Savior Simulator

Chapter 1194 Upgraded Imitator

Chapter 1194 Upgraded Imitator
So far, Gao Fei has mastered a total of 7 spells, including "Silent Spell", "Spell Expansion", "Spell Delay", "Ray Splitting", "Ray Piercing", "Spell Empowerment" and "Spell Ultimate Effect". The metamagic specialty is only one "spell instant" before graduation.

It's a pity that "Instant Spell" is an advanced feat second only to the legendary level, worth 1000 points. Gao Fei has to complete at least one B-level task before he can exchange this super magic feat.

In the evening of that day, Gao Fei and two teammates finished their patrol around the island and returned to the shelter.

After dinner, Gao Fei returned to his bedroom, opened the astrolabe and wrote to the station master, reporting the work progress of the past two days.

At the end of this report, Gao Fei proposed a bold idea:

"According to our observation, the wormhole at the bottom of the sinkhole is a two-way portal. Since demons and demons can pass through the wormhole and break into Blue Star, we can also take the initiative to go through the wormhole and explore the lower planes. Finding a way to completely close the wormhole is better than passive defense all the time."

After submitting the report, I received a reply from the station master not long after.

"Gao Fei, I have submitted your report to the Tiangong Board of Directors. The wormhole of Ghost World Island has a lot to do with it. You must not act without authorization before the top management makes a decision!"

"Even if the wormhole is a two-way portal, the destination of the teleportation is not necessarily near the wormhole. If you pass through here, you may not be able to find your way back!"

"The world on the other side of the wormhole is either hell or the abyss. A mortal who breaks into that extremely dangerous place is no different from committing suicide."

"Besides, Tiangong's network service cannot be extended to the lower planes. Once you pass through the wormhole and lose contact with the organization, in case something goes wrong, it will be difficult to collect your corpse!"

Gao Fei was not surprised by the stationmaster's stern reply.

Of course he knew that the world opposite the wormhole was very dangerous, if he broke into it rashly, he would probably never return.

However, in the depths of his heart, there is an inextinguishable flame burning, making him more and more curious about the world beyond the wormhole.

In addition to the urge to explore, Gao Fei wants to explore the opposite side of the wormhole, and there are also very realistic interest considerations.

For some reason, he had a vague premonition that if he really mustered up the courage to go through the wormhole and break into a strange and dangerous world, no matter if it was an abyss or hell, whether it was a demon or a devil waiting for him, as long as he set foot on this journey On the way, if you come back alive, you will hopefully break through the bottleneck and be promoted to the legendary realm!

The station master said that the Tiangong network cannot cover the world opposite the wormhole. If an accident occurs, Tiangong cannot rescue it in time and can only fend for itself.

This is of course golden words, but Gao Fei's practice is stuck at this stage, and he needs to jump out of the protection of the Heavenly Palace, face the violent wind and rain outside the greenhouse, and face the real threat of death, so that he can make further progress.

The webmaster's exhortation conflicts with Gao Fei's own willingness to take risks, which is actually a contradiction between rationality and sensibility.

After all, Goofy is not a hot-blooded manga hero, and his rational thinking of avoiding risks dominates his character. What's more, he can't implicate Onitsuka Sakura and Sato Kosuke in pursuit of a breakthrough, so he has to press down and take a look across the wormhole He obeyed the advice of the station master, obediently stayed on the island, and did a good job as a "wormhole gatekeeper".

To Gao Fei's comfort, the stationmaster also brought good news in his reply letter, in addition to expressly prohibiting traveling through wormholes.

"Just this afternoon, Dr. Vader and Director Inanna sent a letter to inform you that your exclusive profession 'Imitator' has been updated, and it is said that it has been greatly enhanced. You can take a look at it some time."

Gao Fei was immediately refreshed, and quickly opened the occupation list to check the new version of "Imitator".

After the version update, the professional ability of the imitator seems to have not changed, but as far as the 12 "magic masks" are concerned, there was nothing after level 12. Now more or less new abilities have been added, and the overall improvement is very large !

Gao Fei turned to the next page to check the detailed changes of each magic mask.

The "Warrior Mask" itself is weak, and Gao Fei rarely uses it. After the version update, it has been strengthened the most.

The imitator is upgraded to level 13, "Warrior Mask" provides "Lion's Charge", level 15 provides "Knowing Blow", level 17 awakens "Man of Steel (immune toxin, disease, petrification, instant death)", and level 19 awakens "Extraordinary physique (immunity to fatigue, maximum life dice)".

"Berserker Mask", level 14 to get "Blade Storm", level 16 to comprehend "Powerful Berserk", and level 19 to get "Infinite Berserk" - the number of rampages that can be launched every day is unlimited.

The "thief mask" still strengthens the sneak attack with the level up.At 20th level, the mocker gains a maximum sneak attack damage roll of 10d6.

The "priest mask" is similar to the "thief mask", and the "guiding energy" is enhanced with the level up, with a maximum of 20d10 at level 6.

"Mage Mask" and "Warlock Mask", without any changes, still add a spell slot every two levels, at most at level 18 each learn two 6-level magic, in general, the imitator's spellcasting ability is far inferior to Thief.

The "Paladin Mask" itself is strong enough, and after the version update, it has only been improved a little bit - at level 15, the radiation radius of the "Aura of Courage" and "Aura of Firmness" has increased from the original 30 feet to 150 feet.

"Monk Mask" continues to strengthen hand-to-hand combat skills.

At level 16, "Duqi Strike" has been cultivated to the extreme. Unarmed and monk weapons come with five special effects of "Magic", "Cold Iron", "Alchemy Silver", "Adamantine" and "Force Field", which can penetrate almost everything Damage reduction armor.

At 17th level, the martial arts practice is perfect, unarmed combat and monk weapons, the base damage roll is as high as 5d6!

Next is the "poet's mask". At level 12, you can learn "Doomsday mourning song (causing group fear to the enemy)", at level 15 you can learn "Song of Freedom (your own group blesses "freedom of movement")", and finally at level 18. "Slumber" of comprehension - within the scope of the performance, unless the hostile creatures pass the will save, they will collectively fall into a deep coma.

"Ranger mask", learn "stealth expert (automatically invisible in the shadow)" at level 12, designate the fourth type of enemy at level 15, learn "master of stealth (invisible at will)" at level 17, and designate the fifth type of enemy at level 19.

"Druid Mask" is Gao Fei's most commonly used magic mask. The strengthening direction is "Wild Transformation". Starting from level 13, it can become a super-large element, at level 15 it can become a giant animal and plant, and at level 17 it can Become a giant elemental creature.

The last is the "Masquerade Mask". At level 13, you can comprehend the third advanced magic, and at level 15 and 17, you can learn one advanced magic respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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