Savior Simulator

Chapter 1264 Exiled Corps

Chapter 1264 Exiled Corps
Gao Fei knew only a little about it, and his curiosity became stronger, so he couldn't help asking Kona about it.

"Duke Belmonk, it is said that he is a pit fiend who has evolved to the legendary level. Compared with you, who is stronger or weaker?"

Kona twitched the corners of her mouth, her face a little embarrassed.

"Belmont once fought Baines for [-] rounds, and finally won by a narrow margin! Do you think he will be weaker than me?"

"Then how does Belmonk compare to the Zerg Emperor?"

"He is definitely not Abaddon's opponent, otherwise he would have taken action to capture the Hive Island and take the abyssal wormhole as his own." Kona said firmly.

Gao Fei nodded thoughtfully.

Judging from the information provided by Kona, the strength of "Duke of Magic Flame" Belmonk is not much stronger than that of Bynes, and the challenge level is probably level 23, at most no more than level 24.

"Belmonk is so powerful, how strong is he as a godfather?" Gao Fei asked Kona.

Kona gave him a deep look, but hesitated to speak.

"I don't want to be a 'riddler', but I really dare not say something nonsense, otherwise it will immediately reach the ears of that big man."

"It's just you and me here, who else will leak the secret?" Gao Fei didn't understand.

"Oh! You don't understand, there is a kind of existence in this world, called God!"

Kona smiled wryly, and decisively ended this too dangerous topic.

Even though she didn't dare to say more, the information revealed in just a few words was enough to open a door to a new world for Gao Fei, making him feel that there was a sky beyond the sky, and was deeply shocked.

Above the legend, there is a demigod.

The Lord of the Abyss and the Grand Duke of Hell are both demigods.

Above the demigods is the true god.

The true god cannot visit the mortal world in person, and can only indirectly exert influence on the mortal world by spreading teachings and philosophical ideas, and bestowing "spells" on devout believers.

That is, "Jedi Tiantong".

For mortals, the true God is just an abstract carrier of belief, or the embodiment of philosophical concepts, without a fixed image, let alone personality.

That is to say, "you can't match things with the Lord"!
Since there are no "mortal gods" and "personal gods", it is impossible for the true god to accept a great devil as his son.

Belmonk's godfather can only be a demigod theoretically.

A demigod is also a god, possessing incredible divine power, able to listen to the prayers of believers at any time, and learn the blasphemy that is disrespectful to him—that's why Kona dared not call the name of the god directly.

After understanding this level, Gao Fei has only one question left.

Who is the godfather of Duke Belmonk?
The other party seems to have little interest in the expansion of his godson's power in the Abyss, but instead pays more attention to the commercial benefits of Mephit Town, thinking about making money.

Such a demigod with a distinct "capitalist" style of painting...

Gao Fei didn't know how to comment.

At this time, there was a wave of magic power in the air, and a ball of red light the size of an egg appeared in front of Kona.

Gao Fei observed the light sphere, and found a black secret imprint faintly emerging from the red light, like an abstract graffiti of a bull's head.

"The mark of the bull's head...whose mark is this?" Gao Fei casually asked Kona.

"It seems to be the mark of Minos." Kona looked puzzled, "It's strange, the number one general under Bynes, the Bull Demon General Minos, why did he suddenly send me a 'short message technique'?"

Reaching out to hold the ball of red light in the air, and reading the loaded information, Kona's face gradually became serious.

"A letter from Minos asking me for help!"

"Tell me in detail, what's going on?"

Listening to Kona recounting the content of Minos' letter, Gao Fei learned that the former No. [-] figure in Vanelon Fortress completely broke with the former boss after Baines took refuge in Abaddon, the "King of Bugs", and led Vanelon All Tanari demons in Long Fortress who do not want to be with the Obiris Zerg embark on a journey of escape.

"Not long after Minos and his party left Vanelon Fortress, they were chased and killed by the Obiris Zerg, and they are now under heavy siege. The besieged place is less than two hundred miles away from Ferraga... It is too late to rescue them now. !"

Kona seemed quite moved.

"Are you going to accept Minos' surrender?" Gao Fei asked.

"I don't have any friendship with Minos. Normally, I would like to see him in trouble!" Kona smiled, "However, it is not what it used to be. Abaddon is the common enemy of Minos and me, the enemy of the enemy, maybe we can become friends."

"From the perspective of the overall situation, this is indeed the truth." Gao Fei agreed with Kona's opinion. "The swarm has captured Vanelon, and the next target of the swarm emperor is likely to be Ferragh. Now save Minos and take in this exiled army. In the future, there will be more available soldiers when resisting the attack of the swarm. "

Kona nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

The last time Butler colluded with Baines and launched a rebellion, it didn't seem like there was much trouble on the surface, and it was quickly suppressed. In fact, it had a very serious negative impact on Kona and even the entire Ferrager Legion.

Regardless of the objective need to maintain iron-fisted rule, or Kona's tough and domineering character, the most severe means must be used to settle accounts afterwards. Butler's cronies were brutally purged without exception.

After the purge, Kona firmly held all the power in her own hands and became the veritable queen of Ferrag Fortress. The price was that the officer class was severely damaged, and she lacked quasi-legendary generals comparable to Butler and Turas.

Meryl is strong enough, but because of her loli appearance and personality, Kona's head maid is not suitable to be a general in charge.

Kona once pinned her hope of training her deputy on Gao Fei.

She even half-jokingly said to him: "Sister, I am not only beautiful and capable, but also a rich woman! If you marry me and help me manage Ferraga, you can save half your life from struggling. What's wrong with that?"

There is some truth to this statement, Gao Fei was very moved, and then rejected her.

"Fort Ferrag is nice, but it's not my home."

"You are a good man, but unfortunately I have a girlfriend."

Kona could tell that Gao Fei didn't intend to live in the Abyss forever, and would leave here sooner or later and return to his hometown.

There is no way out, Kona can only recruit through other channels.

Just at this time, Vanelon Fortress was captured by the Zerg, and Baines chose to surrender very spinelessly. This incident immediately became the fuse of the division within the Vanelon Legion.

It is not uncommon for the demons to attack each other, and the defeated party chooses to surrender.

The problem is that it was not the Tanari demons who conquered Vanelon Fortress, but Tanari's old enemy Obiris!

Long before the rise of the Tanari demons, the Obiris demons were the main nation and the ruling class of the Abyss.

At that time, the newly born Tanari was nothing more than a servant of the nobles of Obiris.

(End of this chapter)

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