Savior Simulator

Chapter 1284 Reflection

Chapter 1284 Reflection
"By the way, I would like to say a few more words. In the past two months in the abyss, Gao Fei has not wasted his time."

Yaoguang urged the young special police officers,

"Now he has been promoted to a legendary special police officer. Not long ago, he personally beheaded a legendary Barlow flame demon. From Tyros to Ferrag, his reputation spread across the river Styx."

"We finally reached level 20, and we still don't know how to break through the legendary bottleneck. Brother Honglong has already passed this threshold. He is always not surprising when it comes to surprises! "Lin Qi sighed with emotion.

Tangning also felt the same way: "This kid Gao Fei can thrive in the bottomless abyss, I'm completely convinced!"

The stone that had been pressing on his heart for the past two months finally fell to the ground. Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, bit his lower lip lightly, and couldn't tell whether it was pride or anxiety.

When I think of seeing my sweetheart who I am worried about soon, I am excited and inevitably feel a little nervous and embarrassed.

Avoiding people's eyes, Jiang Nvxia took out her makeup mirror, took a photo secretly, combed the slightly messy hair around her ears, and quietly applied some eye cream to prevent her from looking too haggard.

At this time, Tianquan sent the reports submitted by Gao Fei and Kona, including the ecological environment and demon information along the Styx River, to the astrolabe of the special police, and urged everyone to read them carefully, as they may be useful for the next combat mission intelligence.

"Sister Jiajia, look at this!" Ma Yun waved to Li Jiajia, the sister-in-law who was sitting next to her, with a secretive look.

"What's wrong, Xiaoyun?" Li Jiajia turned her head and looked at Ma Yun's astrolabe screen.

The document that Ma Yun was reading was the one released by Tianquan just now, and it had turned to the chapter "Monster Illustrated Book".

"This is... the six-armed snake demon?" Li Jiajia read out the introductory text on the document, "The status in the Tanari tribe is second only to the Balor demon. He is good at multi-weapon fighting and occasionally appears in the material world. It will become the image of a beautiful woman."

These introductions are very normal. What really caught Ma Yun's attention was the illustrations with the text, which looked like a selfie photo no matter what!
In the center of the screen, there is a beautiful girl with slender waist, long legs, bright eyes and bright teeth. Her long black hair is tied into a high ponytail, revealing her fair forehead. She smiles sweetly at the camera and gestures "scissorhands".

The annotation under the photo pointed out that this is the human form transformed by a lizard using magic.

Ma Yun glanced back at Jiang Feng furtively, turned around, and asked Li Jiajia in a low voice, "Look carefully, who does the girl in the photo look like?"

"...Do you still need to ask?" Li Jiajia had a weird expression, "From the figure to the appearance to the hairstyle, if it didn't appear in the devil's illustrated book, I would have thought it was Sister Feng's selfie."

"So here comes the question. The witch in the photo looks like a human being, and she is seven or eight percent similar to Sister Feng. Is this a coincidence, or did the witch turn into this appearance on purpose?"

"Who knows..." Li Jiajia smiled wryly, "After all, it's impossible for us to find the person involved... If you're the devil, ask."

"Actually, we don't need to look for the person in the painting, but we can find out the truth!" The clever Xiao Ma's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"We can easily see that this is a well-posed photo. Guess who took this witch's beautiful photo?"

"How could I know this!" Li Jiajia was speechless.

"As a reminder, the witch wears a platinum badge on her chest, the surface is polished very smooth."

"You mean... the badge is like a small mirror, which can reflect the appearance of the photographer opposite?"

Li Jiajia is not stupid, and immediately guessed Ma Yun's intentions.

It's a pity that the badge is only the size of a button, and the resolution of the photo is not high enough. It can only be vaguely seen that the opposite is a man, but it is difficult to distinguish the appearance.

"Sister Jiajia, don't you think the face reflected in the badge looks a lot like Brother Fei?" Ma Yun couldn't help pointing out.

Li Jiajia looked bewildered, opened her satchel, and took out her glasses.

Putting on the glasses and looking carefully, it seems that, vaguely, there is a little bit of similarity...but it is still too blurry.

"Maybe it's just your illusion."

Li Jiajia is still not sure whether the man who took the picture of the witch is Gao Fei or not.

She would rather Ma Yun was wrong, otherwise this would not be good news for Jiang Feng.

Student Xiao Ma was completely immersed in the fun of the cosplay detective, and did not hear Li Jiajia's implication.

Rolling her eyes, she suddenly showed a smirk, skillfully took a screenshot, copied it to the image processing software, then enlarged the badge, and adjusted the resolution and clarity through various technical means.

After a fierce operation, Xiao Ma processed the reflection in the badge to a sufficiently clear level as he wished.

"Let me just say, it's definitely not Brother Fei!" Li Jiajia breathed a sigh of relief.

The facial outline of the man reflected in the badge does look a bit like Goofy, but the raised black horns on his forehead indicate that this man should be a tiefling with demon blood.

"Sister Jiajia, you haven't read the report submitted by Brother Fei, have you?" Ma Yun said softly, "He wrote in the report that in order to facilitate activities in the abyss, he specially used magic to change his appearance, taking the identity of a tiefling youth. Deal with the devil."

"This..." Li Jiajia adjusted the glasses frame, hesitant to speak.

"Forget it! Instead of guessing here, we might as well just ask the station master!"

Ma Yun stood up holding the astrolabe, trotted all the way to Yaoguang and Tianquan, stood on tiptoe, and asked the two stationmaster sisters for gossip in a soft voice.

After hearing her question, Yao Guang showed displeasure, and stretched out his hand to squeeze Ma Yun's cheek.

"You naughty girl, you are always afraid that the world will not be chaotic!"

"Sister Stationmaster! Listen to your tone, the man who took the picture of the witch is really Brother Fei?" Student Xiao Ma rubbed his face and made indirect remarks.

Yao Guang gave her a white look, and solemnly emphasized: "Gao Fei and Kona are both our colleagues in Tiangong. During this period, Gao Fei lived in Kona's house. The relationship between the two is just a normal business cooperation. Don't think too much about it." , let alone go out and talk nonsense."

Having said that, she glanced at Jiang Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

"Oh? It turns out that this six-armed snake demon who looks a lot like Jiang Feng is Kona, the ace agent under Ms. Tianquan!"

Another good-natured person, Lin Qi, also slipped over at some point, pricking up his ears to join in the fun.

Speaking of Kona, Tianquan also had a smile on his face.

"Kona is not only a non-staff agent of our No. [-] station, but also the lord of Ferrag Fortress, a legendary-level lizard, and has developed very well in Pazunia."

"This woman is quick-witted, shrewd and capable, and she can always complete the tasks I assign to her."

"At the beginning, Yaoguang entrusted me to find Gao Fei who was wandering in the abyss. I gave this task to Kona, but she found him within three days, and brought Gao Fei back to Ferraga, taking good care of him. "

(End of this chapter)

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