Savior Simulator

Chapter 275 Chain Traps

Chapter 275 Chain Traps
Goofy smiled at King Olaf on the mural, turned his eyes to the other side, and soon noticed that apart from the entrance and exit, there was a niche in the center of the other six walls in the octagonal hall.

In each alcove, stood a giant skeleton wearing a bronze armor and holding a shining giant axe!

Out of curiosity, Gao Fei remotely controlled the "floating ball" and flew to one of the skeleton giants, observing carefully with the light.

The skeleton giant is about nine feet tall from head to toe. The skull is not shaped like a human, but like a bull's head, with a pair of thick and sharp horns extending from its forehead.

It can be seen that the six skeletons displayed in the alcove were all tauren during their lifetime.

These fully armed skeleton tauren, in the same posture, stood at attention facing the sarcophagus placed in the center of the hall and saluted.

Gao Fei turned around and looked at the center of the hall. On the circular platform made of marble, there was a pitch-black coffin, which seemed to be polished from a single huge piece of obsidian, and complex magic runes were carved on the surface of the coffin.

Directly opposite the platform where the coffins were displayed stood a marble obelisk, which looked like a tombstone, but without an epitaph.

Gao Fei walked up to the obelisk, stood at attention and bowed.

The so-called "role-playing game" is the most basic quality to try to substitute the role you play.

As a direct descendant of King Olaf, Gao Fei felt the need to pay respect to his ancestors.

The moment he bowed, the obelisk suddenly glowed softly, and the four-line epitaph resembling a poem appeared from the stone tablet:

Here sleeps the noble king,
Holy Karl Olaf,

Guardian of the Asa people,
May he never be forgotten!


Jiang Feng, Qi Tian, ​​Eve and others also came to the tombstone and bowed in respect.

After a while, the luminous characters on the obelisk slowly disappeared and fell silent.

"Brother Fei, what should we do next?" Qi Tian asked.

Gao Fei unfolded the tomb map in his hand, looked at it, and said in a low voice: "According to Uncle Joseph, King Olaf's body was lying in the sarcophagus, but the holy ax was not buried beside King Olaf."

"We must first open the sarcophagus and get a runestone from King Olaf's body. The runestone is engraved with the password to open the gate of the 'Holy Ax Hall'."

"After entering the Holy Axe Hall, you must use runestones to match the blood of Olaf's royal family heir, in order to obtain the sacred weapon, the Holy Axe."

"Understood, shall we open the coffin now?"

"Don't worry, in order to prevent tomb robbers from destroying King Olaf's body, there is a trap inside the sarcophagus. Once the trap is triggered, the tomb door will automatically close, and at the same time, strong poisonous gas will be emitted from the sarcophagus."

"According to Uncle Joseph, this poisonous gas trap was designed by his father himself. It is equivalent to the 5th level 'Death Cloud'. Every time he stays in a place filled with poisonous gas for one round, he will suffer 5d6 points of poison damage. Even if he passes the Fortitude save, It will also take half the damage."

Gao Fei put away the map of the tomb passage, his face became extremely serious.

"Not only that, when the poisonous gas starts to erupt, the six skeleton tauren in the alcove of the tomb will also wake up, come out and wield a huge ax to slaughter the intruders trapped by the poisonous gas."

"The challenge level of the skeleton tauren is level 5. It has all the fighting skills in life, and the undead creatures are immune to poison damage. They also have the ability of blind sight, and their vision is not blocked by poisonous clouds. Fighting in this environment is not good for us. "

"So, if we don't want to get into a hard fight, we'd better try to disarm the trap first?" Qi Tian asked.

"It's very difficult to disarm the trap, and even if you do it, you can only stop the poisonous gas from erupting, and wake up the skeleton tauren guarding the coffin." Gao Fei replied.

"As long as there is no poisonous gas in the way, the six skeleton tauren are not difficult to deal with," Jiang Feng interrupted.

Her Yang Yanzong martial arts are the most suitable for dealing with undead creatures. If Qi Tian can successfully dismantle the poison gas trap, she can deal with all the skeleton tauren by herself.

Qi Tian touched his pocket and took out a bottle of green potion.

"I have a bottle of anti-poison potion here. After taking it, it can temporarily resist toxins. The problem is that there is only one bottle..."

"One bottle is enough." Goofy said thoughtfully, "Drink the potion right away, and then try to dismantle the poison gas trap. I have the 'adaptation necklace', and you can avoid inhaling poison gas by holding your breath. Eve can become Overgrown monsters, supernatural plants are naturally immune to toxins, and Jiang Feng's 'qi therapy' can also be used to detoxify, as for the others, for safety's sake, it's better to leave the tomb first."

No one objected to his arrangement, and they acted on their own.

Qi Tian drank the anti-virus potion, walked to the coffin, and found that the DC for dismantling the trap was as high as 24. Even a skilled thief like him was not fully sure.

"No way, I can only try my luck."

Qi Tian took a deep breath and began to disassemble the trap.

The thief's professional ability "Trap Expert" allows him to take the double roll of the dexterity check when dismantling the trap, which counts as a double proficiency modifier.

Qi Tian's dexterous skill +12, two 20-sided dice, as long as any one rolls more than 11 points, he can succeed.

Gao Fei held his breath and stared at the team channel.

When Qi Tian starts to dismantle the trap, the relevant test roll data will be displayed in the channel.

Two 20-sided dice are rolled, the first with an 18 and the second with a 19.

"Wori! Awesome, Xiaotian, this luck is no one else!"

Gao Fei couldn't help being shocked by Qi Tian's dice luck.

Qi Tian smiled, pretending to be relaxed and said: "It's not bad, at least it didn't mess up."

He had successfully disarmed the trap, but he was still squatting in front of the coffin and continued to work, trying to completely dismantle the device full of poisonous gas and recycle it.

"Brother Fei, Sister Feng! I still have some work to do here, and those bull-headed skeletons are left to you!"

At the same time when the trap was lifted, the six skeleton tauren displayed in the alcove were also collectively awakened, pale soul fires lit up in their eye sockets, they strode out of the alcove, held up their battle ax, and launched a siege to everyone in the tomb .

"Xiao Niu Niu, don't be so irritable, lie down obediently for me!"

Gao Fei turned on "Rage", and his power attribute soared to 26. He stomped his feet against the four skeleton tauren who came up from the siege, and launched "Earth Shock"!
"Earth Shock" combined with "Proficient Impact" stimulated a strong shock wave, which swept across the floor of the tomb, instantly knocking all four skeleton tauren to the ground, cracking their bones.

Jiang Feng seized the opportunity to take a big step forward, picked the most ideal angle, blasted out the Yang Yan Palm, and the golden air wave blasted across the air, drowning all the four skeleton tauren on the opposite side who hadn't had time to get up. Turned into broken bones everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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