Savior Simulator

Chapter 1238 Calamity Black Blade

Chapter 1238 Calamity Black Blade
Caught off guard, the Kass Demon was instantly covered by the extremely cold air flow, and a thick layer of frost condensed on the surface of the two pairs of membrane wings, and landed screaming.

As soon as the group of demons landed, countless clumps of black tentacles appeared on the ground, entangled them.

The seven Kass demons fell into the black tentacles, were tightly strangled from head to toe, and suddenly fell into suffocation, rolling their eyes and struggling desperately.

Goofy held the Frost Star magic wand with a cold expression on his face.

Beside him, Pippi was holding a black wand, with a murderous look on his face.

"Stop! Stop fighting!"

Just when the two sides were at war, a girl's shout suddenly came.

"Fighting is prohibited in Mephit Town, which breaks the rules here, and everyone's business will not be easy in the future."

Connor brought the housekeeper Butler to send it over, and tried to persuade the fight solemnly.

Gao Fei put away his wand, and gave Pippi a wink, signaling not to act rashly, so as not to anger Kona.

The group of Kass demons on the opposite side couldn't see Kona's true face, and they were always arrogant, so they didn't take her advice seriously.

"What bullshit rules? I've never heard of them!"

A Kass demon approached Kona with a grinning grin, the chain in his hand rattling.

"Little girl, you are very arrogant! I suspect that you are a spy sent by the devil, come with us!"

"Oh...this is shameless."

Kona sighed, stretched out her right hand, palm facing up.

From the palm as white as jade, a black magic power gushed out, forming a black hole-like vortex, shrinking to two inches wide, stretching ten feet long, and finally shaping it into a pitch-black long sword.

Swish! !

Kona held the black sword in her hand and waved it towards the sky at will. Where the sword edge swept, the space was split inch by inch, forming a fan-shaped dimensional rift!
The magic power that distorts time and space seeps out from the dimensional rift, turning everything it touches into nothingness!
Kassmo, who was rushing towards Kona, suddenly froze in mid-air, his eyes widened, reflecting the fear in his heart.

It's too late to know the fear now.

The black sword edge flashed past.

The Kassmo was split in two from head to tail, and the smooth cut surface could not see a trace of blood.

Under the watchful eyes of Gao Fei and others, the bones of Kass Demon, who had been brutally dismembered by a sword, remained, and every cell was decomposed into void dust smaller than atoms.

Gao Fei seemed familiar with Kasimo's death.

The killing effect of the black blade in Kona's hand is astonishingly similar to that of the 6th-level "Dissociation Technique".

What kind of perverted trick is this? !
"I would like to persuade you, if you don't listen, I have no choice but to kill all the disobedient guys."

A touch of helplessness appeared on Kona's beautiful face, and she swung the black sword in her hand continuously, making six consecutive strikes in an instant.

Accompanied by a swishing sound, the other six Kass demons who were still in a daze were also chopped into two pieces by the black sword, and their bodies disintegrated into void dust.

Gao Fei is no stranger to this move, which is the legendary specialty "advanced multiple attacks".

What really surprised him was that the damage Kona caused to the space when she released her sword could last for a while after she closed her move.

Six criss-crossing sword marks remained in midair, like scars in the sky.

A little observation reveals that these sword marks are actually dimensional rifts, similar in nature to unstable interplanetary portals.

The frightened Kass Demon fluttered its wings and flew up, trying to escape from the beautiful girl holding a black sword who looked like a god of death.

Two of the khiss demons, like flies in a panic, bumped head-on into the dimensional crack caused by the black sword, and were sucked in before they could scream.

Part of the body was forcibly transported to an unknown world on the opposite side of the rift, and some of the stumps were kept out, scattered from mid-air, bloody everywhere.

It took a full six seconds for the dimensional crack caused by the black sword to disappear on its own.

The wound in the sky finally healed, but the shock in people's hearts could not be subsided for a long time.

"Damn it! It's 'Black Blade of Calamity'!!" Pipi shrank behind Gao Fei in a cold sweat, his voice trembling uncontrollably: "Brother... I finally know who that woman is!"

Gao Fei glanced across at him, but didn't make a sound.

He had long seen Kona's true face, and was not surprised by her ability to kill demons like melons and vegetables, but the word "Black Blade of Calamity" still touched his heartstrings a little.

"Black Blade of Calamity" is a 9-level magic, also known as "Destruction Demon Sword".

It looks like a black long sword, but it is actually a dimensional rift compressed under the force field, and what it causes is not physical damage, but a force field cut similar to the "dissociation technique", so it ignores all defenses. A single sword strike can cause 40d6 (40~240) points of dissociation damage!

When Kona cast the spell just now, she added the "Extreme Effect" supermagic too cautiously to suppress the randomness of the "Black Blade of Calamity" and ensure that each sword can cause maximum damage (240).

In fact, there is no need to do this at all.

Even without the "ultimate spell effect", Kassmo couldn't stop "Princess Blade" from making a casual strike. It can only be said that it is due to her habit.

Through this detail, Gao Fei raised his assessment of Kona's strength again.

A person capable of casting 9th-level magic is usually at least 19th level in spellcasting.

Extremely effective super magic requires an additional 6 points of mana, and the total mana consumed by one spellcasting must not exceed the caster level.

It can be seen that Kona's spellcasting level is at least 25!

Gao Fei had heard of the name "Princess Blade" a long time ago, and knew that the ruler of Ferrag Fortress was a hexavil that had evolved to the legendary level.

As we all know, the six-armed snake demon can wield six sharp blades at the same time. It is famous for its stormy swordsmanship, and its spellcasting ability is also good, but it is far less famous than its martial arts.

Kona is obviously not an ordinary lizard.

There is no doubt about her martial arts skills, they must be at the level of legendary fighters. What surprised Gao Fei was that she was able to use both magic and martial arts, and she could easily use 9-ring magic, which was terrifying!

If I were to fight Kona one-on-one, what were my chances of winning?
Gao Fei had no idea about this question.

It was the first time in his life that he came into close contact with the legendary demon, and Gao Fei felt very complicated.

Not only did he experience the mental impact of "There is a sky beyond the sky", but he also felt that his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't help but be eager to try it out. He really wanted to find a chance to do two tricks with Kona, and measure how far he was compared with the legendary powerhouse.

Kona noticed his unusually hot gaze, and smiled back with her sword.

"Mr. Gao, I know what you're thinking, but it's not the time yet. In short, get rid of the troubles in front of you first, and then we'll find a quiet place to talk."

Gao Fei nodded knowingly, then turned and walked towards the "Pioneer".

(End of this chapter)

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