Savior Simulator

Chapter 121 Defeat of Noxos

Chapter 121 Defeat of Noxos
The "Shield Ring" completes the first-order synchronism, which can conjure a large shield with defense +1, and obtain the special effects of being immune to force field magic with automatic tracking functions such as "Magic Missile".

After completing Tier 2 Synchro, shield +3 defense, in addition to being immune to missile tracking, you can also spend a bonus or reaction action to get the "cover" effect. Until the moment you act, the character under the cover of a large shield has an advantage in reflection saves.

After completing the final third-order coherence, the force field shield evolved into a huge tower shield with +3 defense, and the function of providing "cover" evolved into "full cover"!
As long as the character erects the tower shield, he can completely cover his body and block the attack line from the opposite side.

The tower shield cannot block group-destructive range attacks such as "fireball", but in the state of "full cover", the character's reflex save against range attacks not only has an advantage, but also counts as a double proficiency correction.Unless the luck is too bad, you can usually pass the reflex save and reduce the damage by half.

The synchronous requirement of "Shield Ring" is not difficult, but it is somewhat troublesome-you must hunt and kill creatures that are good at fighting with shields.

Creatures that meet this condition are either human warriors or humanoid creatures that have received military training. For example, the Noxus gang has many warrior-level jackals who are good at fighting with shields...

"Student Jiang, come here, let's have a private conversation."

"Hey! So nasty! What the hell are you trying to say?"

Gao Fei pulled Jiang Feng to a secluded corner, and whispered to each other to plot.

At this time, there was a shout of killing outside the door, and Captain Pablo led the cavalry company to enter, fighting with a few sober gnolls in the fortress.

Without further ado, Gao Fei hurriedly dragged Jiang Feng back to the hall on the first floor of the castle, urging her to kill the group of jackals who drank the "moon wine" and fell into a state of intoxication, and completed the "shield ring" as soon as possible. Synchronize process.

"There are so many jackals, do I have to kill them all by myself?" Jiang Feng hesitated, "It's enough to pick out those who are good at using shields and kill them. Isn't it good to capture the others alive?"

"I don't have time to screen for you slowly!" Gao Fei reprimanded Xia Jiang angrily, "These gang of wolves are full of evil scum, killing them won't dirty your hands!"

Jiang Feng nodded helplessly, chose a suitable angle, and expended his true energy to blast out "Yang Yan Palm" continuously, harvesting the lives of the jackals piece by piece.

Until the qi pool was about to be exhausted, and nearly a hundred wolf men and gangsters were finally killed, the "shield ring" was upgraded to two levels in a row, directly reaching the second level of synchronization, providing her with a shield bonus of 2 points.

Hearing the heaven-shattering shouts of killing from outside the door, Yesenia immediately cast a spell to become invisible, and Ali also disintegrated into a ball of steam, and escaped into the oil lamp again.

Jiang Feng put the oil lamp into the "storage glove", followed Gao Fei out of the gate of the castle, chatted with Captain Pablo for a few words, handed over the work of cleaning the battlefield to the captain, and went offline by himself.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon in the real world. Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were so hungry that they rushed to the Tiangong staff restaurant and ordered two large portions of pork chop rice. They gorged themselves to fill their stomachs and replenish their energy.

After a short walk after dinner, the two were still thinking about the next step in the game's plot development, so they returned to Gao Fei's dormitory, went online again, and spent astrolabe energy to quickly skip the long rest and cutscenes, and directly started the strategy of the next chapter .


Three days later, Jiang Feng and Gao Fei led the cavalry company to the town of Welland, where they met General Rodriguez, who was commanding the position outside the town.

In their ranks, there was also a thin, handsome soldier who was Baron Lopez's entourage in name, but was actually Yesenia who was disguised as a man.

Uncle Ali was still housed in the oil lamp. Unless Jiang Feng polished the oil lamp and called out, he would not show up on his own initiative.

Gao Fei was very puzzled by his mentality, and took the time to ask him why he was still huddled in the oil lamp that had sealed him for ten years even though he was already free?
"Under such circumstances, shouldn't a normal person squash the oil lamp flat with one foot and vent their grievances?"

"Little brother, you are still young!" Uncle Ali said with his arms around his shoulders, "Only when people get old will they develop a nostalgic mentality. As the saying goes, gold nests and silver nests are not as good as your dog's nest, oil lamp Although it's small, it's a safe place to live in, and I'm used to living in it!"

"That's true." Gao Fei nodded to express his understanding, but Uncle Ali's next sentence immediately broke his defense.

"Little brother, I think you have reached the age of starting a family and starting a business. Have you bought a big house? I can help you decorate it for free. Interior decoration is my hobby."

"I'm sorry, uncle, I'm too poor to afford a house."

"Tsk tsk! Are you so pitiful? Then you must not have married a wife yet?"

"Get away! I don't want to talk to you about this!"


As a baron and major officer, Jiang Feng participated in the combat meeting of the headquarters, and according to Yesenia's instruction, he proposed a very bold plan:
General Rodriguez led the Sevinian Legion to launch a frontal attack on the town of Vierland, where the bandit headquarters is located, attracting most of the enemy's troops.

At the same time, Jiang Feng and Gao Fei, with the help of Yesenia, used magic to transform into jackals who had escaped from the prison and reported the news. beheading operation".

After a heated debate, General Rodriguez accepted Jiang Feng's proposal, and made a promise in front of all the officers: "If Noxos can be successfully eliminated in this campaign, Baron Lopez will be honored A first-class war hero medal, and become the idol of all Sevinians!"

Ali will also participate in this "beheading operation" and is determined to seek justice from his old enemy with his own hands. However, this djinn has not shown up in public, and is still hidden in the old brass oil lamp, which Jiang Feng carries with him when needed. Call him out of the lamp.

That afternoon, at the time when the Bandit Suppression Corps was most aggressively attacking, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Yesenia, under the cover of the sound of gunfire and slashing, put on bandit costumes and rode "Sand Roller Dust" across the battlefield , Entering the town of Verland, which is in turmoil.

The three of them were not far away when a salamander officer with a bandage on his head stopped them.

"The battle on the front line is tense, you three deserters, hurry up and go back to fight!"

"Captain Manuel, we are not deserters!" Yesenia recognized the Salamander officer, and hurriedly stepped forward to talk, "We came from the prison. This secret letter must be handed over to Lord Noxus face to face!"

(End of this chapter)

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