Savior Simulator

Chapter 1231 Trade Fair

Chapter 1231 Trade Fair

"The little devil who works as a part-time artificer is still very valuable. If you sell you and get a beautiful maid, she can also work for me as a cow and a horse, and work hard without complaint." Gao Fei looked at Pippi with a half-smile.

"Brother! If you think so, the structure is too narrow!" Pippi's face was full of grievances, "What's so good about a woman, how can I be a well-behaved and sensible little brother? If you need a woman to warm the bed, ahem... Actually, I will" Transformation technique', what women have, I can also have, and I can also customize the body and appearance according to your preferences, which can fully meet your physical needs."

Gao Fei was speechless for a moment, he really couldn't stand this flamboyant slut!
After leaving the slave auction, Gao Fei walked into the ore trading area next door, wanting to see what the price of the magic crystal was.

Not far away, a stall with baskets of ore caught Gao Fei's attention.

The weight of each basket of ore is almost one ton, and it is filled with black stones that look like coal, with crimson spots dotted on the surface.

"Brother! You really have vision!" Pippi flew over with flapping wings, and explained to Gao Fei with a smile: "This is the most famous local product of Molten Iron Lake 'Abyss Blood Ore', and the grade seems to be pretty good."

"In the bottomless abyss, wars are like violent winds and waves, lasting for countless epochs, and steel, blood and magic power are deposited here."

"The ore from the blood of the abyss is condensed in the blood and iron, preserving its unique power."

"What is the use of this ore?" Gao Fei asked curiously.

Before Pippi could speak, the dwarf who set up the stall rushed to speak.

"Blood ore can be extracted from abyssal blood to make steel, which is used to make weapons. The quality is similar to cold iron, and it is specially used to restrain demons!"

The dwarf stall owner took out a metal jug from his pocket, unscrewed the lid, took a sip, stroked his thick beard, and said frothyly:
"Besides, if you use abyss blood-forged steel to forge swords and other weapons, the blades will be sharper than ordinary steel swords. Even a little kid can easily pierce plate armor with a blood-forged dagger!"

"Really?" Goofy looked at the dwarf dubiously.

The race of dwarves is famous for drinking and bragging no matter where they are. In order to sell ore, it is hard to say that they will not exaggerate.

"Boy! You don't inquire, my old Jim has always talked and never bragged!"

The old dwarf was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, pulled out a dagger from his waist with his backhand, and handed it to Gao Fei, asking him to taste it face to face.

Gao Fei took the dagger made of steel from the blood of the abyss, and found that the weight was heavier than it looked. of high carbon steel.

Turning the dagger around, Gao Fei carefully observed the edge of the blade, and found that the edge of the blade showed a faint crimson color, which had a cruel beauty.

He is not good at metal materials, but he can use the astrolabe to directly identify the quality of this blood-smelting steel dagger.

The results of the appraisal proved that the dwarf stall owner really wasn't bragging!

The physical performance of the blood-smelting steel dagger is similar to cold iron weapons. It can penetrate the damage-reducing armor of most demons and goblins. It also has a special effect of "sharp edge", which doubles the critical strike rate!
Good stuff!

Gao Fei admired secretly.

"Old man, do you sell swords made of blood-smelted steel, or refined steel?" Gao Fei asked the dwarf.

The old dwarf took another sip of wine, with a bit of pain on his face.

"The blacksmith shop I opened in the town has gone bankrupt and has been mortgaged to a creditor. Now only this batch of ore in stock is left. After disposing of it at a low price, I will return to my hometown to retire...Unfortunately, now I have It is impossible to refine ore and make weapons."

"Sorry, I don't mean to offend. Could you please give me a sample of the ore? I want to carefully identify the grade of the ore. If it's passable, I'm happy to buy more."

"Of course no problem!" The old dwarf grabbed a large piece of ore, threw it to Gao Fei, and said boldly: "It doesn't matter if you don't buy it, let's take it as a souvenir!"

Gao Fei caught the ore, turned around and walked to the corner, with his back to the stall owner and the customers passing by, pretending to observe attentively.

Pippi leaned over and probed suspiciously: "Boss, you can also identify ores?"

Gao Fei frankly shook his head.

" can't see good or bad, why do you pretend to understand?" Pipi scratched his head blankly, "Don't you really want to buy a big basket of ore? We don't have smelting equipment. It's useless to drop ore!"

Gao Fei gave him a disdainful glance, and secretly switched his sub-profession to "Alchemist", trying to use the professional skill "Separation and Purification" to process the abyssal blood steelmaking ore in his hand.

Accompanied by a slight rustling sound, pieces of gravel were automatically peeled off, separated into impurities and reddish black metal elements.

Gao Fei weighed the purified blood-smelting steel. According to the ore grade, at least one pound of abyssal blood-smelting steel could be extracted from the ore sold for ten disaster coins per basket.

Pippi was stunned watching from the side, and it took a while to come back to his senses.

"Damn it! Can you still play like this?!"

After exclaiming, the little devil quickly covered his mouth, flapped his wings and flew back to the ore booth, putting on a rich and powerful face.

"Old man! How much ore do you have here in total? My elder brother has paid for it all. How about a [-]% discount?"

"Pfft!" The old dwarf sprayed the little devil's face with a sip of spirits, "[-]% off? Why don't you grab it?!"

"Hey! You old miser, speak well and don't spit!" The little devil wiped his face, "Let's each make a concession, can we get [-]% off?"

"Damn it! Do you think I'm an old man who doesn't know how to count?!" The dwarf was about to explode with anger, "I'm cheating and abducting as soon as I come up, do you have such a business deal?"

"I'm sorry, but we devils are like this..." Pippi smiled hippie.

Gao Fei quietly put away the small piece of blood-smelting steel, and watched Pippi bargain with the old dwarf.

After some tugging and tugging, Pippi finally negotiated with the seller to buy 114.514 baskets of blood-smelting steel ore at a wholesale price of 20 disaster coins.

After finishing the deal, the old dwarf felt that he had suffered an internal injury. He took the money bag and left the trading field cursingly.

20 baskets of ore, with a total weight of 20 tons, are too inconvenient to carry around.

Fortunately, the organizer of the trade fair is very considerate and has set aside a cargo storage area in advance.

Gao Fei spent some change and rented a storage room to store the ore.

When today's trade fair is over, Gao Fei plans to rent a house as an alchemy workshop, purify these ores, and make pistol bullets with special effects of "sharp edge" and "cold iron", which must be very cool to use to hunt demons!

If there is still spare blood for steelmaking, Gao Fei also wants to process two rapiers as the secondary weapons of "Thunder King Ya" - equipped with the free specialty "Weapon Oversize", he can use the scythe with one hand, the killing effect It is the same as using with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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