Savior Simulator

Chapter 25 Young Soma

Chapter 25 Young Soma
A teenage monk wanders the desert, lost and lost.

The sheepskin water bag has dried up, and the rations I carry with me are only four dates and half a piece of naan. To make matters worse, the weather has become extremely bad.

The camel sensed the approaching sandstorm before its owner, and broke free from the reins in panic, threw Sumo on the sand, and ran wildly.

Su Mo tried to chase the camel, but soon got lost in the dark sandstorm, and couldn't see the direction at all. Countless sand grains hit his face with the strong wind, and the pain was so severe that he couldn't breathe.

What's more terrible is that the sand dune under his feet suddenly collapsed, as if the earth opened its throat and wanted to swallow him whole.

The boy fell into the double torment of quicksand and sandstorm, his consciousness gradually became blurred, and the figure of death seemed to be within reach.

The moment he was about to fall into a coma, Su Mo clutched the copper collar that his mother had given him before she died, and prayed for God's blessing.


Just as when Basaka was praying in prison, Gao Fei, the "savior", responded and tried to help him escape from prison. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

"How did you escape the shackles of quicksand?" Gao Fei asked Jiang Feng.

"I didn't do anything. I just lay still on the sand dune. The strong sandstorm pushed the sand dune to roll forward slowly, and finally threw me out of the quicksand." Jiang Feng replied with a smile.

Gao Fei felt incredible at first, but after thinking about it carefully, she had to admit that she had made the most sensible decision.

Under the circumstances at that time, the more I struggled, the deeper I would fall into the quicksand. If I kept quiet and resigned myself to fate, I could be saved in the end.

After luckily escaping from the quicksand, Jiang Feng controlled Sumo to trek in the desert. When he was dying of thirst, he finally found an oasis with clean water, which relieved his urgent need.

But the good times don't last long, and she soon discovers that she isn't the only resident of the oasis.

Near the spring were embers of campfires, leftover bones, and footprints of humanoids and beasts.

Not long after, Jiang Feng encountered a group of hyenas.

These ferocious beasts rushed forward and bit her, forcing her to protect herself.

At first, due to Jiang Feng's careless operation, Su Mo was surrounded by hyenas and killed, and he was forced to read the file and start over.

She learned a lot from a fall, and then she fought and ran to avoid falling into a siege. After spending most of the day, she finally killed all 12 hyenas in two waves.

The 12 hyenas provided a total of 300 experience points, just enough for Suma to be promoted to a level 2 monk.

Except for this group of hyenas, no other enemies have been found for the time being. Jiang Feng set up a temporary camp by the spring, thus completing the plot milestone of the prologue and gaining a bonus feat.

After the battle, Jiang Feng checked the hyena corpses and found that the dogs were wearing animal skin collars, indicating that these hyenas were domesticated fighting beasts, and more dangerous enemies were yet to come.

As expected, the development of the situation was as expected. As soon as Gao Fei's berserker teleported over, he heard messy footsteps from the bushes opposite the spring, mixed with roars that looked like humans but not humans and wolves that were not wolves.

"The situation is not good, quickly hide!"

Gao Fei manipulated Basaka to hide in the bushes, and Jiang Feng's monks followed, squatting behind the bushes, looking vigilantly at the place where the roar came from through the branches and leaves.

Under their watchful eyes, a group of tall humanoid creatures came aggressively to the side of the spring, seeing the corpses of hyenas lying on the ground, they were all startled and angry, screaming strangely.

There were a total of five uninvited guests, no less than two meters tall by visual inspection, wearing crude animal skin armor, holding flails, small leather shields tied to their arms, and javelins slung across their backs.

Their body features are similar to those of humans, but they have hyena-like heads, bared teeth, and a fierce face. Where the leather armor can't hide, the spotted skin and dirty brown mane are exposed.

Five spotted hyenas followed these half-man, half-wolf monsters, running around them, barking like loyal dogs beside a hunter.

"What kind of monster is this... a werewolf?" Jiang Feng wondered to himself.

"It's the Gnoll, the heir of the demon lord Yeenoghu. The villains in the fantasy world are as famous as goblins and orcs. Almost all of them are robbers with evil nature!"

Gao Fei called up the monster illustration book newly included in the astrolabe and pointed it out to Jiang Feng.


· Gnoll

Challenge Rating: 1/2 (100XP)

Chaotic evil, Medium humanoid

Life: 22 (4d8+4)

Speed: Walk 30 feet

Defense: 15 (natural defense +1, leather armor +2, small shield +1, agility +1), touch 11, flat-footed 14

Ranged: Javelin +4 (1d6+4/force)
Attributes: Strength 15, Dexterity 12, Constitution 13, Intelligence 8, Wisdom 11, Charisma 8
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Special Abilities: Sense of smell (advantage on Perception checks based on smell), tame hyenas (gnolls can communicate mentally with hyenas)
Special Attacks: Powerful Attack (weapon based on the strength attribute, the damage roll gets a proficiency bonus), Cleave (after a melee attack hits, a bonus action is added), proficient trip (trip check advantage, double proficiency bonus) value)

The Gnoll gangster was slightly stronger than the half-orc jailer who guarded Basaka back then, mastering the three martial arts skills of "Slash", "Powerful Attack" and "Proficient in Tripping".

Needless to say, the "powerful attack" can count the proficiency bonus of the weapon into the damage dice. At the level of the gnoll, it is equivalent to an extra 2 points of damage per attack!
"Proficient in stumbling" is a natural talent common to ferocious canines. After biting the prey, it rolls along the trend and forcibly knocks the prey to the ground.

Gnolls didn't have a dog's head for nothing. They were also good at tripping skills, but they no longer bit their prey like wild beasts, but skillfully used weapons to trip their opponents.

Among the five gnolls, the most conspicuous one was a guy dressed as "Kill Matt", his mane was dyed green and red, a shining silver belt was wrapped around his waist, a big gold chain was tied around his neck, and his ears were There are two strings of gold rings hanging, nose studs and lip studs are also fashioned, and the eye circles painted black with charcoal gray resemble smoky makeup.

This flamboyant brother...or possibly the elder sister, is the "Alpha" of the Jackal Gang—in the language of the Jackals, "Alpha" means the leader.

The hyena behind the leader of the jackals was also unusual.Compared with those skinny ordinary hyenas, this beast is obviously more ferocious. Its body is as strong as a brown bear, and it can be seen from a distance that it is not easy to mess with.

(End of this chapter)

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