Savior Simulator

Chapter 1263 Fall of Vanelon

Chapter 1263 Fall of Vanelon

"The mouthparts of the gluttonous swarm are both hard and sharp. Except for pure gold, there is no other material in the world that can withstand their crazy gnawing." Kona said bitterly.

It was also a fort made of steel, and since Vanelon couldn't stop the swarm of gluttons, Ferrag couldn't stop it either.

The tragedy that happened in Vanelon yesterday, I am afraid it will not be long before it will be repeated in Ferraga.

At this moment, the swarm of insects in the video seemed to be pumped with chicken blood, collectively flapping their wings and clamoring, appearing extremely excited.

Even through the screen, Gao Fei could feel the frenzied atmosphere at the scene, and immediately had a premonition that something big was going to happen.

Sure enough, an extremely thick beam of teleportation light suddenly rose from the Fortress of Vanelon, where the city wall was opened.

A huge and hideous figure appeared in the teleportation array.

"The Emperor of Zombies came to the battlefield in person, and the fall of Fort Vanelon is a foregone conclusion." Kona sighed.

With curiosity, Gao Fei stared at Abaddon, the "Emperor of Bugs" in the teleportation formation, wanting to observe how powerful he is, so that even Princess Blade, who is also a legendary demon, daunted him.

It's a pity that Abaddon is always surrounded by a large group of flying poisonous insects, like smoke and fog, making it hard to see his true face.

With the arrival of the insect emperor, a terrifying aura spread, and within a thousand feet of the surrounding area, most of the demons defending the city lost their fighting spirit and fled without fighting.

Only the lord of this fortress, the Balrog General Baines, was not willing to give in, and teleported directly to the opposite side of Abaddon, holding up the legendary beheading sword with his right hand, wielding the legendary flame whip with his left hand, and roaring with his head raised, challenging the insect emperor.

"Courage is commendable, but pointless."

Kona commented coldly.

"Bynes' strength is slightly better than mine, but there is still a big gap compared to a 'quasi-abyss lord' like Abaddon. Taking the initiative to challenge the Zerg Emperor is destined to bring shame on oneself."

Gao Fei didn't know Bynes and Abaddon, but he knew Kona well enough to know that this big witch was arrogant, and if she couldn't really beat her, she would never admit that the other party was stronger than him.

Kona's strength, converted into a challenge level, is almost level 22.

Baines is slightly stronger than her, and even if the strength of the two sides is 23 or [-], then Baines' challenge level is likely to be level [-].

If Kona hadn't exaggerated, Abaddon would definitely beat Baines, and the gap was so big that Baines had no hope of winning at all. From this, it can be speculated that Abaddon's challenge level is at least 25!

A quasi-abyss lord with a challenge level of level 25 is only short of the last step of condensing the "source of divine power" before becoming a "half-god". How strong is it?
To be honest, at Gao Fei's level, he couldn't think of it just by imagination.

So he was very curious about how the battle between Baines and Abaddon would unfold.

Just watching the duel between the two legendary demons can provide valuable experience for Gao Fei's own practice, and even his impact on the legendary realm.

Unfortunately, however, his curiosity was not satisfied.

Gao Fei had personally experienced the power of the legendary magic "Swarm Storm" surrounded by Abaddon when he first explored the "Great Wormhole".

If he hadn't retreated quickly when he saw the situation was bad, and got Kona's timely medical treatment, at least one leg would have been lost.

In addition to the terrifying lethality, "Bug Storm" also has special effects that obscure the field of vision.

Like a thick fog, it completely enveloped the duel venue of the two legendary demons.

Through the screen, not to mention Abaddon, even Baines couldn't see clearly.

Kona, who was at the scene at the time, was obviously also aware of the problem of blurred vision. She held the astrolabe and kept shooting, while quietly approaching the place where the two demon kings were fighting, trying to find a sneak shot angle with a better view.

However, as soon as it approached, the legendary swarms that were everywhere were immediately alarmed.

Abaddon seemed to have received a warning from the swarm, and when he noticed Kona who was peeping secretly, he immediately separated a swarm and swooped towards the camera.

"Miss! The situation is not good, retreat quickly!"

In the video, the succubus loli Meryl screamed.

In the next second, Kona's astrolabe went black.

That's all for this video.

Gao Fei felt a little regretful that he could not see the live duel between Abaddon and Baines, but the result of the duel was not surprising.

"Bynes challenged Abaddon, but was defeated and captured." Kona said in a low voice, "Later, I heard that in order to survive, Baines not only defected to the Zombie Emperor, but also persuaded his subordinates to surrender together."

"On the second day after Abaddon occupied Vanelon Fortress, another Obiris swarm under his command bloodbathed Mephit Town."

"Mabat Town..." Gao Fei felt uncomfortable.

Wandering in the bottomless abyss so far, there are only two places that have left a good impression on him.

One is Ferrag Fortress, and the other is the hospitable Mephit Town.

Witnessing the fall of Vanelon Fortress and the massacre of the Obiris swarm, Gao Fei felt nothing. But knowing that Mephit Town also suffered a catastrophe made him a little uncomfortable.

Kona clicked twice on the astrolabe to play the second video secretly shot yesterday.

"When I got the news, it was too late, and I only took pictures of the tragedy after the Mephit Town was destroyed by the swarm."

Kona's voice was low, and she obviously felt sorry for the destruction of Mephit Town, which was a rare place in the Abyss that could trade fairly.

The video shows a miserable ruin. It is hard to believe that this was once a prosperous commercial town.

"The residents of the town were either killed, and their corpses were used as food for the gluttonous hive mother, or they were captured alive by Abaddon's heirs, implanted with insect eggs, and used as hosts for hatching larvae."

Kona noticed that Gao Fei looked away, and couldn't bear to watch the tragedy of Mephit Town, so she turned off the video and said word by word:
"Abadon crossed the line! He could capture Vanelon, but he shouldn't attack Mephit Town. This is a fatal mistake."

Gao Fei heard what she meant, and asked, "I've always been curious about one thing, who is the backstage boss of Mephit Town?"

"You are asking the right person. There are no more than five fingers who know this secret, and I am one of them." Kona lowered her voice with a secretive look, "Over the years, 'Magic Flame Grand Duke' Belmonk has been secretly maintaining the magic. The order of Mebat Town, and he is not the real backstage boss of Mephit Town..."

"A large part of Belmonk's business income from Mephit Town will be used to honor his mysterious adoptive father!"

"The conflict between the major forces in the Wanyuan Plain, and the change of territory, in the eyes of the real big shots, are just small troubles, too lazy to intervene, but if it delays people's earning money and affects their vital interests, that is another matter Already!"

"If Belmonk's godfather is annoyed by stupid bugs, how terrible the consequences will be... I can't even imagine!"

Speaking of this, Kona couldn't help shivering.

(End of this chapter)

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