Savior Simulator

Chapter 258 1 sword spike

Chapter 258 One-shot kill
Must fight fast!

The question is, how do you deal the most damage to the carrion bugs in a short amount of time?

Relying on the "warlock mask" is definitely not enough, Gao Fei subconsciously grasped the hilt of the sword.

In the low-level stage, the explosive power of spellcasting occupations to output damage is far inferior to that of melee occupations.

Gao Fei can still switch masks once today. Among the twelve professions corresponding to the twelve magic masks, which one has the highest damage output?


Gao Fei's current strength attribute configuration is very low, only a pitiful 10, and the 4 points of strength attribute increased by "Rage" will not help.

What about thieves?
If Simba is not poisoned and paralyzed, he can provide Goofy with a pincer attack, cooperate with the "thief mask" to launch a sneak attack, and cause an additional 1d6 damage.

It's a pity that Simba can't move now, even if Gao Fei puts on the "thief mask", he may not be able to deal sneak attack damage.

Is there a better option?

Gao Fei's thinking was running at a high speed, and he deduced various feasible tactics.

For example, switch to "Ranger Mask" and choose "Strangeness" belonging to the scavengers as the first enemy. The attack has an advantage, and the damage is counted as +2 perception correction. The advantage is that the hit rate is higher than that of the thief, and the expected damage is slightly reduced.

No, there are better options than the Ranger!

Gao Fei suddenly remembered something, and decisively switched the "warlock mask" to "warlock mask", and "magic contract" chose "weapon contract (rapier)"!

Weapon contract: The wizard chooses a weapon, injects magic power, and concludes a contract.Attacks with this weapon have advantage, and the damage is added to the Charisma modifier.Covenant weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of resisting damage-reducing armor.


The "contract weapon" of the warlock is similar to the "enemy" ability of the ranger, the difference is that the damage of "enemy" is counted as a perception modifier, and the "contract weapon" is counted as a charisma modifier.

Gao Fei's current charm attribute is 18, and his perception attribute is only 14. Of course, the "contract weapon" is more powerful!

After switching masks, Gao Fei drew out his rapier, and by the way, selected a "hide" from the list of professional skills of the magician, quietly sneaked behind the scavengers, and stabbed with his sword!
A flash of cold light triggers a critical strike!

Be calm and calm, don't do basic exercises 6.

After all, the rapier is a weapon known for its high critical strike rate, with a 15% critical strike rate, it is completely normal to trigger it once in a while.

The basic damage of the rapier is 1d6, Goofy's agility modifier +4, "contract weapon" plus 4 charm modifiers, and finally counted into the double damage of the critical strike. A big bug with residual blood!

The scavengers slumped on the ground, and the tentacles that were originally wrapped around Simba's body fell off.

After getting rid of the shackles, Simba quickly recovered from the paralysis. His big, furry head rubbed against Gao Fei's body affectionately, expressing his gratitude.

Claire and Mario teamed up to kill another scavenging insect. As soon as they ran over to help Gao Fei, they saw him kill the scavenging insect with a sword.
The same question lingered in the minds of Claire and Mario:

This kid was just a warlock, but in a blink of an eye he started playing with a sword again. What kind of profession is he? !
"What is my occupation?"

Facing the doubts from Claire and Mario, Gao Fei selectively told the truth.

"My extraordinary profession is 'imitator', which can imitate some abilities of other professions, such as spells."

"I see! No wonder your kid also knows the 'Whip of Thorns' and 'Flash', so they imitated it from Claire!" Mario suddenly realized.

"Musk, can you really imitate my spells?" Claire still couldn't believe it.

"Yes, Miss Claire, but my professional level is too low, I can only imitate ring 0... No, wait a minute!"

Before Gao Fei finished speaking, he received a system notification telling him that he had reached the milestone of this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1, the imitator profession was upgraded to level 3, and he also got a 1st ring "imitation skill"!
"Sister Claire, let me correct you. In fact, besides 0-ring magic, I can also imitate a 1-ring magic. If you don't believe me, you can verify it on the spot."

"Hey! It's getting more and more interesting!" Claire became interested, "Tell me, Musk, how can I verify your magical imitation ability?"

"It's very simple, tell me first, which level 1 spells you know."

"I know 'Disguise' and a 'Magic Tooth'."

"We will use the 'Magic Tooth Technique' as an experiment, Sister Claire, you can cast this magic now, I need to spend some time to observe carefully."

"No problem, just watch carefully!"

Claire immediately drew 3 points of magic power, and cast a ring of "Magic Tooth Spell" under Gao Fei's gaze. His hands were filled with golden light, and his nails seemed to become extra sharp. Under the reflection of the fire, his fingertips shone like enchanted weapons. of gloss.

"Musk, I have blessed my hands with the 'magic fang'. In the next 5 minutes, my hands are equivalent to sharp blades with +1 enchantment level." Claire spread her hands and showed him, "You Have you learned it?"

System prompt: Through a round of focused observation, you successfully imitated the 1st level "Magic Tooth Spell". Do you want to add it to the spell list corresponding to the "Warlock Mask"?

Goofy made an affirmative choice, then imitated Claire's gestures and incantations, raised his right hand, and caressed the lion Simba beside him.

The golden magic power flowed out from his fingers like a trickle and injected into the lion's body, temporarily upgrading Simba's minions to natural weapons with +1 enchantment level!
"Wow! You are really good! Amazing!" Claire couldn't help but marvel when she saw this scene.

"Brother Musk, where did you learn your role as an imitator?" Mario asked curiously.

"An ancient book that tells the craft of making magic masks..."

Gao Fei gave a brief account of the ins and outs of his career as an imitator.

After hearing this, Claire and Mario envied his good luck, but also admired his honesty and integrity.

"Brother, if you have a little bit of greed and keep Judge Colt's purse for yourself, you won't be able to get the second volume of the inheritance book, and you won't be able to get this magical profession." Mario said with emotion, " So, people are doing it, God is watching it, and in this world, we still have to believe that good will be rewarded with good!"

Claire nodded sympathetically, and then beckoned to her companions to continue on their way.

In the next section of the road, Gao Fei and his party did not encounter any monsters again, and returned to the "Paradise Tavern" smoothly.

On the way, Gao Fei was chatting with his companions, and took the time to look at the new abilities obtained after the upgrade.

The imitator is upgraded to level 3, HP+7, the daily switching times of the magic mask is increased to 3 times, and a professional ability called "disguise expert" is awakened.

(End of this chapter)

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