Savior Simulator

Chapter 286 Death Sacred Beetle

Chapter 286 Death Sacred Beetle

"Uncle... your so-called 'design standard', shouldn't you use the dwarf's body shape as the standard?" Qi Tian guessed.

"Isn't it okay to use the stature of a dwarf as a standard?" Joseph Cooper asked confidently, "You humans are a little bit taller than a dwarf, but this is not a very serious defect, such as your boy, Folding the body in half is almost as wide as mine, so the space it occupies is not as big as mine!"

"Uncle! How can you compare like this..." Qi Tian couldn't laugh or cry.

Gao Fei also felt that it was a bit cramped with eight people in the cabin, but considering that Jiang Feng and Eve were forced to cling to his arms, sitting and hugging each other, he didn't complain.

"Uncle, this mech doesn't run very fast. We can keep up on foot. Why do we have to squeeze in the cabin like a duck on a hanging stove?" Qi Tian asked resentfully.

"What do you mean by 'hanging oven roast duck'? Your little devil's analogy is amazing!" The dwarf said without looking back, "As for why you have to take the warrior to travel, you will know later."

The warriors rushed all the way, and within half an hour they arrived at a stone room in the deepest part of King Olaf's tomb, which was also the hall where the holy ax was enshrined.

"Sit tight, I'm going to rush in!"

Joseph Cooper slammed down a lever, manipulating the warforged to rush towards the Hall of the Holy Axe, and forced the door open with a bang.

"Uncle Joseph! Don't be so reckless!" Gao Fei hurriedly reminded the dwarf, "There are swarms of dead holy beetles guarding the Holy Axe Hall. If you force your way in, you are going to kill yourself. This is what you specially marked on the tomb passage map. matter!"

"I know, that's why I told you to stay in the cabin obediently, don't go out and run around! If you are surrounded by the holy death beetles, you will be gnawed to the bones in minutes!"

The dwarf cast a spell, and the bulkhead opposite the bridge glowed with magic, gradually becoming transparent, like a glass wall.

Through this luminous transparent bulkhead, Gao Fei and others can clearly see the scene outside the cabin.

The interior layout of the Holy Ax Hall is similar to King Olaf's bedroom.

A marble altar was built in the center of the hexagonal hall, and on the altar was a huge ax that glowed with dark gold.

If you observe carefully, you will find that a hemispherical luminous shield is buckled upside down on the altar, like a large translucent bowl, which must be a barrier protecting the holy axe.

Just as Gao Fei was concentrating on observing the holy axe, there was a sudden rustling sound outside the cabin.

Turning his head to look at the place where the strange sound came from, he saw a red pottery pot half as tall as a person placed in the corner of the hall.

None of the six pots were sealed, as if they were disturbed by outsiders. Countless black beetles the size of an adult's thumb were swarming out of the pots and gathered on the floor of the hall, like a wriggling black carpet!

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, and his body got goose bumps.

After calming down for a while, I opened the astrolabe to check the information of this group of death beetles.

Obviously, this is a swarm creature.

But unlike the mutated rat swarms and piranha swarms that Gao Fei had seen before, the Deathly Sacred Beetle also had the characteristics of "undead creatures".

These shiny black beetles were sacrificed as early as the day King Olaf was buried, fed with special alchemy potions, and then sealed in clay pots with insect wax.

The beetle in the clay pot can't breathe, and will be suffocated to death after a while, and the soul can't leave the body. Under the joint action of magic and alchemy potions, it will be transformed into tiny undead creatures, forming clusters, and giving birth to the "brood will" .

Over time, the insect wax sealing the clay pot decomposes on its own, and the insect swarms in the pot are freed.

However, at this time, the swarm had transformed into something similar to the "earthbound spirit", unable to stay away from the place where it was sacrificed, that is, the underground tomb where the holy ax was stored.

Tens of thousands of resentful spirits of the holy beetle gather together, forming a super-large cluster with 9 challenge levels, full of resentment towards living species, any intruders will be ruthlessly besieged by them, until the last bit of flesh and blood is eaten Eat clean.

In the past 200 years of history, the tomb of King Olaf has been coveted by tomb gangs many times, and several strong teams among them finally arrived at the Holy Ax Hall.

However, this was the end of their adventures. Except for a very few lucky escapers, they were all gnawed clean by the death beetle swarms, not even a single bone remained.

Seeing the black swarm of insects sweeping over, climbing up the legs of the war figurines, and scurrying around on the screen in the cabin, except for Joseph Cooper who remained calm, the other passengers in the cabin couldn't help but get nervous.

"Uncle, will the beetle crawl in through the gap in the cabin?" Jiang Feng asked worriedly.

"Haha! With the precise design and manufacture of the war figurines by myself, where can there be any gaps to drill? Even if it sinks into the sea, there will not be a drop of water seeping in!"

The dwarf stroked his beard, looking confident.

"If the cabin is completely sealed, how can we not feel bored after staying in it for so long?" Qi Tian asked inexplicably.

"Of course it's because there is an air supply device in the cabin, which can provide at least eight people with fresh air for eight hours a day." The dwarf replied with a smile.

"Uncle, you are so thoughtful!" Jiang Feng admired.

"Haha! It's nothing, it's just a professional habit."

At this time, more and more beetles crawled onto the war-figured body, unable to find a gap to get into the cabin, they frantically gnawed on the war-figured shell, making a teeth-piercing rustling sound.

"The steel plate that casts the warforged shell is very thick, so it shouldn't be bitten by beetles, right?" Gao Fei asked the dwarf.

"Hmm... It's not a big problem for the time being, but if the delay is too long, some weak parts of the body, such as joints, may still be bitten by these crazy beetles."

The dwarf smiled and reassured the young man beside him.

"Don't worry, I have already considered this situation, that's why I asked you to help hunt the green-footed dragon snake, use the lungs of the green-footed dragon snake as an energy storage battery, and install an offensive and defensive discharge device on the warriors. "

As he spoke, he found a button with a lightning icon on the bridge, pressed it, and then pushed up the blue lever next to the button.

There was a buzzing sound in the engine room, indicating that the high-voltage current had been connected. Countless tiny electric snakes scurried across the surface of the metal shell of the warrior warrior, scorching all the beetles clinging to the shell in an instant, and falling down like raindrops.

"Wow! This move is so powerful!" After admiring Qi Tian, ​​he showed uneasiness: "Uncle, we won't be electrocuted, will we?"

The dwarf looked back at him with disgust on his face: "You are the only one who talks too much! There is an insulating compartment in the cabin, and an anti-electric barrier is added. Don't worry, there will be no electricity leakage!"

(End of this chapter)

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