Savior Simulator

Chapter 1195 Super Magic Flame Explosion

Chapter 1195 Super Magic Flame Explosion
Gao Fei is now a level 9 "imitator" with 313000 experience points stored, which is enough to squander for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Fei spent 117000 experience points to upgrade the imitator to level 15 in one go, which is the same level as the law thief.

The imitator has been upgraded to 6 levels in a row, and one new 3rd-level spell slot and 5th-level spell slot have been added, as well as two 4th-level spell slots.

Gao Fei found Kosuke Sato, and imitated from him the 3rd ring "flying technique", the 4th ring "any door" and "safety shield", and the 5th ring "transient spirit body".

"Hidden shield" and "transient spirit body" both have their own instant special effects, which can be activated with only one reaction action.

"Hidden Shield" creates a force field ball that wraps the caster itself, which lasts for 6 seconds (1 round), and can block most physical and magical attacks.

"Instantaneous Spirit Body" can make the subject temporarily change into a spirit body form, and the duration is also 6 seconds. During this period, it is immune to all attacks except force field attributes.

These two spells are used to save lives when encountering unexpected situations. They can be activated with a single thought, and they are very convenient to use.

Gao Fei also switched to a law thief by the way, copying the "transient spirit body" from Sato Kosuke to replace the "flame with the bone"-with "energy replacement" and "mastery of spells", "flame with the bone" It's not much use.

Gao Fei was not just a prostitute, he took the initiative to copy his electronic spell book and sent it to Sato Kosuke, and the other party also took out his own spell book to communicate with him, and exchanged information.

Sato Kosuke and Ma Yun are both artificers, and the magic recorded in the spell book is similar.

In addition to "transient spirit body" and "safety shield", Gao Fei also copied the 4th ring "shelter" and 6th ring "advanced shrinkage" from his book, and forwarded a copy to Xiao Ma.

In addition to the newly added spell slots, the imitator has been upgraded to level 15, and has also learned three more important professional abilities:
Master of Disguise: Level 4 "Transfiguration" has been added to the spell list, no preparation is required in advance, and gestures, spells, and spell-casting materials are not required when casting.

Free replacement: Spend 1 bonus or reaction action to complete the attribute replacement in an instant.

Four Masks: Wear up to four magic masks, and they will take effect at the same time.

Gao Fei spent so much experience to upgrade the imitator to level 15. The most important purpose is to expand the "triple mask" into a "quadruple mask"!
Every time one more magic mask is worn, countless tactical combinations are derived from it, and the combat power increases exponentially!
"Imitator" can only wear up to four magic masks at the same time, so from level 15 onwards, the price-performance ratio of upgrading is not so high. the "level.

The "imitator" has been upgraded from level 9 to level 15, and the one that benefits the most is the "magician mask". Two new advanced magics have been added, plus one advanced magic.

Gao Fei has already learned three magic spells, "Fel Spear", "Repelling Demonic Storm" and "Tracking Demonic Explosion", and he also got an advanced magic spell, "Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade".

For the two new advanced magic spells, Gao Fei returned to the purpose of strengthening "Magic Energy Explosion", and chose "Shocking Spear" and "Speedy Magic Explosion".


Swift Arcane Explosion (Prerequisite: Learned Arcane Explosion): Base damage of Arcane Explosion +1d10, bonus action to cast spells.


Counting the bonuses of these two advanced magic spells, Gao Fei now releases a magic burst, with a base damage of up to 5~50 (5d10), and additional triple special effects of "knockdown", "tracking" and "shock".

In addition, since "Swift Demonic Storm" only needs a bonus action to cast the spell, Gao Fei can also use a normal standard action to release another burst of magic energy, which means that within one round, two shots of magic energy can be blasted in succession. burst!
This is not finished.

Don't forget, there is another high-level sorcery, and Gao Fei chose "Magic Energy Explosion".


Magic Energy Explosion (precondition: Magic Energy Explosion): When attacking a target with Magic Energy Explosion, an additional 10 points of magic power will be spent, centering on the target, an additional "Extremely Effective Fireball" will be added!

"Fireball" consumes 7 points of mana, and the cost of super magic is 6 points of mana. Under normal circumstances, it takes at least 13 points of mana to cast "Extreme Fireball".

Gao Fei's "Magic Energy Explosion", as long as he spends 10 points of mana, not only can he quickly cast the "Extreme Fireball", but also comes with a free magic energy explosion, which is definitely a big profit!
Gao Fei soon realized that he also has a specialty called "Magic Metamagic", which can apply supermagic expertise to magic.

Magic burst is a kind of ray attack. In addition to strengthening it with "Ray Split" and "Ray Piercing", "Spell Empowerment" and "Spell Ultimate" can also enhance its lethality, but "Spell Expansion" is not applicable, after all The area of ​​the ray is equal to zero, no matter how expanded it is still zero.

If the "ultimate fireball" added to "magic explosion" is also taken into account, then "spell expansion" can also be used-although it is ineffective against magic explosion itself, it can make the additional "extreme fireball "Double the killing radius!
Gao Fei combined all the sorcery and metamagic expertise that can be used to strengthen "Magic Energy Explosion", plus "Curse Fire Control" and "Energy Replacement", and summarized a new set of tactics, named "Metamagic Explosion". Explosive".

The "Magician Mask" has a round of two rounds of "Super Magic Flame" for long-range bombing, and "Hunger and Thirst Magic Blade" super doubled for melee combat. It can be said that it is a "Magic Mask" with the strongest comprehensive performance. In the "four masks" tactical system, it will definitely occupy a position firmly.

Goofy stood up and walked out of the bedroom.

There was a light on in the living room.

Kosuke Sato was wearing a pair of all-inclusive earphones, using the astrolabe on his lap as a tablet computer, and was looking for news about the Obiris Zerg on the intranet forum.

Onitsuka Sakura had just taken a shower, wrapped her long hair, and was wearing a pink bathrobe. She knelt down on the sofa and concentrated on wiping the gleaming sword with a piece of white cotton gauze dipped in mineral oil.

Gao Fei greeted the two, left the shelter, and walked to the beach alone.

The moonlight was blocked by volcanic ash, and the lights of ships could not be seen on the dark sea. On this depressing island, only the sound of waves echoed in my ears, like a monotonous pendulum.

It has been three days since the eruption of the silver flash, and the concentration of magic power in the blue star is still rising, and the volcanic and earthquake disasters around the world show no signs of improvement.

This is abnormal.

In the past year, Gao Fei has experienced three complete ups and downs of the magic tide, each time marked by a silver flash eruption, and the magic power wave continued to rise. On the third or fourth day, the magic power concentration reached the highest point, and then gradually low tide.

(End of this chapter)

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