Savior Simulator

Chapter 200 Unexpected change

Chapter 200 Unexpected change
Once a day, chanting a mantra can animate the owl statue into a giant owl, providing services for the next 8 hours.

The giant owl has 51 health points. When the health points are exhausted, it will turn back into a wood carving. It can be summoned again the next day. The attributes are the same as Olivia's mother:

Strength 18, Dexterity 17, Constitution 16, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 18, Charisma 15
In addition, the giant owl also has special abilities such as telepathy, keen vision, vigilance, flying, multiple attacks, grabbing and throwing, etc. After a comprehensive calculation, the challenge level is almost 3 levels.

The only fly in the ointment is that this puppet activated owl does not have the druid level and cannot cast spells.

After Gao Fei accepted the reward and said goodbye to Granny Olivia, he turned the little wooden sculpture into a giant owl according to the spell she taught.

Giant owls can fly with a load of no more than 300 kilograms.

Gao Fei rode on Ju Xiao's back and ordered it to fly directly to Tianchi, so as to save two "Dragon Rage".

Just 2 minutes after riding the giant owl, Gao Fei received a message from Jiang Feng through the astrolabe.

After checking the letter, Gao Fei felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to the tip of his hair, as if his blood was about to freeze.

Yes, what he was most worried about finally happened.

Just as he was leaving the team to deliver a letter to Granny Owl, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Qi Tian and Li Jiajia followed the company commander to the Tianchi Lake. A conflict broke out between the Dragon Kings.

Due to the lack of Gao Fei, the hero, this early encounter quickly turned into a disaster, even more tragic than the battle against Lord Lei in the valley yesterday!
When Jiang Feng sent the letter to Gao Fei, he had just withdrawn from the battlefield, and there were only three survivors in the 05 team including her, and they were all seriously injured, basically losing their combat effectiveness.

"The company commander was swallowed by the nine-headed dragon king in order to save people, and now his life and death are uncertain..."

"Ma Tao's condition is a little bit better. In order to protect his teammates, he was seriously injured. He was 'emergency recovered' and is receiving first aid at Tiangong Hospital..."

Jiang Feng's sobbing voice came from the Xingpan team channel, and Li Jiajia's sobbing could be heard vaguely in the background.

"Damn it! Why?!"

Gao Fei was startled and angry, and couldn't help but swear.

"Didn't you agree to wait for me to go back before going to war? Suddenly changed the plan, why didn't you notify me in time!"

"I'm sorry, there are reasons for the incident, and we are forced to do so."

"What bullshit has no choice but to make it clear to me!" Gao Fei couldn't hold back his anger, and asked sharply.

Jiang Feng was silent for a few seconds, as if he was adjusting his mood, and when he spoke again, his tone seemed calmer.

"A small third-tier Internet celebrity who wanted to be famous and wanted to be crazy, ignored the ban on closing the mountain, took a small path to bypass the public security blockade, and secretly climbed up the mountain with two assistants, started the live broadcast with his mobile phone, and said that he wanted to film the Tianchi water monster for him in the live broadcast room The audience watched... the result shocked the Nine-headed Dragon King."

"At the time when the company commander brought us to the lakeside, he saw the Nine-headed Dragon King chasing and biting them. As special police, do we have any other choice besides going up to save people?"

"What happened later? Did you save that stupid Internet celebrity?" Gao Fei finally couldn't hold back the urge to swear, "You tell that guy to wait, I'll fly over to Haibian right away to beat him up! MMP! If I don't beat his shit out, it will be considered as clean!"

"It's a pity... We were a step too late after all. That Internet celebrity was swallowed by the Nine-headed Dragon King, and we only had time to save his two assistants."

"Good job! I want to brush a big rocket for the Nine-headed Dragon King!"

"Gao Fei! Don't talk nonsense, it's terrible to spread the word!"

Jiang Feng lowered his voice and complained.

Gao Fei heard what she meant, and asked in a low voice, "Who else is by your side?"

"Besides me, Jiajia, and Qitian, there are two tourists, the ones I told you about just now...the two that the company commander sacrificed himself to save from the mouth of the Nine-headed Dragon King."

"I'm not surprised that the company commander did such a thing. Where is Ma Tao? Who is he trying so hard to save? Li Jiajia? There's no reason to work so hard to pick up girls, right?"

"It's not Jiajia, it's Qi Tian who was rescued by Ma Tao." Jiang Feng replied softly.

Gao Fei was speechless.

Of course he knew that in the entire 05 team, the relationship between Ma Tao and Qi Tian was the most tense, and Qi Tian publicly questioned Ma Tao's authority as the captain not once or twice.

Now knowing that Ma Tao did not hesitate to risk his life to protect Qi Tian, ​​a thorny head, so that he was seriously injured and his life and death were uncertain, Gao Fei couldn't tell what it was like.

Putting aside his chaotic thoughts, he managed to maintain his composure, and rode the giant owl to fly at full speed, only wanting to return to his teammates as soon as possible.

Ten minutes later, Ju Xiao finally flew over Tianchi.

At noon in summer, the bright sun dispels the mist, Gao Fei looks down from the sky, and the vast and clear lake is like a huge sapphire embedded in the top of the mountain.

On the west bank of Tianchi Lake, Gao Fei saw a huge and extremely ferocious monster.

The whole body of this monster is covered with a thick layer of dark blue scales. The four stubby lower limbs and tail are soaked in the lake water. The upper body exposed above the water resembles a long-necked dragon. Nine slender necks extend above the chest cavity, and each bears a huge head. .

Just looking at the front half of this monster, it looks like a nest of giant pythons, with nine heads opening their mouths at the same time, revealing their fangs, competing to tear and devour a frozen owlbear corpse.

Gao Fei just took a look at it from a distance, and couldn't help but feel a strong sense of physical discomfort.

The wild owl bear is not a "net celebrity" who wants to die, and will never take the initiative to break into the territory of the Nine-headed Dragon King. The owl bear that died by the lake must be Qi Tian's natural partner. A good meal for the Nine-headed Dragon King.

Gathering his mind, Gao Fei suppressed the fear in his heart and opened the astrolabe to investigate the details of the Nine-headed Dragon King.

Even without the nine necks that are nearly 10 meters long, the huge torso of the Nine-headed Dragon King is comparable to that of a thunder boar. The challenge level is as high as level 10, and it belongs to the super-large magical beast of the cold subspecies.

Creatures of the cold subspecies are inherently immune to cold damage, and also have a weakness of fear of fire. This is good news for Gao Fei: he becomes a red dragon, and the flaming dragon breath can cause double damage to him.

The nine-headed dragon king is amphibious, and his scales provide a natural defense of level 10. Generally speaking, the defense is not as good as that of the Thunder Boar, but all nine heads can bite the enemy, and he can also breathe a 60-foot linear supernatural cold current. It can cause 3d6 cold damage to the target. If it fails the fortitude saving throw, it will fall into a "slow down" state due to the cold. The attack power is obviously much stronger than Lord Lei!
(End of this chapter)

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