Savior Simulator

Chapter 1230 Insect Nest Island

Chapter 1230 Insect Nest Island

The magic bat bartender chuckled, lowered his voice, and sent Gao Fei a piece of gossip.

"I heard that many years ago, General Baines was summoned by a spellcaster to the human world, where he had a fierce fight with the Duke of Belmont, who was also summoned there, but was defeated by the Duke and took away his beheading Sword and flame whip."

"General Bynes regards this incident as the greatest shame in his life, and has been looking for opportunities to avenge the Duke of Belmonk."

"How is the relationship between General Bynes and Ms. Kona?" Gao Fei asked casually, "Since they are both warlords of the Tanari Demon Clan, why don't they join forces and fight against the Duke of Belmonk from hell?"

"Hey... respectable sir, if you want two demonic warlords to cooperate without selfishness, it's probably more difficult than persuading Cerberus to be a vegetarian." The bartender shook his head and sneered, "It is true that General Bynes hates the Duke of Belmonk, but I don’t really look down on the newly-emerged Princess Blade, maybe she is secretly planning to annex Ms. Kona’s territory!"

"That's why, a piece of scattered Tanari waste will never be able to defeat our disciplined Baatezu warriors!"

Pippi raised his glass and drank the strong drink, showing a rare pride in his race.

"This little brother is right. The Hell Corps is indeed a well-trained elite army. But having said that, the Batezu clan can't even think about winning the bloody battle." The bartender said frankly, "After all, the bottomless abyss has There are countless floors, while Baator Hell has only nine floors, and compared to Baatezu, Tanari has an overwhelming advantage in the number of reserve troops, which is enough to make up for the disadvantages of the troops in organization and training."

Pippi snorted uncomfortably, but could not refute.

The devils are good at planning tactics, arranging troops, possessing more elite troops, and are at least a generation ahead of the devils in military technology, but so what?

Even if your generals are wise and brave, the three armies work hard, and they are well-equipped, the enemy you are facing is just a group of lunatics who are chaotically organized, poorly equipped, and often infighting. If you can't stand the crowd, and you can afford it, it doesn't matter if you are defeated ten or a hundred times. And you only need to lose once, you have to hurt your muscles and bones!

It is precisely because both demons and devils have insurmountable flaws that the bloody battle between the two sides has continued to this day, with little hope of an end in sight.

Gao Fei didn't want to get involved in the bloody battle between the devil and the devil, so he got back to the topic and continued to ask the bartender for information.

"Besides the three major fortresses near the molten iron lake, are there any other powerful forces?"

The bartender thought for a while, and said slowly: "There is another force, which is even more terrifying than the three fortresses, but it has been restrained by something, and it has not yet participated in the conflict for the territory on the left bank of the Styx River."

"This force is a large branch of the Obiris demon, usually called the Abyss Zerg!"

"Abyss Zerg..."

Gao Fei's face changed slightly, and he immediately thought of the wormhole on Ghost World Island.

"Three hundred miles to the west of Mephit Town, on the Styx River, there is an island covered with blood pools and swamps. It has been the sphere of influence of the Obiris Zerg since ancient times. The locals call it 'Insect Nest Island'." The bartender continued.

"Not long ago, a huge tiankeng suddenly appeared on the insect nest island. It is said to be a natural portal to the material plane, which is the so-called 'big wormhole'."

"At that time, the overlords of the three major fortresses were all very interested in the sudden appearance of the 'big wormhole', and attempted to capture the insect nest island, using the 'big wormhole' as a passage to invade other worlds."

"At that time, the Zerg forces on the island were not too strong. It stands to reason that they could not stop the fierce attacks of the three major corps."

"However, no one expected that the news of the 'big wormhole' would actually alarm a big man who originally lived in the lower layer of the abyss."

"He is Lord Abaddon, the legendary Obiris lord with the title of 'Emperor of Worms'!"

"Shortly after the conflict, Abaddon led the Obiris army to the Hive Island, repelled the invading forces, and took over the 'Great Wormhole'. Since then, Abaddon and his Zerg Corps have been actively planning the invasion Different world."

"The three failed forces, relying on their own strength alone, are no match for the Worm Emperor Legion, but it would be too unrealistic for them to unite and cooperate sincerely to fight against Abaddon."

"So to this day, the three major fortresses have all given up the fight for the 'big wormhole', and simply handed over this territory to the 'worm king' Abaddon, focusing on the three-party game as always, keeping each other in check, and maintaining a fragile state of balance .” The bartender finally concluded.


Goofy spent two peaceful days at the Mephit Town Hotel.

On the third day, the annual grand trade fair officially opened.

Early in the morning, Gao Fei brought Pippi to the center of the town.

On the wide square, tents have been set up and stalls have been divided.

At the entrance of the store, there is a counter dedicated to currency exchange.

Travelers from other planes can exchange the local currency, usually precious metals such as gold and silver, into disaster currency according to the local exchange rate.

In Mephit Town, the disaster coins that seal the souls of intelligent creatures are the hardest currency, and the commodities sold at the fair are all priced in disaster coins.

It has been less than ten days since Gao Fei came to the bottomless abyss. He has hunted and killed more devils and demons than can be counted on both hands. He has collected a lot of disaster coins. After deducting the expenses of board and lodging in the town, he still has a total of 2100 deposits in his hand. .

Although this kind of wealth is not comparable to those suppliers who come to purchase large quantities of military supplies on behalf of the three major fortresses, at least they can be regarded as the top small rich among retail investors.

Gao Fei carried a pack of disaster coins and followed the crowd into the store.

In the center of the square, a stand was set up, on which stood a row of naked young women, in handcuffs and shackles, with a wooden sign hanging around their necks, marking their race, age and starting price in Abyssal language.

At the trade fair, the popular slave auction will never be absent.

Gao Fei stopped to observe, and found that most of the auctioned female slaves were tieflings of human-devil hybrid blood, with good figures and good looks.

There are also a few alternative goods, such as the orc girl with a strong figure, and the dragon maid covered with scales in her private parts, which are exclusively for buyers with special hobbies.

"Brother! Maid No. 7 looks good, she has the blood of Erin Demon, and the price is not expensive, the price is 50 disaster coins! Do you want to buy that hot chick and train it tonight?"

Pippi smiled beside him.

Gao Fei glanced at him, and said calmly: "Compared to spending money to buy female slaves, I want to make money in slave auctions, such as selling you to slave traders. How much do you think you are worth?"

"No, big brother!"

The little devil immediately changed into a cute and pitiful expression.

"As a young boy, I am loyal to my elder brother. I work like an ox and work hard, how can you have the heart to sell me?!"

(End of this chapter)

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