Savior Simulator

Chapter 1118 Half-Dragon Lucas

Chapter 1118 Half-Dragon Lucas

Gao Fei nodded slightly, not surprised that little Lucas turned into this half-human, half-dragon appearance.

The so-called "half-dragon", which he has seen in the berserker module "Prince's Revenge", usually refers to the direct hybrid offspring of a real dragon and a spouse of another ethnicity. If the spouse is a human, it is commonly known as " Dragon".

Since the other identity of the old Lucas is the black dragon Solomon Rage, as his son, it is only natural that the younger Lucas has half the blood of the black dragon.

Compared with humans, dragon people have more powerful talents.

Born with "darkvision," immunity to sleep, paralysis, and elemental damage corresponding to their dragon bloodlines—in the case of half-black dragons, immunity to acid damage.

The dragonman's claws are natural weapons. The sharp claws can easily tear flesh and blood, and their lethality is comparable to that of a dagger.

The hard dragon scales covering the body provide +4 natural armor for the draconians.

The magic pendant worn around Lucas' neck can also increase his natural defense by an additional 5 levels. After a comprehensive calculation, it is equivalent to bringing a set of plate armor made of fine steel. No wonder even pistol bullets can hardly penetrate his skin.

Like true dragons, draconians also have the ability to breathe dragon breath, which can be used 3 + Constitution modifier times per day, in a 30-foot cone or 60-foot line, dealing (1 + 1/2 HD) d6 points of damage.

For little Lucas, it is 7~42 (7d6) points of acid damage.

In the end, the half-dragon blood also greatly strengthened the physical and mental attributes of little Lucas. On the basis of ordinary people, he had an extra +8 strength, +2 physique, +2 intelligence, and +2 charm!

The increase in the strength attribute is particularly astonishing. It is no wonder that he is a mage, but he has 20 points of strength comparable to fighters of the same level.

All these dragon talents made little Lucas an additional two challenge levels.

This answers Gao Fei's other question:
For a level 12 human "trickster", the challenge level usually does not exceed level 8. Why is the challenge level of little Lucas as high as level 10?
Because this man is not human.

In the past, little Lucas used the "transformation ring" to hide the dragon's characteristics and pretended to be an ordinary person in order to facilitate activities in human society. Now that his true identity has been exposed, he simply stopped pretending.

After recovering the dragon form, little Lucas slapped the "Mirror Image Technique" on his chest, spread his wings in the air, and stretched his hands and fingers, as if holding an invisible ball.

Strands of gray magic power intertwined at the tip of his claws, knitting into a complex spell configuration.

This is the energy extracted from the "Shadow Realm", the raw material for performing the "Shadow Evocation".

Little Lucas used the shadow energy to simulate a ball of fiery fire, which volleyed towards the beach.

The "Phantom Fireball" exploded violently, and in the eyes of those coast guards who failed to see through the illusion, it was no different from the real "Fireball".

Once it is believed that this is true, then shadow magic will unleash real lethality.

The coast guards who went ashore on the same boat as Gao Fei were blown upside down, screaming and struggling in the raging flames.

The coast guard who had just landed in the distance was also frightened by the scene of blazing fire and splashing sand. Under the leadership of the captain, he hurriedly hid behind the reef.

It wasn't until the explosion subsided that they all raised their guns and shot into the sky, trying to shoot down the half-human, half-dragon black monster.

Little Lucas is wearing a +2 mithril chain mail shirt, as well as the natural dragon scales and sky protection charm, plus the agility correction, the comprehensive defense level is as high as 30.

The bullets fired by ordinary firearms are difficult to penetrate his defenses, and occasionally one or two hits are blocked by the "Mirror Image Technique".

Little Lucas spread out his pitch-black wings, hung proudly in the air, and continued to cast "Shadow Evocation".

This time he imitated the 4-ring "wall of fire technique". He opened a wall of fire along the beach to surround the reef where the coast guards were hiding, and sprayed flames into the wall every six seconds.

Most of the coast guards believed the fire waves that hit their faces, hurriedly slapped the flames on their bodies, and rushed out of the wall of fire. As a result, they were either burned to death on the way, or they were shot and killed by pirates.

Except for Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Martin, and Eva, the landing team had 16 people, and more than half of them were killed or injured in the blink of an eye.

Behind another reef not far from the battlefield, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were lurking in stealth, and what they saw was a completely different scene.

Gao Fei's perception attribute is not high, and he was also confused by the phantom illusion, and the tragic scene he saw was no different from that of the coast guard.

Jiang Feng, as a clergyman with a perception attribute as high as 23, passed the will save and gained insight into the real side of phantom illusion.

The fireball thrown by little Lucas was actually a ball of gray energy, and the "fire wall technique" he controlled was actually a fake made of countless shadowy silk threads, which looked like a circle of gray screens.

In the case of seeing through the truth, the shadow energy can only exert 20% of the power of the simulated object.

Take "Phantom Fireball" as an example, the lethality has degraded from 10d6 to 2d6, which is not as good as 1st-level magic, it is pure scraping.

It's a pity that little Lucas's magic power is very strong, and 24 points of intelligence is not a display. Even Gao Fei can hardly see through his phantom illusion. How can ordinary coast guards tell the truth from the fake?

At this time, the coast guard trapped on the beach had sent a distress signal to the Far East Navy Fleet.

The two nearby destroyers responded immediately, adjusted the firing angle of their secondary guns, aimed at Little Lucas who was hanging high above the beach, and fired fiercely!
The body of a half-dragon couldn't stop the bombardment of the anti-aircraft shells, and little Lucas couldn't keep his composure. He hurriedly blessed the "advanced invisibility technique" and disappeared from the airspace criss-crossed by the shells.

Gao Fei stood up from behind the reef, holding the imaging lamp in his hand.

The magic light shone into the sky, and not far from where little Lucas disappeared, a vague figure appeared.

Under the irradiance of the imaging lamp, little Lucas was forced out of the invisible state, and was marked with a circle of bright demon fire all over his body, becoming the most conspicuous target in the night sky.

The gunners on the battleship lived up to the great gift from Gao Fei, seized the time to adjust their shooting elements, and focused their fire on little Lucas.

An anti-aircraft shell equipped with a magic proximity fuze exploded next to little Lucas, and the flying shrapnel tore apart the dragon's wings.

The tattered wings were dripping with blood, and they could no longer hold the wind.

Little Lucas lost control of his body, glides crookedly from the air, and tried his best to barely land on the beach.

Gao Fei had already visually detected his landing place, and pulled Jiang Feng to run over ahead of time to wait.

Just as little Lucas plunged into the bunker and was still struggling to get up, Gao Fei had already used the "long-distance technique" to steal the spell without anyone noticing it.

When he was in Lucas's mansion back then, Gao Fei had already seen little Lucas's spell list. He scored twice this time, and he was familiar with the road, and he had already chosen the target of the theft.

(End of this chapter)

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