Savior Simulator

Chapter 1217

Chapter 1217
An Zumo put away the ledger, and gestured to urge the three Sumo brothers to get in the car.

"You interrogated the succubus, what information did you dig up?"

"Go back to your lord! That bitch confessed that there is a hatching forest not far from here, and the output of abyss chickens is not low."

When the Sumons "do things", they don't forget to do their business.

"Two ape demons and four little demons formed a bandit and occupied the hatching forest. Why don't we take the way to destroy the bandit gang and earn more military merits?"

"Good idea." An Zumo smiled slightly, "I haven't eaten abyss chicken for a long time, so I happened to stop by to try something new."

The engine of the Hell Chariot roared, and it roared away from the valley, heading straight for the hatching forest.


Hatch groves, shelters.

Gao Fei sat by the window of the hut, and his perspective exited the "Eagle Eye Observation Point", with a look of coldness in his eyes, and he muttered to himself.

"I don't want to cause trouble, but if trouble comes to my door, I can't blame me."

As soon as he returned to the shelter, he heard the faint roar of a motor from the other side of the blood pool valley, and after a short while, he heard the sound of gunfire again.

Out of caution, Gao Fei didn't go back to check immediately.

The "Eagle Eye Observation Point" he set up above the blood pool before can last for up to 29 hours, and he didn't take it back when he left. Such a big movement.

The devils didn't realize that there was an eye above the blood pool, watching them quietly, taking a panoramic view of what they did in the valley.

Three Summoners with CR 4 and a Hellcat with CR 7 are not difficult to deal with.

An Zumo with a challenge level of 11 has good spellcasting ability, but it is not a strong enemy for Gao Fei.

The only thing that slightly threatened him was the hell chariot named "Pioneer".

When he was on Ghost World Island, Gao Fei heard from the little devil Pippi that the devil army went to the abyss, equipped with a large number of chariots, and divided into different levels.

Pippi's ratchet chariot is the lowest-grade single-person vehicle. A higher-level chariot not only has a larger load and thicker armor, but is also equipped with a variety of heavy weapons.

Among all types of Hell Chariots, the "Pioneer" is of the highest grade. With a random driver, the combat power is equivalent to that of a quasi-legendary construct!
Judging from the information disclosed by the devils' conversation, the forest where Gao Fei lives in seclusion has long been blacklisted by the devil corps for regular raids, and it is not as safe as he thought.

"I just want to live a peaceful life, but it's a pity that it's hard to find a pure land away from strife in the bottomless abyss, and I can't stay here anymore."

Gao Fei sighed, raised his hand to bless various buff spells, and prepared for the upcoming battle.

Get rid of the group of devils who came to find fault, and you have to move.


Outside the woods, chariots roared from far to near.

The heavy wheels wrapping the tracks ruthlessly crushed Gao Fei's carefully trimmed lawn, and two rows of pattern-like chain traces were deeply imprinted on the ground.

"My lord, it's here!"

Somo stepped on the brakes, and the "Pioneer" came to a slow stop.

"Go down and have a look." An Zumo raised his hand and opened the car door.

The Hellcat squatting next to him jumped out of the car first, salivating on both sides of its fangs, and rushed straight to the hatching tree, intending to hunt a fat and tender abyss chicken and make a tooth sacrifice.

Running in front of the big tree, the Hellcat stopped suddenly and turned to roar at its owner as a warning.

An Zumo's face changed slightly, and he led the three Sumo brothers forward, and saw densely packed spider webs under the tree.

The two abyssal chickens were entangled in the spider silk, clucking and moaning weakly.

"My lord, this spider silk is extremely thick, obviously it is not a natural spider web, someone must have set up a spider web technique under the tree!"

Sumo's second child observed very carefully.

"This is strange, neither the ape demon nor the little devil is good at the 'spider web technique'. Could it be that the demon bandit has newly joined the caster accomplice?"

The third child of Xu Mo stroked the wriggling tentacles under his jaw, showing doubts on his face.

An Zumo squinted his small eyes and said in a low voice: "In short, be more careful, don't destroy the spider web, so as not to alarm the gangsters."

As he said that, he took out a monocle, put it on his face, chanted the spell softly, activated the 3-ring "Eagle Eye" attached to the lens, and set up an observation point above the forest.

"Huh? Interesting..." An Zumo suddenly showed surprise, "There is a house deep in the woods, which seems to be a magical creation."

"My lord, can you see what's going on in the house?" Boss Sumo lowered his voice and asked, "Maybe it's the stronghold of the demon gang!"

"I can't see the house clearly, but the chimney is smoking, and there should be people living in it."

An Zumo stroked his fat chin, and told his subordinates: "You three, take the big cat and go find the way."

"As ordered!"

The three Sumo brothers took their weapons out of the car. They were all two-meter-long serrated broadswords with a faint blue luster on their blades, obviously smeared with poison.

Three demons and one cat walked towards the door of the wooden house through the low grass.

When passing by a big tree, a branch suddenly stretched out and wrapped around the arm of the youngest Sumo.

The third child of Xumo was taken aback, and quickly waved his arms and struggled.

Deep in the dense canopy, there was a hissing sound, and countless poisonous snakes swooped over, wrapping around his body, gnawing their fangs crazily, and dragging him towards the tree at the same time.


Xu Mo's youngest screamed, and involuntarily left his feet off the ground.He was forcibly hung up by a group of snakes.

"The third one!"

The eldest brother and the second child exclaimed and held up their big knives, desperately chopping the suddenly activated branches, trying to save the third brother.

However, thousands of branches swept over, among which were snake heads that spewed venom, forcing the two of them to dodge, and there was no energy left to rescue the third brother.

The third son of Xu Mo had been dragged into the depths of the thick branches and leaves, his screams gradually became weaker, and was overwhelmed by the noise of snakes biting flesh and blood, and the blood flowed down the branches.

Seeing this scene, the Xumo brothers under the tree were terrified.

A roar came from behind.

An Zumo sat back in the driver's seat of the chariot, and pressed the fire button of the Hell Cannon with a cold face.

The ghost face of the car opened its mouth wide, and from the depths of its throat, a black fireball as big as a bathtub was ejected, drawing an arc in the air, hitting the snake tree precisely, and exploding violently.

In an instant, the snake tree turned into a large torch, black smoke rose from the dense canopy, and all the branches twisted in despair.

The two Sumo brothers stared blankly at the snake tree being burned by the hellfire, their hearts were icy cold.

Snake Tree was destined to be burned into coke, but their third brother was also doomed to be strangled by snakes and buried with Snake Tree.

"You two, what are you still doing in a daze, act quickly!"

An Zumo's displeased urging came from behind.

"Don't worry about your brother, he is not really dead, his soul has returned to the Nine Prisons, and he will be reborn soon."

(End of this chapter)

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