Savior Simulator

Chapter 276 The Frost Giant Attacks

Chapter 276 The Frost Giant Attacks

Eve transformed into a "crawler" form, gained level 11 natural defense, increased her strength to 23 points, threw out two thick and long vines, and tightly entangled the only two skeleton tauren remaining in the tomb hall, sending out Dragging hard, the huge bone frame lost its balance, and fell on its back with two bang bang bangs.

Al and Ush took the opportunity to transform into a black bear form, and pounced on the skeleton tauren trapped by vines.

Mu Ning also bit the cow's leg bone and tripped with all his strength, tripping a skeleton tauren who was about to stand up again.

Jiang Feng turned around and shot "Scorching Radiance" to help Mu Ning kill the skeleton tauren.The last skeleton was also shattered by Al and Ush together.

The battle lasted only 2 minutes, and the four seemingly ferocious skeleton tauren were all destroyed by Gao Fei and others.

At the same time, Qi Tian also successfully opened the sarcophagus, took off the clay pot filled with poisonous gas fixed inside the coffin lid, and carefully stuffed it into the astrolabe storage space.

Gao Fei walked to the open sarcophagus, and saw a dry corpse lying quietly in the coffin. According to the traditional custom of the Asa people, a golden mask was placed on his face when he was buried.

The gorgeous outer robe on the corpse was weathered as soon as it came into contact with the air, and it became shredded and fell off, revealing the bronze breastplate worn next to the body.

The muscles of King Olaf's corpse had shriveled and shriveled, making the breastplate seem too large to fit.

The hands that turned into dry bones were crossed and stacked in front of the chest. Through the gap between the fingers, a jade stone was faintly visible, reflecting a pale brilliance under the illumination of the "floating ball".

Gao Fei bowed deeply to the bones in the coffin again, then gently moved his hands away from the bones, and took out the round jade slice under his palms.

On the flawless jade disc, engraved with a circle of ancient Asa characters, and painted red with cinnabar, it is very conspicuous.

The Berserker character Goofy possessed, Barsaka Olaf, is an illiterate person, not to mention ancient Chinese, even today's commonly used characters, he can't recognize a few.

Fortunately, beside him was the knowledgeable Eve Valli.

The Druid girl was also from the Asa tribe. She has a certain amount of research on the history and ancient texts of the tribe, and has collected a lot of ancient documents. After reading the words carved on the jade bi, she read them out softly.

At the same time, Gao Fei received a notification from the system that he had completed the first phase of the task of exploring King Olaf's tomb - to obtain the "key" to open the seal of the "Holy Ax Hall", that is, the piece of jade.

Gao Fei memorized the ancient text read by Eve in his heart, and then put the jade into his pocket. The next thing he had to do was to leave the tomb from the exit, go to the Holy Ax Hall located in the deepest part of the Great Pyramid, and retrieve the sacred weapon, the Holy Axe.

"Xiao Tian, ​​go and open the exit gate of the tomb."

"Good fly brother!"

Qi Tian walked to the opposite stone door, just about to pry open the door, suddenly his expression changed, and he dodged to hide in the shadow beside the door, at the same time he gestured to Gao Fei and others to remind everyone to be alert.

Gao Fei also heard that there seemed to be movement outside the opposite door, and quickly grasped the battle ax to prepare for the battle.

Jiang Feng and the others couldn't help but hold their breath, waiting in full force.

In the silent tomb, the atmosphere became unprecedentedly tense.

Across a stone gate, Gao Fei vaguely heard the sound of arguing.

"Damn halfling! Are you a thief? It takes so much trouble to open a door!"

"Oh, my dear Your Excellency General! It's not difficult to open this stone gate, but I'm worried that there are monsters hidden behind the stone gate, such as the will-o'-the-wisps that popped up just now, which almost scared me to death!"

"Ha! Halfling, your guts are smaller than your size. I can't stand your procrastination. Go away and watch me!"

"As you please! Your Excellency! If you screw up, don't blame me!"

The halfling complained helplessly through the crack of the door.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden roar from behind the stone door, and a large crack appeared on the door panel, as if it had just been hit by a battering hammer.

After three loud bangs, the heavy stone gate was overwhelmed and finally collapsed, turning into a pile of broken stones, and the dust scattered into the air.

"Cough cough cough..."

There was a coughing sound from behind the broken door.

Across the smoke and dust, several figures could be vaguely seen swaying at the door. Four of them were particularly tall and burly, nearly five meters tall, followed by a small man who was only one meter tall at full strength, forming a strong contrast.

Four big men took the lead through the smoke and dust, walked into the tomb on the gravel, and appeared in the sight of Gao Fei and the others, all wearing refined chain armor and horn helmets decorated with feathers, holding large warhammers with their muscular arms .

These four giant warriors, with skin as pale as frost, light blue eyes and disheveled hair, showed the distinctive features of frost giants.

The four frost giants swaggered into the tomb, and when they saw Gao Fei and the others on the opposite side, they froze there, their faces full of astonishment.

"Huh? Where did you guys come from?"

Behind the frost giants came a shrill voice.

The halfling thief in leather armor stared wide-eyed, looking at Gao Fei and the others curiously, as if he suddenly thought of something, his face became a little weird, but he hesitated to speak.

In the tomb, before the frost giants came back to their senses, Jiang Feng made the first move and successfully launched a surprise attack!
Yang Yan's palm slammed towards the door, his true energy turned into golden waves and enveloped the four frost giants, and the burst of strong light instantly blinded the eyes of the first two.

Almost at the same time, Qi Tian raised his gun and fired, emptying the magazine in one breath, and evenly distributed the six bullets on the two temporarily blinded frost giants.

A creature in a state of blindness cannot distinguish the direction of a long-range attack through vision, which is equivalent to being caught off guard.

Rogues can bring in the special effect of "sneak attack" when attacking creatures that are caught off guard, including long-range attacks within the field of vision.

Qi Tian's revolver, the base damage roll is 2d6, counted as 4d6 sneak attack damage, +6 agility modifier, and the feat "weapon proficiency" can also make the proficiency modifier count towards the damage bonus of agility weapons.

Each bullet hit the frost giant, causing an average of 30 points of piercing damage. Three shots in a row, the damage approached three digits, directly hitting the two blind frost giants to the brink of death.

At the same time, Gao Fei had turned on his berserk, transformed into a red dragon form, and sprayed a cone-shaped flame at the four frost giants crowded at the door of the tomb.

The breath of the red dragon is of fire attribute, the base damage is 10d6, and the damage to the frost giant of the cold subspecies is doubled.

Gao Fei sprayed out the flaming dragon's breath, and the two frost giants who were first hit by Yang Yan Palm and then severely injured by Qi Tian's guns rushed to the street on the spot.The other two frost giants were also badly injured, and escaped in time, luckily saving their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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