Savior Simulator

Chapter 199 The Entrustment of Mother-in-law Owl (for Subscription)

Chapter 199 The Entrustment of Mother-in-law Owl (for Subscription)

However, since human society entered modern times, Silver Flash has never erupted for two centuries. During this period, technological civilization has flourished, and magic and supernatural phenomena have gradually developed as the concentration of magic power on this planet has decreased. Extinct, the related inheritance also fell silent, reduced to feudal superstition and quack tricks.

Until the past two years, for unknown reasons, the silver flash broke out again, and the universe where the blue star was located ushered in another cycle of rising magic power.

Since the owl mother-in-law claimed to have come to this planet from another world two years ago, Gao Fei has reason to suspect that she is the witness of the first silver flash eruption in modern times.

At that time, even the "Tiangong Misuo" hadn't been built yet, otherwise she should have been blocked from the Misuo enchantment, instead of swaggering into the human world and building a secluded cave on Baoding Mountain. Not afraid of being discovered by tourists.

Withdrawing his scattered thoughts, Gao Fei explained his intention.

"Mrs. Olivia, with the frequent outbreaks of silver flashes, there are more and more mutated monsters, and the mountain is no longer safe. This time, I came here to meet you at the entrustment of Ms. Yaoguang, and convey her greetings to you. By the way, please move to Tiangong No. [-] station, it will be safer there."

Granny Owl smiled and nodded.

"Actually, in the past two years, I have been in frequent contact with Tiangong, and I already knew why you came."

"Then when do you intend to leave?"

"Don't hurry me away, young man, did you notice the group of blood eagles when you went up the mountain? They were originally my neighbors, a group of harmless ravens, who were infected by magic not long ago and became what they are today. The crazy appearance really makes my heart ache."

"Madam, the Blood Eagles are indeed a group of very dangerous guys. If you still refuse to leave this place, you may be attacked by them at some point." Gao Fei said seriously.

"I'm not afraid of them, but the other birds and beasts that live around here will suffer."

The owl mother-in-law sighed, and continued: "This group of blood eagles are very aggressive. Even if they are not hungry, they will kill all living things in sight, just for fun. If they are left alone, the wild animals on the mountain will be killed sooner or later. They will kill them all, and the blood eagle will not get enough food by then, and I am afraid it will come down the mountain to attack you humans."

Gao Fei's heart felt cold when he heard it, he hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Ma'am, don't you intend to eliminate these dangerous guys?"

Granny Owl showed a sly smile: "I do have this plan, but I can't deal with so many blood eagles with my own strength, young man, how about we make a deal?"

"What deal?" Gao Fei asked warily.

"You help me eliminate those blood eagles, and I can move with peace of mind."

"It's inappropriate, ma'am..." Gao Fei was annoyed and funny, "I'm just an errand messenger, it's none of my business whether you move or not, there's no reason for me to help."

"Hey? Are young people nowadays so stingy? We are contributing to the protection of ecological balance, and we need to be rewarded for doing good deeds. Young man, your structure is too shallow!"

"Ma'am, it's useless for you to tell me these great truths. Anyway, I have explained to you face to face what should be passed on. My friend is still waiting for me at Tianchi. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. "

Gao Fei got up to leave, but was grabbed by Granny Owl.

"Oh! You boy, what a cheapskate! I can't see any noble moral sentiment in you, so sad!"

"What is noble moral sentiment? I've never had that kind of thing!" Gao Fei said angrily, "You don't pay me a salary, why do you let me work for nothing? There is no such reason in the world! "

"Okay, mercenary, bad boy, old woman, of course I won't let your hard work be in vain!" Granny Owl snorted resentfully, "Help me deal with the blood eagle, and I'll give you a magic tool when it's done, why not?" Sample?"

In fact, Gao Fei just wanted to get some benefits, but he never thought that the owl mother-in-law was really generous, and she even took the magic weapon as a reward.

This is the magic tool of the real world!

Different from the virtual props combined by a bunch of data codes in the game world, they are really good things that can be used in reality. How can there be any reason to refuse?
"Then there is no problem! Dear Madam, I am happy to contribute my modest efforts to maintain the ecological balance!"

"Hmph! Greedy boy, stop talking nice words and come with me!"

Granny Olivia led the way.

Gao Fei followed her to the entrance of the cave.

"Wait a minute, I will create a strong wind with spells, and drive the group of blood eagles back to their nests, and then you will become a red dragon, fly over with the wind, and breathe fire at the eagle's nest on the cliff, so that you can avoid fighting and drive the blood eagles back to their nests. They were all burned to death in their dens."

"Wow! Ma'am, you are so poisonous!"

"Stop talking nonsense! My old man is called... wily and calculating!"

Granny Owl gave him an annoyed look, waved her hand to disperse the vines covering the entrance of the cave, chanted a divine spell prayer, and cast a 2nd level "Wind Breeze".

In a blink of an eye, an unusually violent airflow was summoned, blowing the group of blood eagles in the air, making it difficult to maintain balance.

The blood eagles thought that the blizzard was coming, they screamed and flew back to the nest, hiding in the nest and not daring to show their heads.

Gao Fei took the opportunity to transform into a red dragon form, spread his wings under the help of the strong wind, and soon flew to the cliff where the eagles nested, opened his mouth to spit out cone-shaped flames, and swept past the rows of eagle nests. Scorch all the 118 blood eagles in the nest, gaining a total of 2950 experience points.

After finishing it, Gao Fei turned around and flew back to the Giant Owl's lair.

"Young man, you really didn't disappoint me!" Granny Owl said with a smile.

Gao Fei regained his human form, breathing heavily from exhaustion.

Since going up the mountain, he has activated "Dragon Rage" three times in a row. Even after deducting the level 1 exhaustion offset by the "Perseverance" feat, the cumulative exhaustion state has reached level 2.

The owl mother-in-law saw that he was exhausted, so she took out three winter jujube-shaped berries from her pocket, cast a spell, and transformed them into "god berries" for Gao Fei to eat.

The "God Berry" created by druids, taking one can restore a little life, and can also reduce exhaustion by 1 level.

After Gao Fei ate two magic berries, he dispelled his fatigue and regained his energy, and kept the remaining one in his pocket as a spare.

"This is the reward I promised you before, take it!"

The owl mother-in-law handed Gao Fei a wooden owl carving, about two inches high, exquisitely carved, and looked like a small ornament. If you look closely, you will find that it emits a faint magical aura.

Gao Fei used the astrolabe to identify it, and was pleasantly surprised to find that this small wooden carving turned out to be a "rare" level magic tool.


A new month has begun, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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