Chapter 24

Jiang Feng hurriedly counted the gold coins, and couldn't help jumping excitedly afterwards, and said to Gao Fei: "There are 892 gold coins in total, which is equivalent to 892 soft sister coins! Wow! Tonight's hard work was not in vain, I got rich, I got rich!"

Gao Fei smiled, pushed aside the pile of gold coins, and said to her, "Look, there are treasures that are more valuable than gold coins!"

In the storage bag, besides the gold coins, there are four pearls the size of quail eggs, each worth no less than 100 gold coins, a two-foot-tall red coral, worth no less than 200 gold coins, and a shimmering swan Feathers and a logbook.

Gao Fei picked up the feather and looked at it carefully, guessing that it had a magical effect, so he used the astrolabe to identify it, and sure enough, it turned out to be a "Quar Feather Talisman".

"Quar Feather Talisman" is a general term for a class of magical objects, all of which have similar appearances, but have different functions.

The feather talisman in Gao Fei's hand is called "Anchor". He touches a ship with it and recites the activation spell. For hours, no matter what method was used, the ship could not be moved an inch.

After 24 hours, the talisman runs out of magic power and disappears automatically, and the anchored ship will also be freed from its shackles.

Finally, Gao Fei picked up the logbook and quickly flipped through it.

The diary records the ports, anchorages and islands that the "Flying Fish" passed on this voyage, and there is also a diary left by Captain Kos.

The captain recorded the ins and outs of the first officer Fred Lange inciting the sailors to rebel, and angrily accused the first officer of taking advantage of the chaos to attack him, causing him serious injuries and stealing his treasure map.

In the last paragraph of the diary, Captain Kos vowed with hatred that after he recovered from his injury, he would go to the island to search for that shameless traitor, execute him personally, and take back the treasure map!
The diary did not explain why Captain Kos became a wight, but Gao Fei can easily deduce based on various clues that Captain Kos was seriously injured and dying, he prayed to the evil god with hatred and anger, and sold his soul in exchange for immortality. Then hunt down and kill Fred Lange who stole the treasure map.

However, after so many years, Captain Kos, who turned into a wight, still failed to get what he wanted, and caught the escaped first officer, otherwise Goofy should have found the recovered treasure map in the storage bag.

"Things are getting more complicated and more interesting!" Jiang Feng excitedly guessed after Gao Fei relayed Captain Cos's diary: "Unless Fred Lange has wings, he must still be hiding on the desert island somewhere!"

Gao Fei nodded in agreement, and thoughtfully said: "Captain Cos has spent so many years tracking down the first mate, and he has turned this deserted island upside down, but he still can't find the whereabouts of the mate. It can be seen that this cunning guy is hiding in a very Hidden place, let’s help your monk complete the level 3 plot first, and we’ll come back tomorrow to search for Fred Lange’s whereabouts.”

"Okay, but before that, I want to eat something."

During the exploration of the battle that occurred during the shipwreck, Jiang Feng used the immersive possession mode throughout the whole process, which was almost equivalent to beating zombies and corpses in person, exhausting a lot of energy, and his stomach was already growling with hunger.

Hearing what she said, Gao Fei also felt hungry and flustered, so he hung up the phone first, arranged for Basaka to take a short rest on the spot to heal his injuries, and went to the restaurant on the third floor of Tiangong Shopping Center with Jiang Feng for supper.

An hour later, the two each rolled 100 small skewers, patted their stomachs contentedly, and burped all the way back to the dormitory.

At this time, Basaka had just finished his short rest, spent two life dice, and recovered 12 points of HP, which was only 1 point away from full health (37/38).

Sumo's health is also good, and he is fully ready for the next adventure.

Jiang Feng withdrew from Gao Fei's module, and then sent an invitation to pull Gao Fei's berserker into his monk module, and began to advance the second chapter of "The Stranger in the Vast Sea".


Current module: Alien in the vast sea

Story Stage: Vales Tianyu/Old Continent/Tianfang Desert/Sevinia, an autonomous city-state
Start time: 1600 of the Holy Light Calendar, at the turn of spring and summer
story background:

In the world of Vales, in the southeastern part of the Atlas Continent (Old Continent), there is a vast sand sea with a total area of ​​more than 1000 million square kilometers, which the locals call the "Desert of Heaven".

The Villans living in the eastern part of the Tianfang Desert are one of the smaller human nomadic tribes. In order to escape the cruel exploitation of the local fire giant lord, the Villans who worshiped the sun god Pelor, led by the high priest, The whole family migrated to the northwest.

Including women and children, there are more than 2000 members of the Vierland tribe. They brought tents and livestock, drove the camel caravan, left their homes, and risked being swallowed by quicksand. After 12 years of hard travel, most of the tribe was sacrificed. , and finally crossed the desert and came to the southern border of the Kingdom of Feizhen, settled down and multiplied in the Gobi area rich in water and grass and rich in copper mines.

In the blink of an eye, a century has passed, and the town named after "Verland" has benefited from the prosperity of the copper mining industry and has become increasingly prosperous. The local residents have exceeded the population when they migrated.

The young Somo was born in the small town of Vierland. His father was a security officer respected by the locals, a Yangyan monk who inherited the martial tradition of the Vierlanders. His mother was a rich girl born in a big city, the sun god. devout priest.

Su Mo's parents were born in very different social classes, and it is reasonable to say that there is no intersection between the two.The reason why they got married was originally because of a coincidence. When his father led the militiamen to patrol the mine, he found that the nearby monastery was besieged by sand bandits, and the fire was raging. Several acolytes and nuns, the most beautiful of them, fell in love with the savior and later became Somo's mother.

Somo's childhood life was very happy. Until the age of 16, the town of Verland was besieged by a large group of sand bandits, and the residents of the town rose up to resist.

Somo's parents were killed by the leader of the sand bandits in the battle - the brutal fire elf Noxus - the whole town was burned, and the residents were either massacred or captured by Noxus's men. shackled, forced into slavery.

Sumo was one of the very few Vellands who escaped the catastrophe. He trekked hard in the desert on a camel. Thinking of his parents and clan members who died unfortunately, his heart was full of deep-rooted hatred for the Noxus party.

But he also knew that he was alone and weak, and now he was not qualified to talk about revenge. The top priority was to get rid of the gangsters' pursuit. Only by surviving first could there be any hope of revenge.


It's the last day of September, book friends who still have monthly tickets, don't forget to vote for it, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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