Savior Simulator

Chapter 1258 Sharing Wisdom

Just when the demons were restless, a beam of teleportation light suddenly rose from the secret room, and a figure emerged.

The group of demons thought it was Butler who had returned, and surrounded him happily.

However, upon closer inspection, the figure teleported over looked like Gao Fei.

The group of demons turned pale with fright, hurriedly cast spells, and concentrated fire on Gao Fei who had just returned to the secret room!
For a moment, lightning, fireballs, acid, and various destructive spells completely enveloped Gao Fei's figure.

But it was only a flash in the pan.

All the spells blasting towards Gao Fei were suppressed by the "anti-magic field" before they got close, and the situation was calm in an instant.

"Sorry, I predicted your prediction."

Gao Fei walked out of the teleportation array with a sneer, facing the bewildered group of demons, his eyebrows and mind imprints suddenly radiated silver light.

High-level mind blast! !
The psychic powers and the "anti-magic field" did not interfere with each other, and the silver wave passed through the forbidden magic space, like a silent thunder, exploding in the minds of the group of demons, causing a strong mental shock and making them all sluggish.

Gao Fei restrained the "anti-magic field", and then immediately cast the "law".

"You guys are already dead."

The cold words, accompanied by the runes that condensed the law of order, gushed out of Gao Fei's mouth, turning into countless golden blades, piercing through all the demons in the secret room who hadn't shaken off their shock.

The six demon corpses fell on their backs on the floor at the same time, lying in a row with disbelief on their faces.

Gao Fei exhaled lightly, stepped over the demon corpse lying on the ground, walked to the mithril disk, and checked the situation in the city.


After the "Forbidden Barrier" was reset, Kona led her subordinates to teleport back in time to encircle the invaders and eliminate the rebels with thunderous means.

At the same time, Baines' party also felt the pressure exerted on them by the "Forbidden Barrier", and if they continued to stay in the city, they would lose part of their vitality every second.

Realizing that the general situation is over, Baines can only face the reality even if he is not reconciled. Before Kona can catch up, he leads his subordinates to teleport together and hurriedly escapes from Fort Ferrager.

After confirming that order had been restored in the city, Gao Fei left the secret room and handed over the bodies of the six traitors, along with Butler, the culprit, to Kona for disposal.

Kona listened to Gao Fei's account of the cause and effect, with a gloomy face, and cast a spell to turn the little turtle lying on the ground back into a seriously injured and dying Necromancer.

Cona didn't bother to listen to Butler's sophistry, and directly cast spells to detect his true inner thoughts.

The result is not unexpected.

Butler used to be the lord of Ferrager Fortress, and he thought that this great foundation was built by himself, but because Kona was too strong, both in personal strength and prestige in the city, he had already surpassed himself, lest the other party force the palace, It made him unable to step down, so he took the initiative to let Xian.

Over the years, Butler has been loyal to Kona on the surface, helping her manage internal affairs and logistics affairs, acting like a hard-working and competent manager, but in fact he is not willing to surrender, and has long secretly colluded with Baines in an attempt to overthrow Kona's rule , to retake Fort Ferragh.

Baines agreed to cooperate because Butler made an offer he couldn't refuse.

Kona kept a fragment of "The Source of Divine Power", a relic of a fallen ancient pit lord.

The legendary demons who have collected all the fragments can try to absorb the "source of divine power" and be promoted to the abyss lord.

Butler made a promise to Bynes that as long as the other party helped him restore it, he could get the precious "source of divine power" fragment.

In fact, Butler played tricks on this matter.

In fact, he didn't know how to enter Kona's treasure house.

Only on this issue, Kona was extremely vigilant.

Even to his cronies, he did not reveal a single word.

For fear of arousing Connor's suspicion, Butler has been afraid to inquire.

Of course, Baines may not keep his promise and return the Fort Ferrager to him after it is done.So Butler doesn't feel guilty about this hard-to-keep promise.

After learning the truth, Kona was so furious that she pulled out her six scimitars, chopped Butler to pieces on the spot, and finally used the "Black Blade of Calamity" to make up the knife, so as to relieve her anger.

Kona sheathed her knife, transformed into a human form, and walked up to Gao Fei, her eyes full of gratitude.

"Gao Fei, thank you for being here, otherwise I dare not imagine how miserable my end will be."

"It was you who saved Felager and helped me defeat Turas on the battlefield. Your contribution is too great, and I simply don't know how to repay it."

The more Kona talked, the more excited she was, she took the initiative to hold his hand, her eyes became extraordinarily fiery.

"I really can't come up with a reward worthy of your credit. After thinking about it, I might as well give you myself—"

"No! You don't want to!" Gao Fei decisively interrupted her, "In my eyes, you are like a noble goddess, I will not allow you to belittle yourself like this!"

Kona froze for a moment, her beautiful eyes were slightly moist, mixed with emotion and confusion.

"But, apart from my own body, what else can I give you?"

Gao Fei smiled slightly: "Apart from your body, don't you have a soul?"

"Soul? I don't understand what you mean..."

Kona suddenly felt that this kid was smiling like a devil.

"Do you want me to explain a little more clearly?"

Gao Fei sighed softly, and clenched the catkin of the "Queen of Blades" tightly with his backhand, his eyes seemed a little more sincere.

"Kona, you not only have a beautiful skin, but also a wise soul."

"Of course I know that I am a woman who is both beautiful and intelligent, but..."

Kona hesitated to speak, hesitating whether to put on a shy look, men seem to like that kind of hypocrisy?
"However, not only do I admire your beauty, but I am also eager to share your wisdom." Gao Fei continued her words, "Kona, I wonder if I have this honor?"

"Ah... Thank you for confessing these words to me. Although it is a bit embarrassing, I really like your honesty!" Kona smiled movedly, "I will be happy to meet all your needs, tell me, how can I put wisdom Share it with you?"

"It's actually very simple. I have a little technique that can plagiarize... Ahem, I can learn from other people's magic." Gao Fei said nonchalantly, "You just need to open your heart and allow my spiritual tentacles to enter your consciousness space, check The magic you are good at, I will choose the part that interests me and learn from it."

"It sounds simple, but I'm a little worried." Kona asked cautiously, "It won't do me any harm, will it?"

"The magic I borrowed, you can't use it within one day, and it will return to normal the next day. Apart from that, there is no loss." Gao Fei told the truth.

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