Savior Simulator

Chapter 122 Brass Volcano (for Subscription)

Chapter 122 Brass Volcano (for Subscription)

"Huh? Really?" Captain Manuel took the document from Yesenia and found that it was indeed stamped with Masood's seal. He snorted resentfully, still not wanting to let the three boys go easily, "You guys As long as people come, just leave Sha Juanchen to me, the brothers on the front line can use it!"

"This is absolutely impossible, Captain Manuel!" Yesenia pretended to be eager, "After we report the letter, we will take the letter from Lord Noxos and ride back on sand rolls. Reply to Lord Warden! If you take away our mount and delay the important event, we cannot bear the responsibility."

"Damn it! What kind of thing are you, dare to threaten me!?" Captain Manuel was furious, "One person is enough to deliver the letter, so why use three horses of sand roll dust? I will leave one for you, and the rest The next two horses are requisitioned by me! If you are not convinced, you can go to Masood to complain!"

"Forget it, forget it, there's no need to quarrel with him, the important thing is to deliver the letter."

Gao Fei gave Yesenia a wink, and if he couldn't bear it, he would make a big mess.

Yesenia suppressed her anger, nodded her head lightly, jumped off the sand roll, and handed the high-flying horse to Captain Manuel.

Salamander grinned triumphantly, and rode on one of Sand Dust himself, handed over the other to his adjutant, and turned around to fly to the front line.

Jiang Feng's monk also jumped off Sha Juanchen's back, looked around at the familiar buildings, immediately awakened childhood memories, and even aspired to return to his former residence to take a look.

However, now is not a good time to visit his former residence. Jiang Feng suppressed the urge to go home for the young monk who was born in Verland Town, and rode Sha Juanchen again, cast "Void Escape", and brought Gao Fei and Yeseni together. Ya, teleported directly to the gate of the very imposing manor that Noxus built in the town.

As everyone expected, due to the tense battle, the guards in the manor had been transferred to the front line by Noxus, and there was no one standing guard at the door.

However, as soon as he stepped through the gate, Gao Fei felt the scorching heat hit his face, as if he fell into a steamer all of a sudden!
In the spacious courtyard, large blocks of obsidian were used as building materials to build gorgeous pavilions and pavilions. The main building occupying the center of the manor is a villa made entirely of brass, a real "bronze wall and iron wall".

This mansion alone cost tens of thousands of dollars, which can be seen from the extravagant ostentation of the great warlord Noxus!
In front of the brass villa is a square paved with smooth obsidian. In the center of the square is a fountain pool. In the pool is a conical rockery fountain also made of brass. The entire pool was bubbling and bubbling, emitting a suffocating heat wave.

Surrounding the square and houses, a circle of flower gardens was opened up, planted with heat-resistant flowers transplanted from the plane of the fire element, bathed in hot smoke and competing to bloom, blooming large clusters of fiery red or golden flowers, showing a An unreasonable and overbearing beauty.

Those who do not have the blessing of "tolerating the environment" will feel burning skin and have difficulty breathing as soon as they walk into this garden, which is like a purgatory on earth.

Yesenia wiped the sweat from her forehead, blessed herself, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and the dwarf Ali that Jiang Feng had just summoned from the oil lamp with a "fire-resistant barrier", and walked towards the volcano square against the heat.

As soon as everyone's footsteps stepped onto the square, the brass rockery immediately issued a sharp alarm, and at the same time spewed out a thick and huge magma ball, drawing an arc in the air, roaring and smashing towards the intruders.

Gao Fei and the others quickly scattered to dodge.

The magma ball hit the stone slab of the square and exploded with a bang, from which emerged a half-frozen human-shaped flame more than three meters high!
The whole body of this monster was burning with fiery flames, only a pair of eyes were dark golden, and the temperature was higher than the body surface. Gao Fei just looked at him from a distance, and felt a sting in his eyeballs, just like looking directly at the sun at noon in summer .

"Be careful, little brother!" Uncle Ali reminded Gao Fei, "That's Noxus' fire element servant, there are many guys like this around Noxus!"

Sure enough, the brass rockery spewed out three balls of lava one after another, which transformed into large fire elements one after another after landing, blocking everyone's way.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe to check the newly included illustrations, and found that the challenge level of the four large fire elements is 5, the HP fluctuates around 100, and the attributes are strength 14, agility 21, constitution 16, intelligence 6, perception 11, charm 11.

Like salamanders, fire elementals are born "flaming bodies," and attacking them with a melee weapon takes 1d6 points of fire back damage.

In addition, the fire element also has a unique talent. Its flaming body is composed of flames bound by a magic force field, which is equivalent to a uniform plasma state, so it does not have vital parts like the human body, and it can pass through without hindrance. The narrow gap is like a bunch of flames spraying out from the fine holes of the gas stove.

For Gao Fei, the more important point is that the large fire element in the plasma state is very light, almost floating on the ground, and cannot be knocked to the ground by any means.

This also means that one of his best tricks, "Earth Shock", has no effect on large fire elementals.

Seeing the four large fire elements approaching side by side, Gao Fei made quick calculations, and said to Jiang Feng, Ali, and Yesenia: "The alarm has sounded, and Noxus must be on guard. You rush into the big house, Don't let him escape! Leave these four Pyromen to me!"

"Brother! Large fire elementals are not easy to mess with. Is it really okay for you to fight four by yourself?" The djinn was a little worried.

"Uncle, no one knows Basaka's strength better than me. It's no problem to leave it to him here. Let's get down to business."

Jiang Feng drew 9 points of true energy, cast "Void Escape", took Ali, Yesenia, and Sha Juanchen he was riding, and disappeared into a silver circular portal. In the next moment, he had passed four large fire elemental guards. Transfer directly to the courtyard of the brass mansion.

Realizing that the intruders were divided into two groups, the large fire element hesitated for a moment, and two of them turned around in place, intending to chase Jiang Feng and the others.

Of course Gao Fei couldn't let them leave, he threw "taunt" decisively, enraged the two large fire elementals, turned around again, and floated towards him.

Under normal circumstances, Gao Fei's level 7 berserker fell into the siege of four large fire elements with super high agility attributes, and basically had only a dead end.

The reason why he dared to boast about going down to Haikou and leaving the queen alone was because of the legendary gem "Heart of the Dragon Warrior".


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(End of this chapter)

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