Savior Simulator

Chapter 239 Alarm Stone

Chapter 239 Alarm Stone

The Berserker's "wild intuition" combines the above two evasion specialties into one, which can greatly reduce damage and increase the chance of survival regardless of physical attacks or magic bombings.

Jiang Feng's monk has already opened up his own module, and in Gao Fei's module, he is treated the same as the protagonist. Not only can he continue to upgrade his level, but he can also obtain astrolabe energy, bonus specialties, and bonus jobs.

Master Su was promoted to level 9 Yangyan Monk, with HP +8, proficiency modifier +1, martial art damage roll increased to 3d6, and two professional abilities.

The first is "Wind Walk", spending 10 points of true energy, you can fly into the air, continuous flight for 1 hour/level, which is equivalent to the 5-ring magic "Volley Soaring".

There is also "Shining Shield", which spends 9 points of true qi to create a golden barrier condensed from Yangyan true qi, which surrounds the whole body and lasts for 1 minute/level.

While the "flash shield" is in effect, monks get damage-reducing armor 10/Ecstasy, and can spend a "reaction action" at the moment of receiving a melee attack to make the shield burst into a strong light, unless the enemy passes the will save, Otherwise, it will temporarily fall into a state of "blindness".

Eve's "Earth Druid" has been upgraded to level 8, HP +8, perception attribute +1, "wild transformation" has been strengthened, and can be transformed into large animals and plants, such as dire bears or creeping monsters.

There is also a third-level natural magic. Eve hesitated for a long time between "protecting energy" and "summoning thunder", and finally accepted Gao Fei's suggestion and chose "summoning thunder".

Eve's natural partner, Mu Ning, also added a Hit Dice, HP+6, Dexterity +1, and Natural Armor +1.

Both Al and Wushi have been promoted to level 7 bear warriors, with HP+10, and their newly learned professional ability is "First Aid", which will allow them to heal their wounds and recover their blood later.

This time, it was a perfect pass without loading files. Goofy originally thought that he could get Joseph Cooper's "Artificial Craftsman" as a reward job, but unfortunately he didn't. It seems that the plot has not yet developed to that point.

Of course there are bonus specialties, one of four can be selected from "Strongness", "Alertness", "Tit for Tat" and "Tracking Expert".

Gao Fei had seen the first three specialties a long time ago, and it was the first time that "tracking expert" appeared in the optional list.


Tracking Expert: The character gains proficiency in "Survival", and has an advantage when performing "Survival" checks to track creatures; "Hunter's Mark" is added to the spell list-if the character does not have a magic pool, then "Hunter's Mark" can be cast 3 times a day.


Gao Fei compared "Tit for Tat" and "Hunter's Mark", and finally chose "Tit for Tat".

That way, he has more options when he comes under enemy fire in combat.

If hit by an enemy, "wild intuition" can be activated, reducing damage by half.

If the enemy's attack misses, take advantage of the situation to "tit for an eye" and launch a counterattack with an advantage in the attack roll.

Both "Wild Instinct" and "Tit for Tat" require a "reaction action" to activate.

Gao Fei can only make one reaction action per round now, which is enough for a one-on-one fight, but if he falls into the enemy's siege, it will be stretched.

In order to give full play to the effects of "Wild Intuition" and "Tit for Tat", it is best to use a "Battle Reflex" to increase the number of reaction actions available in each round.

"If 'Battle Reflex' appears in my list of reward specialties, it must be a must!" Gao Fei said to Jiang Feng.

Among the four bonus specialties, Gao Fei chose "Tit for Tat", and it was Jiang Feng's turn to choose the remaining three.

She has mastered "vigilance" a long time ago, and "sturdy" is dispensable to her, so only "tracking expert" is left.

After learning the "Tracking Expert", Jiang Feng's monk can mark the enemy with the "Hunter's Mark". The attack on the enemy will automatically add 1d6 damage after hitting, which is quite practical.

After a short rest, Gao Fei and his party continued to explore the cave, and found a large pile of treasures that the monster had accumulated over the years in the depths of the green-footed dragon snake's lair.

Gao Fei counted it. In addition to more than 2000 gold coins, there was also a set of silver wine glasses inlaid with luminous pearls. The purchase price was 750 gold coins in the system store, and a small statue made of pure gold was also worth 750 gold coins.

The crystal-polished hourglass was nearly one meter high, and it was the one that the green-footed dragon snake was hugging and taking a nap in before.

The crystal hourglass itself is worth 500 gp, and is inlaid with a cube cut from topaz.

Gao Fei removed the Philosopher's Stone and identified it with the astrolabe. It turned out to be a "alarm stone".

After chanting a specific mantra, the "alarm stone" can be adsorbed on the surface of any object, and a circle of monitoring barrier will be automatically opened. If any creature entering the barrier fails to say the correct password, it will activate the "alarm stone". Magic Alarm".

Looking at the alarm stone in his hand, Gao Fei suddenly came to his senses.

No wonder the magic alarm was triggered as soon as he and his companions entered the cave, which alarmed the sleeping green-footed dragon snake. It turned out that the problem was with this gem.

In addition to the alarm stone, Gao Fei also found a pair of transparent gloves as thin as cicada's wings in the lair of the green-footed dragon snake.

After the appraisal, I learned that this is a "rare" level magic tool, called "Sensitive Gloves". As the wearer's level increases, the agility bonus provided will gradually increase.

At 2nd level, the glove wearer gains 2 points of Dexterity, +6 at 4th level, and at 10th level the final attunement, +6 to Dexterity.

Gloves increase the attribute bonus very impressively, but Gao Fei is a berserker, and the agility attribute is not as important to him as the strength attribute, but it is more useful for the thieves and monks who focus on agility.

After a little thought, Gao Fei gave Jiang Feng both the "Sensitive Gloves" and the "Alarm Stone".

Jiang Feng smiled gratefully, did not refuse his gift, put away the "alarm stone", put on the gloves, and the agility attribute was directly raised to 22 points, which was comparable to Gao Fei's strength attribute.

"I don't want your things in vain. I'll give you this as a gift in return."

Jiang Feng took off the collar around his neck and handed it to Gao Fei.

"Your berserker needs to improve strength and physical attributes more than my monk. This 'Healthy Collar' is more suitable for you."

"Okay, we have such a strong relationship, I won't be polite to you." Gao Fei happily took the collar.

As Jiang Feng said, the 5-ring magic "righteousness is like a rainbow" attached to the collar, the increased strength of 4 points and constitution of 2 points, and the damage-reducing armor of 10/magic are more suitable for the berserker profession.

Another benefit of "Righteous Qi Like a Rainbow" is that it increases the size of the wearer by a level, which is even more valuable than improving attributes and armor for Gao Fei!
Especially in the state of turning into a red dragon, with the combination of "righteousness like a rainbow", Gao Fei can change from a large red dragon to a super large red dragon, the damage dice of natural weapons is increased to 3d6, and the attack range is farther—— With a flick of the tail, it sweeps 20 feet around, and the radius of the dive and crush will also increase to 30 feet.

(End of this chapter)

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