Savior Simulator

Chapter 1259 Duel Grandmaster

Chapter 1259 Duel Grandmaster
Kona carefully observed Gao Fei's expression, confirmed that he was not lying, and nodded slightly.

"I believe you won't hurt me, so let's start."

With Kona's permission, Gao Fei does not need to make a will check, but opens the "eye of insight", and immediately sees clearly the magic she is good at.


0 ring - magic trick, mage's hand, arcane mark;

1st—disguise, shield, magic missile, magic alarm;
2nd—detect thoughts, see invisibility, mirror image, alignment weapon;

3rd—haste, displacement, discern lies, lightning bolt;

4th ring-Shadow Strike, Hammer of Chaos, Polymorph, Dimensional Anchor;

5th ring - remote telekinesis, breaking barriers, righteousness like a rainbow, soaring into the sky;
6th—blade ward, greater dispel, true seeing;

7th level-projection, blasphemy, word of chaos, greater teleportation, teleportation;
8th ring-whirlwind, mind barrier, evil aura, location perception;

Ring 9 - Calamity Black Blade.


Kona mastered more spells than Gao Fei expected, and the quality was surprisingly excellent.

He originally only planned to copy three spells, but after looking at the list of spells, it was really difficult to choose.

In order to get more slots for stealing spells, Gao Fei went all out and spent 90000 experience points in one go, directly upgrading the "Spell Thief" to the full level!
The experience value of the inventory is now only a pitiful 4000 points. Before returning to Tiangong, don't expect to upgrade the "imitator".

The "Spell Thief" has reached level 20, the sneak attack effect has reached the highest 10d6, and he has also learned the ultimate skill of the Thief class—Duel Master!

Duel Master: You know the weaknesses of your prey like the back of your hands, and your assassination skills are at the pinnacle!From now on, you can launch "Ghost Strike" at will, and there is no limit to the number of times you can use it!

What's more, after being promoted to two levels, Gao Fei has two more vacancies for stealing spells.

Now, he can copy five spells from Kona in total.

After careful selection, Gao Fei copied the 6th level "Blade Wall", 7th level "Transfer from Another World", 8th level "Position Perception" and "Whirlwind", and 9th level "Black Blade of Calamity"!
"Transfer from another world" and "Black Blade of Calamity", needless to say.

"Sword Blade Wall" can create a barrier composed of countless force field blades, which can be stretched into a straight wall or surrounded by a circle of walls according to the caster's will.

"Blade Wall" persists for 1 minute/casting level.

During this period, any creature that touches or tries to pass through the "blade wall" will take 15~90 (15d6) points of force field damage each time.

The 8th ring "whirlwind technique", the caster temporarily summons a group of tornado storms, while maintaining a state of concentration, the tornado can be remotely controlled to move at high speed, causing huge damage to buildings and ecology along the way.

In stormy areas, any ranged weapon will lose its aim.

Flying creatures and most man-made aircraft cannot navigate in stormy winds.

Finally, creatures who are directly sucked into the storm will hover at high speed with the air currents, suffer 8~48 (8d6) points of damage each round, and remain dazed continuously.

The 8th ring "Position Perception" is a magic specially used to find missing targets, and it is also the most powerful of this kind of magic!
As long as the caster clearly knows the target he is looking for, whether he has seen the person or thing with his own eyes, heard people describe it, or knows its image through pictures, photos, or videos, he can use the "perceived position" accordingly to lock the target at the moment. exact location.

When Gao Fei fell into the abyss and lost contact with Tiangong, Kona accepted Yaoguang and Tianquan's entrustment to find his whereabouts. It was by relying on "perceived location" that she successfully found Gao Fei who was in Magic Bat Town at the time.


A month later.

Ferrag Fortress, Alchemy Workshop.

"Brother! You have to aim a little bit, don't hit my handsome face!"

The little devil Pipi, standing in front of the wall with a paper target, looked nervous.

Gao Fei stood opposite Pippi, about ten meters away, preparing to cast a spell.

"My target is the paper target behind you. Why would you deliberately shoot the experiment assistant in the face?" Gao Fei said angrily, "Now you can activate the anti-magic field."

The little devil responded and raised his left hand, wearing a brand new platinum ring on his middle finger.

Reciting the activation spell softly, the ring glowed slightly, and quietly opened an "anti-magic field" with a radius of ten feet, covering Pippi and the test target hanging on the wall behind him.

This "Forbidden Ring" is an advanced magic tool that Gao Fei spent half a month making by himself.

The ring is automatically charged, and the "anti-magic field" can be opened 3 times a day, and each time it lasts for 370 minutes.

Gao Fei made a total of three such rings.

One was given to Kona in return for the platinum ring and enchanting materials she provided.The other was given to Pippi to reward the little devil for his loyal following.

The last "forbidden ring" was left by Gao Fei to his girlfriend Jiang Feng, intending to give her a surprise as a proposal ring in the future.

Pippi was very grateful for Gao Fei's gift, but he couldn't help complaining: "Brother, in fact, you mainly gave me this precious ring because you want me to use it as a tool for testing the anti-magic field." ?”

"Don't talk nonsense! You are my lab assistant, how can you be willing to use you as a tool?" Gao Fei said sincerely, "Pippi, although I don't pay you a salary, you must believe that your value is higher than that of a tool." many."

"Okay, big brother, whatever you want to say!" Pippi sighed, with a look of lovelessness on his face, "Little brother, I have accepted your favor, so I have to do things for you obediently, let's start!"

Gao Fei nodded, put on the "Mage Mask", raised his hand and shot a "Lightning Beam" strengthened by the curse fire.

The silver lightning penetrated the "anti-magic field", passed by Pippi, hit the wall behind him, and burned a charred black hole in the cardboard.

"Brother! So good!" Pippi wiped off his cold sweat, not forgetting to flirt.

Gao Fei ignored him, switched back to the law thief as a sub-professional, and opened the "anti-magic field" centered on himself.

He didn't wear the "Sorcerer Ring" himself.

Mainly because it is inconvenient.

Thanks to the additional spellcasting level of "Spellcasting Wizard" and "Mana Enhancement Pearl", Gao Fei is used to using various supermagic specialties when casting spells.

Using magic tools to cast spells, you can't supermagic at will, it's too rigid, he doesn't like this way of casting spells.

Surrounded by the "anti-magic field", it is theoretically impossible to cast spells.

However, Gao Fei still had a chance and tried to cast the "Hell Flame Ray" modified by "Curse Fire Mastery".

Since curse fire magic can penetrate the "anti-magic field", is it possible to complete the above spell-casting process in the "anti-magic field"?

(End of this chapter)

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