Savior Simulator

Chapter 238 Wild Intuition

Chapter 238 Wild Intuition

At the moment when the green-footed dragon snake was about to spew out lightning, Gao Fei stomped his feet vigorously first, launching the "Earth Shock"!
The ground was violently turbulent, and the sudden rise of sand and dust obscured the green-footed dragon snake's vision, and the ejected lightning lost its aim and passed Gao Fei.

It's a pity that the effect of "earth shock" is nothing more than that.

The limb structure of the green-footed dragon snake is similar to that of a sand roll beast, with a very low center of gravity, plus 12 pairs of legs to maintain body balance, and the impact from the ground cannot knock it over.

Seeing that the "Earth Shock" didn't work, Gao Fei was worried that the green-footed dragon snake would go back into the cave to play "hide-and-seek", so he threw "taunt" at it, first stabilizing the hatred, and then arousing the "Dragon Warrior's Heart" With the magical power of ", he transformed into a red dragon form, and sprayed a scorching dragon's breath towards the opposite side.

The billowing heat wave filled the tunnel, pushed forward flatly, and instantly submerged the green-footed dragon snake that couldn't dodge, causing 38 points of fire damage.

The monster rolled and roared in the sea of ​​flames, stared at the red dragon viciously, and even ignored the psychological deterrent caused by "Longwei", rushed over and attacked Gao Fei on its own initiative.

Goofy's reaction to it was not surprising.

When he used the astrolabe to detect the green-footed dragon snake just now, he noticed a section of text specially marked in the illustration book.

It is said that in the ancient times of the Vales world, a war broke out between giants and dragons that almost destroyed the entire world.

It is precisely to fight against the powerful dragon clan that the storm giants in ancient times created the world's first green-footed dragon snake.

Although time has passed and the war between giants and dragons has long since ended, the green-footed dragon snakes that remain in the world still continue their ancestors' instinct of hatred for dragons. Once they encounter dragons, they must fight to the death.

Gao Fei calmly blocked the onslaught of the green-footed dragon snake, and he did not forget to remind Jiang Feng and the others not to get too close to the green-footed dragon snake, and to use long-range attacks to deal with the monster, so as not to trigger "eye for an eye".

Eve changed from the whirlwind form back to the human form, and raised her hand to release the "acid erosion ray", corroding the smooth scales of the blue-footed dragon snake, leaving wounds flowing with pungent pus.

The "acid ray" itself is not very lethal, but the pain it causes is extremely intense, especially when the festering wound rubs against the rough sand and gravel ground, even the strong green-footed dragon snake can't help but grin its teeth in pain, Twitching all over.

Jiang Feng stepped on the "Flying Steps", like a dexterous big spider climbing up the dome of the cave, hanging upside down with his head and feet upside down, his right hand pointed at the head of the green-footed dragon snake, and a dazzling golden rainbow burst out from his fingertips!

"Scorching radiance" hit the green-footed dragon snake, causing 42 points of radiant damage. Unfortunately, the additional "blinding" special effect was once again resisted by the strong green-footed dragon snake.

The Green-footed Dragon Snake suffered a round of siege by Gao Fei and others, with less than 1/3 of its HP remaining. The pain, anger and fear of death drove it almost crazy, and it even overcame its instinct of hating dragons and gave up attacking Gao Fei. Flying, climbing up the cave wall, intending to deal with that cunning monk first.

Jiang Feng saw its intentions, and decisively activated "dexterous movements" to retreat, dodging the green-footed dragon snake's attack of opportunity, and quickly slipped away from its mouth.

The green-footed dragon snake looked at the back of the monk flying away in the dust, knowing that he couldn't catch up with this guy who ran faster than a rabbit, and felt more and more annoyed.

At this time, Eve emitted another "acid ray", which attracted the eyes of the green-footed dragon snake, and then vented all his anger on the Druid, swinging the snake body and leaping down from the wall, landing beside Eve, He opened his bloody mouth wide and swallowed the petite girl whole.

The accident happened too fast, before Gao Fei had time to rescue Eve, she had already been swallowed by the green-footed dragon snake.

Barely suppressing his anxiety, Gao Fei turned his head and looked at the flashing dog Muning, asking him to tell the hostess who fell into the belly of the snake: "Hurry up and become a large earth element!"

A druid shares its senses with its natural companion and is ready to communicate telepathically.

Eve in the belly of the snake, received the telepathic communication from Mu Ning, tried her best to keep calm in the dark and smelly snake dragon stomach, followed Gao Fei's instructions, and used the druid's professional ability "wild transformation" to transform into a statue. Large earth elemental.

Earth elementals are immune to acid damage and gastric acid erosion, but the extrusion of the stomach wall muscles will still cause continuous damage to Eve.

At the same time, the green-footed dragon snake is not feeling well.

After Eve's transformation, her volume swelled by no less than 10 times, almost bursting her stomach.

The large earth element is not like a girl with thin skin and tender flesh. Her body is composed of a mixture of rough sand and sand, and there are countless sharp stones protruding from the surface of her body.

Every time the green-footed dragon snake's stomach contracts, the inner mucous membrane will be pierced by the stone edges all over Eve's body, and the blood will not stop.

The green-footed dragon snake didn't grow up eating soil. Where did it digest such a large lump of "concrete". Tortured by the severe stomach pain, it had no intention of fighting. It twisted its body and tried to escape back to the nest. Throwing up indigestible stuff.

However, the large earth element in the stomach is like a weight, falling heavily in the stomach, making it unable to move at full speed.

Gao Fei strode forward, stepped on the tail of the green-footed dragon snake, grabbed a horn with both claws, grabbed its head, and smashed it hard on the ground!

Jiang Feng, Geer, Wu Shi, and Mu Ning also joined the siege, and beat the green-footed dragon snake to death within a minute.

Gao Fei changed back to human form, picked up the battle ax and cut open the belly of the green-footed dragon snake, and rescued the girl Eve in the snake's belly.

Gao Fei also split open the chest cavity of the green-footed dragon snake to find the quest item for this trip. The lungs of the green-footed dragon snake used to absorb magic power and transform electrical energy were taken out and handed over to the dwarf uncle in exchange for the tomb passage of King Olaf's tomb. map.

At the same time as he obtained the lungs of the green-footed dragon and snake, he received a notification from the system that he had reached the plot milestone of this chapter, and the energy of the astrolabe +1!

The Berserker is upgraded to level 8, HP+11, 1 point of attribute is added, and Goofy adds it to strength as usual.

Now his Berserker strength attribute has reached 22 points, and it will be 32 points when he becomes a red dragon. There is almost no opponent with stronger strength at the same level.

This upgrade also comprehends a professional ability "wild intuition", which is actually "intuitive dodge" plus "reflection dodge".

"Intuitive Dodge" is immune to "Flanking" and "Critical Strike", and can also use reaction actions to halve the damage it suffers.

The function of "reflection dodge" is to strengthen the reflection save.

When receiving an attack that requires a reflection save, such as "Dragon's Breath" or "Fireball", under normal circumstances, half of the damage will be taken if the reflection save is passed.

However, creatures with "reflection evasion" can take no damage at all by passing the reflection save, and even if they fail the reflection save, they will only receive half of the damage.

(End of this chapter)

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