Savior Simulator

Chapter 1117

Chapter 1117
Binhai City anti-smuggling team, 2000 coast guards were organized into [-] squads, and the squads took military assault boats and landed on the shallow water near the pier of Nutao Island.

The warships of the pirates had all been destroyed, and the military installations including the coastal defense forts were blown to pieces. Most of the coast guards landed smoothly without encountering decent resistance.

However, on some battlefields, there were also unlucky coast guards who were stubbornly blocked by pirates.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Martin and Eva's assault boat happened to be in the fiercest waters.

Brother Martin was so frightened by the bullets whizzing past his ears that he put his head in his hands, wishing he could melt his fat body into the bottom of the boat, complaining about his bad luck.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng looked at each other and smiled wryly, knowing in their hearts that it wasn't a matter of luck at all.

The squad the protagonist is in will inevitably encounter the most violent attack from the pirates, otherwise how will the protagonist's role be reflected?
The assault boat was less than 300 meters away from the beach. Through the smoke and mist, one could vaguely see the parapet built up between the reefs on the coast with sacks filled with sand. Shoot here.

The assault boat sailed under the hail of bullets, and as the distance got closer, Gao Fei saw two familiar figures on the shore defense position.

One of them is "Thunder" Seleus who escaped from prison not long ago, and another man is Lucas Jr., the behind-the-scenes boss of the Blood Anchor Gang-the primary target of the protagonist group.

Seleus, with a wolf's head, stood behind the parapet, chanted a mantra with his arms raised, and was calling for a thunderstorm.

The stormy sea, overcast clouds, and harsh weather environment at sea doubled the power of the 5th ring spell "Summon Thunderstorm".

Driven by Serius, a thick columnar lightning descended from the sky every few seconds, bombarding the assault boat that Gao Fei and the others were riding on.

The thunder exploded, and the assault boat trembled violently, almost capsizing on the spot.

The electric current flowed along the wet hull, and the helmsman was the first to bear the brunt. His hair stood on end, and he collapsed on the boat and passed out.

In addition to the four members of the protagonist group, there were also [-] coast guards who were responsible for escorting them on board, and all of them received electric shocks of varying degrees, ranging from numbness all over the body to fainting on the spot.

Martin rubbed his numb buttocks from the electric shock, and cast spells in a hurry, blessing himself and his companions with the "Electric Resistance Barrier".

With 30 points of electric shock resistance, it can barely help Gao Fei and the others counteract the lightning that keeps falling down.

Before Martin had time to apply "anti-electric barriers" to the other coast guards on board one by one, the assault boat lost control of the helmsman, rushed to the coast, and ran aground on the beach.

The huge impact threw all the passengers out of the boat, and they fell on the beach one after another, and were swallowed by the surging tide in a blink of an eye.

Just when everyone fell dizzy, little Lucas stood up from the opposite pirate position, chanted a spell with a sneer, and a black ray full of negative energy popped out from his fingertips.


The coast guard next to Gao Fei struggled to get up when he was hit in the chest by the 4th ring "weak energy" and collapsed.

The cold negative energy drained his vitality in an instant, and his plump flesh and blood quickly became shriveled. Under Gao Fei's watchful eyes, he transformed from a tall and strong young man into a crooked and pale ghoul with gloomy gleams in his eyes!
Relying on bloodthirsty instinct, the ghoul pounced on Goofy—the closest living person to it—and grabbed his neck with its withered claws, and grinned, trying to bite his throat.

Fortunately, Gao Fei was blessed with "freedom of movement" in advance. He broke free from the throat-locking claws, kicked the ghoul away, and pulled out the +2 silencer pistol with his backhand, pointing the muzzle at the ghoul's forehead.

Even though the opponent still had a human figure and was still wearing a police uniform, Gao Fei did not hesitate at all and pulled the trigger decisively!
Gunshots rang out, and the ghoul's head exploded. This time it was really dead.

Gao Fei let out a mouthful of turbid air slowly, and couldn't help having an idea.

If this is not a game, if one's comrades are killed by "weak energy" in reality, their souls cannot be freed, and they transform into a dehumanized ghoul, can they still harden their hearts and shoot them?
Before becoming the "Tiangong Special Police", Gao Fei might have been merciless, but after going through so many cruel tests, now he will not hesitate on this kind of issue.

If one day in the future, he unfortunately falls into the same situation and becomes a ghoul or other crazier monsters, Gao Fei hopes that his comrades around him will treat him in the same decisive way.

"Brother, are you alright?" Martin scrambled over, his face full of concern.

Jiang Feng and Eva also crawled forward on the beach, moving closer to Gao Fei while avoiding the bullets flying from the opposite side.

"I'm fine, the situation is urgent, we have to act immediately!"

Gao Fei led the three companions to hide behind a pile of rocks, and cast "advanced invisibility" one after another, making the four of them disappear from the pirates' sight one after another.

"There are two ruthless characters on the opposite side, Serius and Little Lucas, we have to get rid of these two scourges as soon as possible!"

"How about splitting up?" Jiang Feng suggested.

Gao Fei nodded, and said in a low voice: "You and Eva go around from the side, looking for an opportunity to assassinate Serius. As for little Lucas, leave it to Martin and me to solve it."

Everyone had no objection, and immediately divided into two groups and started their own actions.

Goofy and Martin, along with their loyal hound "The Landlord," stalk little Lucas, remaining invisible and making as little noise as possible.

While sneaking, Gao Fei took the time to open the astrolabe to investigate the details of little Lucas.

Compared with the first encounter, I got more information this time.

The first thing that caught Goofy's attention was little Lucas's equipment, including a +2 rapier hidden in the cane, a +1 flash shotgun on his back, a +2 mithril chain shirt worn next to his body, and a A pendant and a magic ring.

The dragon scale pendant on little Lucas' neck was identified by the astrolabe as a "Heaven Protection Talisman", which increased the wearer's natural armor by 5 levels.

The ring on his hand seems to have a 2-ring "transformation technique", which allows him to change his image and even his race at will.

When Gao Fei was secretly observing, he didn't know whether it was a coincidence or little Lucas was alert, and suddenly took off the "transformation ring", removed the magic disguise, and revealed his true colors.

Little Lucas wasn't short in the first place, but he grew half a foot taller after his transformation, over two meters, making him look extraordinarily thin.

Including the face, the whole skin was covered with pitch-black scales, his hands turned into sharp claws, a pair of black dragon wings grew out from behind, and a strange luster shone in the poisonous snake-like pupils.

"It turns out that this guy is not a human, but a half-dragon." Jiang Feng looked at little Lucas and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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