Savior Simulator

Chapter 1239 6-armed snake demon

"Butler, the rest of the Kass Demons are left to you."

Kona stood with her sword in her hand, her pretty face indifferent.

The fat butler gave a wry smile rather reluctantly, stretched out his hands from the wide sleeves of his robe, and teleported to the swarm in an instant with a flash of his figure.

With random grabbing with both hands, click, click, the necks of the two nearby Kass monsters were broken by him, and the heads with a string of intestines were torn off, and headless flies were still flying in the air.

Colorful neon lights suddenly erupted from Butler's body!
The rainbow light expands outward, instantly covering a radius of 20 meters around.

The Kass demons in this area were all blinded by the colorful lights, fell into a dizziness, and fell down one after another.

Gao Fei sat on the driver's seat of the chariot, turned the rudder in his hand, pointed the ghost face of the front of the car at the dizzy group of Kasi demons, burned two units of "Demon Essence", and tapped the black button.

boom! !

The horns of the ghost face on the front of the car vibrated, and the "Sonic Smash Cannon" was suddenly activated, bombarding the dizzy Kass demons on the opposite side.

The sound waves with huge destructive power squeezed past layers, triggering an air explosion, shaking all the dozen or so Kass demons to pieces.

The roar of sound waves reverberated over the town for a long time, and there were only three or two Kass demons left in the air, too frightened to breathe.

However, before the echo subsided, it was covered by a dull roar.

The wall of the parking lot was suddenly violently impacted, and a large cobweb-shaped crack appeared, which also attracted everyone's attention.

The wall was knocked down by a huge force, and a strong berserker broke through the wall.

This demon is like a big toad standing upright, covered with tumors and carapace, with thick arms holding a huge ax tightly, and its eyes are full of murderous intent.

"Captain Fogelman!"

The remaining Kass demons cheered in unison.

"Captain! That woman and tiefling kid are both spies sent by the devil!"

"hold head high?!"

Recruiting Captain Fogelman looked at Gao Fei and Kona viciously, opened his mouth wide, and let out a disgusting stench.

"Phew...devils and spies...death!!"

boom! boom! boom!
The Berserker took a big step and rushed towards the "Pioneer".

In his eyes, since Gao Fei has a high-level Hell Chariot, he must have some strength, and it is necessary to give priority to it.

As for the cute little girl holding a black sword, she doesn't seem to have much strength, she can be slapped into meatloaf with a single slap, but she can use it to vent a bit, and eat it after she has had enough.

Gao Fei jumped out of the car and slowly drew out his guns.

"Don't be afraid!" Kona quickly blocked Gao Fei behind her, "Let me deal with that smelly big man!"

Of course Gao Fei knew how strong she was, but out of courtesy, he still told her, "Be careful."

Kona smiled slightly, turned around with her sword, and walked towards the Berserk Demon.

With a chic demeanor, he looks like a chivalrous man who saves the beauty.

On the square, two figures quickly drew closer.

The curvaceous and slim figure of the girl is in stark contrast to the tall and majestic figure of the Berserker Demon.

"Little girl, you must be impatient!"

The Berserker was carrying a tomahawk, grinning grinningly, revealing two rows of shark-like teeth.

Kona sneered, and said lightly: "I planned to deal with you as ordinary people, but what I got in exchange was that I looked down on you... Stop pretending, I'm showing off!"

As soon as the voice fell, the "Black Blade of Calamity" was out of control, but still controlled by her thoughts, it slashed towards the Berserker Demon in the air.

Fogelman is just arrogant, but not an idiot.

Seeing the black sword flying through the air, tearing the space where it passed, and surging the magic power, he immediately realized that the girl opposite was not easy to mess with.
He didn't dare to resist the black sword head-on, and hurriedly retreated to dodge.

Hei Jian was like a nimble bird of prey, relentlessly chasing him.

The Berserker was hunted down and had nowhere to retreat, so he had to raise his battle ax with both hands to block the black sword flying towards him.

A black shadow flashed, and the huge ax forged by blood-smelting steel split open on the spot.

Fogelman only felt a chill in his right hand, and when he looked down again, his thumb had been cut off by the root, and his spine was suddenly shivering with fright!

Just when he was tired of dodging the black sword's pursuit, Kona had already removed his disguise and returned to the legendary lizard's form.

From the waist down, it looked like a python. It was more than seven meters long, and its body was covered with a layer of red and black, shiny scales. When it squirmed, it rubbed against the ground and made a rustling sound.

Kona's upper body is similar to that of a human, but her body is taller, two meters tall from the waist up, and has two pairs of arms, giving her a sense of sight of Avalokitesvara.

Gao Fei had already seen Kona's true face through the "True Seeing Technique", and now he focused more on her attire.

The mithril breastplate that Kona is wearing is a +5 epic armor by visual inspection.

The silver armlets worn on the six arms are magic devices. After the astrolabe appraisal, it is confirmed that the magic attached to the six armlets are "Dragon Power", "Freedom of Movement", "Speed", "Shifting". Art", "Righteous Qi Like a Rainbow" and "Advanced Protective Arrow".

There are two magic rings on Kona's hands, which are of a higher grade than armbands, but unfortunately they can't identify their specific functions.

The most iconic painting style of the Serpent is, of course, the use of six weapons at the same time, and Kona is no exception, and her six weapons are all large scimitars forged from blood-forged steel!

The biggest advantage of a machete weapon is its high critical strike rate.

Blood-smelting steel, a special metal, is used to forge swords and has its own "sharp edge" special effect.

Goofy bets that Kona must have mastered the "Proficient Critical Strike" feat.

The superposition of the three means that if she swings a knife at will, there will be a 60% chance of causing a critical strike, and the damage will be tripled!
That's not all, Kona's six scimitars are all +5 epic weapons, and additionally have a "force field" special effect, which can easily cut through all damage reduction armor and force field shields!

Comparing his own equipment level, Gao Fei had to admit that if he were to duel with the "Princess Blade" in its prime, if he didn't use crooked tricks, his chances of winning would only be about [-]%.

But having said that, being crooked is also a part of strength. When it comes to the juncture of life and death, Gao Fei will definitely not foolishly confront Kona head-on.

When everyone present saw Kona revealing her real body, they immediately recognized her as the lord of Ferrag Fortress, the legendary "Princess Blade"!
Recruiting Captain Fogelman finally realized what a terrible mistake he had made.

Facing the six-armed snake demon approaching with a sneer, holding six dangling scimitars, he was so scared that he peed his pants!

What the hell is this? !
If you're tired of living, you don't want to kill yourself like this!
Ma Liu's escape is important!

At this time, Fogelman couldn't care about his image, and rolled around like a lazy donkey on the spot, avoiding the pursuit of the black sword in a dangerous situation, and raced against time to cast spell teleportation.

Then he was horrified to find that... his spells had all disappeared inexplicably.

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