Savior Simulator

Chapter 1283 Set sail

Chapter 1283 Set sail
Tiangong dispatched the magical battleship "Phoenix" to Pazunia, with the mission of sealing the abyssal wormhole.

According to Tianquan's original intention, he didn't want to bring so many special police officers on board at all. He was worried that these rookies would not be able to help, but would become a drag instead.

Reluctantly, Yaoguang and Kaiyang insisted that this is a good opportunity to train the special police.

The senior management of Tiangong's board of directors also supported their point of view.

Tianquan had no choice but to agree to bring up to 1000 special police officers, and the rest of the cabin had to be reserved for her more trusted magic pilots.

The young special police officers followed Yao Guang onto the battleship and found their seats in the spacious cabin.

Before the battleship set sail, Tianquan had to explain some precautions, mainly the regulations on navigation safety.

Next, it was Yaoguang's turn to guide the special police to open the astrolabe, enter the armory page, and receive the equipment for the abyss battle.

In order to seal the wormhole, the worms entrenched around the wormhole must be eliminated. Tiangong specially provided the special police with two kinds of magic tools specially used to fight against the Obiris zerg.

Yao Guang picked up a plain copper ring and showed it to the special police officers.

"There are 2 rings of magic 'stable mind' on this ring. After activation, it can suppress the abnormal emotions of the wearer."

"'Phoenix' has a 'Shipboard Mystic', if you move within 10 kilometers around the battleship, you will automatically get the protection of the Mystic, which is equivalent to blessing the 'Spiritual Barrier', immune to all negative mental states, no need to open the nerves ring."

"However, when you have to fight the Obiris demon outside the radius of the mystic radiation, you'd better open the Ring of Tranquilization, so as not to be affected by the 'crazy aura'."

Then, Yao Guang picked up an aluminum alloy pendant, which looked like a nameplate used to record the identity of soldiers.

"This is the 'Pest Repelling Talisman', which has a constant level 3 magic 'Repelling Pests'. After activation, it can prevent insect creatures that are hostile to the wearer from approaching within 10 feet, and continue to cause damage to them."

"We've tested that the 'Repellent Amulet' is also effective against Obiris Zerg, but it's not infallible!"

"Especially those high-level Obiris demons with high mental resistance may break through the barrier of the insect repellent barrier, so you must be extra careful in battle."

After the special police officers received the "Soothing Ring" and "Insect Repelling Amulet", Yao Guang then introduced the weapons prepared for everyone.

Cold weapons such as swords, swords, bows and crossbows can't play much role in the face of a huge number of insects.

What's more troublesome is that the Obiris zerg generally have high resistance to magic and energy. Using magic such as "fireball" to bomb the swarm consumes a lot of energy and the effect is not very good.

In order to eliminate the swarm more efficiently, Tiangong equipped the task force with a grenade launcher, which looked like a large revolver, and the magazine could hold six grenades.

There are many types of ammunition suitable for grenade launchers.

For example, flash bombs, cloud bombs, napalm bombs, and smoke bombs filled with special-effect insecticides, the special police can flexibly choose according to actual needs.

In addition, each person can also receive a shoulder-fired rocket launcher with two types of guided rockets.

The first is a conventional rocket, the warhead is filled with "Green Angel", a special N^2 explosive, with an explosive equivalent of 1000 tons of TNT and an effective killing radius of 100 meters. It can be called the explosive with the highest energy density under nuclear weapons.

The second type of rocket, to be precise, is a tactical nuclear warhead, launched by a rocket launcher, with a maximum range of 10 kilometers, an explosive equivalent of 3000 tons of TNT, and an effective killing radius of 500 meters. One shot can destroy a skyscraper.

Special police officers can receive grenades and conventional rockets at will. If they want to receive nuclear warheads, they must apply to Yaoguang in advance.

The SWAT police have received genetically modified bodies, which are strong enough to resist the radiation of small nuclear bombs.

As for the pollution to the environment, there is no need to care about it.

The Abyss is a place full of toxins and miasma.This kind of heavily polluted harsh environment is not suitable for human survival, and it is not bad for nuclear radiation.

In addition to tactical nuclear bombs, there are also more powerful strategic nuclear weapons on board, but for safety reasons, they are not included in the list of individual police equipment for the time being.

The special police received their equipment, fastened their seat belts according to Tianquan's instructions, and the shields on the seats fell down, temporarily shutting them into a closed cabin.

Immediately afterwards, the visor was lowered outside the porthole of the battleship, and the sound of the engine starting was also blocked out.

The huge battleship trembled slightly and lifted off smoothly.

Accompanied by a burst of intense flashes, the "Phoenix" activated the jump engine and began to teleport across planes.

The young special police officers sat in the airtight cabin, feeling the dizziness brought about by the interplanetary transmission, and they were more or less nervous.

There was silence in the cabin, and the atmosphere became more and more dignified.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a notification sound for disarming the alarm, the cockpit shields were all opened, and the eyes were bright again.

Ms. Tianquan, the captain, told all passengers through the radio:

"The 'Phoenix' has completed the interplanetary transition and successfully arrived at the first layer of the bottomless abyss—Pazunia."

"The battleship is sailing smoothly over the Wanyuan Plain, and is expected to arrive at the landing point on the left bank of the River Styx in 40 minutes."

At the same time, the shield covering the porthole was raised again, and through the transparent crystal steel porthole, the special police officers cast their sights out of the window one after another.

The dim setting sun above Pazunia, the bloody electric lights flickering deep in the clouds, and the strange flying birds from time to time made these young people who came here for the first time feel novel and interesting.

The warship slowly lowered its flight altitude, and the scene on the ground gradually became clearer.

Bottomless pits can be seen everywhere on the endless vast wasteland. No wonder Pazunia is also known as the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss".

The ever-flowing River Styx meanders and stretches endlessly across the wasteland, like a major artery cut open by a scalpel. The scarlet and dazzling river water is like inexhaustible plasma.

When the special policemen were watching through the window, Yaoguang and Tianquan walked over.

"Before the battleship lands, there is still a little leisure time."

"About the Wanyuan Plain and the battle plan for this trip, if you have any questions, just ask them, and Tianquan and I will try our best to give you satisfactory answers." Yao Guang said.

The special policemen raised their hands one after another, and the questions they asked were probably related to this mission.

Only when it was Jiang Feng's turn, he asked a very personal question.

"Madam Station Master, I want to inquire about Gao Fei's recent situation."

There was a burst of laughter all around, and some people complained about being stuffed with dog food.

Jiang Feng's cheeks were slightly red, but his eyes were still fixed on Yao Guang, expecting her to reply.

Yaoguang smiled considerately, and said to Jiang Feng: "After the battleship completed its transition, I will get in touch with Gao Fei through the ship's base station. He is safe now and is rushing over from Ferrager Fortress. We can meet now."

(End of this chapter)

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