287 Holy Axe Hall

The "Brood Will" of the deathly holy beetle cluster has 6 points of intelligence, which is quite smart.Realizing that the situation was not good, he quickly issued a mental command, urging all the beetles to stay away from the war figurines covered in electric discharges.

Joseph Cooper manipulated the warforged's mechanical arm, took off the flamethrower on his back, aimed the nozzle at the area where the beetles gathered, thought for a while, shook his head, and put the flamethrower back.

Gao Fei was not surprised by his actions.

Judging from the monster illustrated book provided by the astrolabe, the death holy beetle cluster has 30 points of fire resistance.

The flamethrower of the warforged is only as powerful as the 1st-level spell "Burning Hand". Each time it erupts, it will cause 15d5 points of fire damage to the target within a 6-foot cone area, and it is almost impossible to penetrate the fire resistance of the dead holy beetle swarm .

In addition to the flamethrower, the warforged also has an external weapon, which is the +1 electric shock hammer on the shoulder.

Joseph Cooper manipulated the warforged with hammers in both hands, and smashed them hard to the ground.

The large warhammer thumped heavily on the floor, and sparks of sparks flew all around, affecting the beetles within ten feet, either being shattered on the spot or scorched by the high-voltage arc.

The frightened swarm fled in all directions.

The dwarf drove the warforged to catch up, stomped his feet violently, and large pieces of the stone floor shattered.

Where the giant steel feet of the warforged trampled, a powerful shock wave spread to all directions, sending tiny beetles into the air.

Group creatures are not afraid of single attack, but they will also suffer double damage when facing group attack.

The electric hammer and trampling of the warforged are large-scale group attacks for beetle swarms, and a large area will be killed if they get hit.

Joseph Cooper drove the warforged to chase the swarm, killing the insects and smashing the six clay pots where the swarm lived.

When the last clay pot was smashed by the sledgehammer, the remaining beetles in the hall stopped crawling and disintegrated into wisps of black smoke, which disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Haha! Easy to handle!"

The dwarf opened the cabin, jumped down first, fell to the ground with a bang, got up quickly, and straightened the horn helmet.

Hearing the laughter behind him, Joseph Cooper's old face flushed with embarrassment, and he turned around and punched the young man in the cabin angrily: "Smile! Get out of here quickly! We have to fight before the frost giant catches up Get the holy axe, and run away from this damned tomb!"

Goofy jumped out of the cabin and said to the dwarf: "Uncle Joseph, after this adventure is over, we plan to take a boat back to the New World. Anyway, it doesn't make sense for you to stay on the island, why not come with us."

The dwarf hesitated for a moment, facing the sincere eyes of the barbarian prince, finally made up his mind and nodded heavily.

"Okay! We've taken away the ashes of that old ghost, Karl Olaf, and the holy ax is no longer here. Why should I waste my time on this small broken island!"

"I'll go on the boat with you after I leave An'an Island! Speaking of which, I have several cousins ​​who live in a place called Nidaville in the New World, and I happened to drop by to visit relatives!"

Touching his beard, Joseph Cooper imagined the future, his eyes full of longing, and he seemed to be a hundred years younger.

Although he had already obtained the consent of the dwarf uncle, Gao Fei did not receive the system notification that he officially joined the adventure team. He shook his head in puzzlement, put aside this question for the time being, and hurried to the altar.

As soon as he got close to the glowing spherical shield, Gao Fei was blocked by an invisible force.

"Boy! To open the enchantment of the altar, you need your blood and the spell on the jade disc." The dwarf reminded loudly.

Gao Fei took the dagger that Qi Tian handed over, pierced his finger, poured blood on the altar, and then recited the incantation engraved on the jade disc aloud.

The enchantment surrounding the altar resonated with the spell echoing in the air, and after two tremors, it was quietly dispelled, opening the way to the altar.

Gao Fei heaved a sigh of relief, and most of them stepped onto the altar, holding the giant axe in both hands.

After walking in, he looked at the holy axe, and found that the handle and blade of the axe were forged from fine gold, and they weighed heavily on his hand. If his berserker hadn't been strong enough, he wouldn't be able to hold it.

Fine gold is the hardest natural metal in the game world. At first glance, it looks as black as carbon, but if you look closely at the light source, you will find a beautiful deep blue luster in the black.

As for the dark golden magic aura I saw before, it has nothing to do with the material of the holy axe, it only shows that it is a magic tool of the divine level.

According to the legend passed down from generation to generation by the Olaf tribe, this artifact should have a +10 enchantment level, as well as a bunch of powerful special abilities.

Gao Fei used the astrolabe to identify it, but found that it was just a "+4 fine gold beheading giant axe".

If the owner belongs to the "non-evil alignment", he can also get the following additional benefits from the holy axe:
·Strength attribute +4
·Damage Reduction Armor 5/Adamantine
Advantage on attack rolls against evil creatures

·Advantage on saving throws against cold magic and supernatural forces.

Judging from the performance of the weapon alone, it is absolutely powerful, but considering the aggressiveness of the artifact, and comparing the various legends about Olaf's holy ax in seems a bit untrue.

However, Gao Fei quickly adjusted his mentality, knowing that the currently identified attributes did not represent the true power of the holy axe.

Because he just got the Holy Axe, and he hasn't had time to tune yet!
The true power of this artifact will not be fully revealed until the synchronization is completed in the future.

So what is the synchronous requirement of the holy axe?
How many orders of coherence can be performed at most?
Out of curiosity, Gao Fei was about to continue appraising the holy axe when he suddenly sensed an unusually strong wave of magic power!

Looking up subconsciously, I saw a dark cave opening in the midair above the altar!

Behind the cave, it seems to lead to a mysterious demiplane.

"That's...'Magic Rope'?!"

Among the people present, only the mage Joseph Cooper recognized the essence of the black cave, and immediately changed his face, and hurriedly warned the young people beside him.

"Silly boy, run!"

But it was too late.

Several figures appeared at the entrance of the demiplane created by the "Magic Rope Technique". The first to jump out were two fully armed frost giant warriors, followed by General Schroeder, and the last one who flew down was the "Ice Tower" Warlock" Gelmir.

"Basaka Olaf, why are you here? I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

There was a playful smile on the corner of Germel's lips.

"Thank you for helping me untie the enchantment of the altar, thank you for your hard work, return the holy ax to me now."

"Return your MMP!"

Gao Fei couldn't help but swear.

He admitted that he had underestimated the cunning of the Ice Tower Warlock, and had ambushed here in advance to put himself on the same side, but he couldn't stand the other party's naked shamelessness and arrogance.

"Your holy ax? Thank you for your kindness!"

(End of this chapter)

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