Savior Simulator

Chapter 1218 Conflict

Chapter 1218 Conflict
The devil dies in a plane outside Baator's Hell, and the soul will indeed not perish completely, and can be reborn in the flames of hell.

Just like a demon who died outside, there is still a chance to be resurrected in the chaotic blood pool.

However, rebirth does not come without a price.

When the devil remodels his body in the hellfire, he will often be lowered by at least one rank, and all the hard work accumulated over the years will be in vain.

"My lord, what should we do next?"

Boss Sumo's voice was dry, and his flickering eyes showed the intention of retreating.

He didn't want to be like the third child, stepping in front of the thunder for An Zumo, and losing his life in vain.

"What else can we do? With such a big commotion, of course we must wipe out the bandit camp completely, find out and kill all the demons, and avenge your third brother!" An Zumo said coldly, "You two, continue to explore Lu, I'll cover from behind!"

you fucking...

Insidious fat pig! !

Brother Sumo cursed Buckhouse in his stomach, but he didn't dare to resist his order. He walked around the burning snake tree and moved forward bravely.

Impatient with the brothers, the Hellcat ran ahead of the line alone, only to pay for his recklessness quickly.

The ground under Hellcat's feet trembled, and an iron lizard flower popped out unexpectedly.

Click! !
The four steel petals closed together suddenly, and countless steel needles bit inside, piercing the transparent fur of the Hellcat, and the blood flowed like lava.

An Zumo heard the wailing from the closed bud, immediately raised his right hand, and instantly cast "Fireball".

The iron lizard flower had just been hunted, and before it had time to retract into the soil, it was hit by a fireball flying in front of it, and the steel petals were blown apart.

The Hellcat seized the right time to get out of the ruptured bud, bleeding all over, and narrowly escaped.

The nearby Sumo brothers were also affected by the fireball explosion.

Although the Batezu demons were naturally immune to fire damage, they were still blown back by the shock wave from the explosion.

Sumo's second child hugged a big tree, barely gaining a foothold in the violent air current.

Boss Sumo had nowhere to rely, so he fell backwards a long way, and sat down in the bushes.

A slender figure emerged from the bushes, quietly appearing behind the boss Sumo.

The cold muzzle of the gun was on the back of his head.


At the moment Xu Mo was stunned, a gunshot rang out and his brain burst!
Goofy sideways avoided the corpse of Sumo lying on his back, and blew away the blue smoke from the muzzle of the gun.

In the bushes as tall as a person, a fishy wind suddenly rose!
The Hellcat, who had just escaped from being strangled by the Iron Lizard, was licking its wounds in the bushes. When Gao Fei shot down the Beard Demon, he tensed his nerves, held his breath, and tiptoed past.

The out-of-control fire in the forest dispelled the shadows in the bushes, and the choking smoke wrapped in the billowing heat wave seriously hindered Gao Fei's vision.

At the same time, the Hellcat automatically became invisible under the light of the fire, and quickly approached behind Gao Fei, intending to stage a good show of praying mantis catching cicada and the oriole behind.

It's a pity that the wound on its body pierced by the iron lizard flower has not healed yet, and the strong bloody smell exposed its whereabouts.


Gao Fei turned around suddenly, raised his hand and instantly sent out "thunder wave"!
The Hellcat just flew up and was hit head-on by the "thunder wave" in mid-air. It couldn't help but flew back backwards, fell heavily back into the bushes, and spun around for a while.

Gao Fei pointed his gun at the shadowy figure in the bushes, and was about to kill the invisible beast, when suddenly there was a deafening roar behind him, like a thunderbolt!
Outside the woods, An Zumo sat in the driver's seat of the "Pioneer", and gnashed his teeth and tapped a black button.

The car-headed devil statue, with the pair of horns on its head like a tuning fork, is buzzing and trembling to accumulate magic power. At the cost of consuming two units of demon blood essence, it flies high and blasts out a cone-shaped sound wave with amazing destructive power!
The high-energy sound waves advanced layer by layer, and wherever they passed, the vegetation and rocks were shaken to pieces.

Gao Fei hastily dodged, but was still swept by the sound waves, half of his body seemed to be torn apart alive, scarlet blood oozed from every pore of his skin exposed outside the anti-riot suit.

Barely escaping from the sonic bombardment area, Gao Fei supported the tree trunk, only to feel his ears roaring and dizzy.

Taking a "healing technique" for himself, Gao Fei felt better, and turned his head to look outside the forest.

"Boy, give me a good confession under the wheel!"

An Zumo had a ferocious face and a murderous look. He rushed over in his hell chariot, and all the trees blocking the way were crushed by the tracks.

"It's better to keep this sentence to yourself!"

A sneer twitched at the corner of Gao Fei's lips, and he raised his left hand, and the "Pope's Seal Ring" gushed out a dazzling psychic brilliance.

He planned to activate the "Earth Domain" when the chariot got closer, and give An Zumo a "surprise".

However, unexpectedly, the seemingly unstoppable Hell Chariot, which was rushing furiously, suddenly exploded with a bang, and a large cloud of steam with a strong bloody smell came out of the engine, and broke down inexplicably.

"This is……"

An Zumo was dumbfounded, a dense layer of oily sweat oozed from his forehead.

Gao Fei didn't understand why the chariot broke down suddenly, but it didn't matter, he took two steps forward and activated the "Earth Domain" with his fingers!
The "anti-gravity field" spread over, and the chariot weighing hundreds of tons immediately floated into the air, passed the treetops in a blink of an eye, and floated a hundred feet into the air.

Gao Fei was expressionless, and suddenly clenched his fists, the light of the Pope's seal ring shrank, and the "anti-gravity field" was cancelled.

The upward momentum of the Hell Chariot weakened, and it fell straight down in a blink of an eye, hitting the ground with a bang, and large pieces of its armor shattered.

The moment the chariot fell, An Zumo was also thrown out, knocking down two big trees one after another, causing his head to bleed.

"Little bastard... just wait for me!!"

An Zumo clutched his bleeding forehead and quickly made a series of spell-casting gestures. A black magic vortex appeared in his palm and spread out suddenly, instantly covering the entire forest in a dark enchantment without a trace of light.

Gao Fei was in the dark without changing his face.

The eyes blessed with the "True Seeing Technique" are particularly bright against the dark barrier created by the "Deep Darkness Technique".

In the dense forest, one person and three demons each have their own thoughts, facing each other from a distance.

Anzumo and Sumo both have the talent of "penetrating the darkness", and their vision is not affected by the dark enchantment.

They didn't know that Gao Fei could also see through the darkness, at least at the moment, the two devils could still gain a false sense of security from the darkness that enveloped them.

The Hellcat's situation is embarrassing.

This monster can be invisible under the light, but at this time it fell into the dark space created by magic, and it was completely exposed.

Goofy soon noticed the particularly conspicuous Hellcat.

This monster looks like the skeleton of a ferocious tiger, with raging "flames" swaying on the surface of the bones, but it is actually the blood shining through the transparent skin, showing a bright red luster.

(End of this chapter)

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