Savior Simulator

Chapter 1109 Old Lucas

Chapter 1109 Old Lucas
"Mr. Chief, the facts are just as you guessed. Little Lucas's disguise was very successful. If he hadn't made a fatal mistake and kidnapped Martin himself, we would probably never be able to expose his true colors." Rogge said with emotion .

Commissioner Gordon leaned back in the armchair, his resolute face could not hide his disappointment.

"Miss Quinn, what I want to know has been answered, and there is nothing left to ask."

Louise shrugged, and was about to end the "spiritual communication ceremony" early, but was stopped by Martin.

"Wait a minute! Mr. Gordon has no doubts, but there is one thing I can't figure out!" The fat man stared angrily, "Little Lucas set up a trap to kidnap me, just to take me as a hostage in exchange for pirates Sir Seleus?"

"Is there any doubt about this?" Roger asked back.

"I think my worth is far more than that. If you exchange me for Serius, isn't little Lucas obviously doing a loss-making business?"

After hearing his complaint, Roger and Louise both laughed.

Director Gordon, who was frowning, also showed a rare smile.

"Sorry, Mr. Page, you seem to have greatly overestimated your worth."

Louise flips a coin while teasing Martin.

"Let's take a look at another possibility. If you are not rescued by us tonight, would the police be willing to exchange you with Seleus?"

Two coins hit the ground one after another, one with heads up and the other with tails up.

"Huh? It seems that this is a very difficult problem. Even my lord is not sure which direction the situation will develop."

Louise chuckled and put away the coins.

Martin looked at James Gordon resentfully: "Mr. Director, are you even reluctant to use a stinky pirate to save my life?"

The chief of police rubbed his hands and explained embarrassingly: "Mr. Page, to tell you the truth, exchanging felons for hostages violates the principles of the police, but we will do everything in our power to try to rescue you, you Be sure to trust me!"

"Humph! Come on, my chief, who wouldn't say such beautiful words?" Martin, who was full of grievances, sneered wildly: "I'm very glad that I didn't have the opportunity to use my own life to test the police in Binhai City." Professional ethics and rescue efficiency!"

Commissioner Gordon smiled awkwardly, quickly revealed this embarrassing topic, and solemnly told Rogge and others that he would summon his subordinates as soon as possible to seal off the Lucas family's mansion and search for more criminal evidence.

"Mr. Gordon, Lucas Jr. escaped from his home last night. If you are only now sealing up his mansion, I am afraid you will gain little. The top priority is to arrest this conspirator as soon as possible." Rogge reminded implicitly.

"This is the problem that troubles me the most." The chief of police sighed, "Mr. Wayne, an insidious and hypocritical person like Lucas, must have prepared a retreat long ago. If you can’t catch his shadow, this matter has to be entrusted to more professional people.”

"Professionals..." Martin's eyes lit up, "You mean us?"

"Private detectives are indeed more suitable than our police for chasing a fugitive who deliberately hides his name." Commissioner Gordon smiled, "Mr. The Binhai City police will definitely reward you heavily, and maybe even award you a medal of honor."

"You have impressed me, Mr. Director, we will help you with this!" Martin patted his plump chest to confirm.

Roger gave his partner a sour look before turning to the police chief with a more practical concern.

"Mr. Gordon, if I'm not mistaken, little Lucas may have fled to the sea and went to Rage Island to join his ally Solomon Rage. Only the three of us dared to break into the pirate's lair. The face of the old black dragon is catching people!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Wayne, in fact, our police have already started planning and are secretly launching a bandit suppression operation aimed at completely eradicating the Rage Pirates!"

Commissioner Gordon paused for a moment, seeing the disapproving expressions on the faces of the three young men, and lowered his voice to reveal:
"You probably think I'm bragging? Alas, to tell you the truth, the Binhai City police alone is not enough to fight against the arrogant pirates. Fortunately, I have been authorized by my superiors. The Binhai City police will hold a battle with the Far East Fleet A joint anti-smuggling and anti-bandit operation, with this banner of international cooperation, it is convenient for me to seek assistance from Lieutenant Colonel Abigail!"

Director Gordon opened the desk drawer, took out a communication crystal, and sent a letter to Lieutenant Colonel Abigail, commander of the Far East Fleet Air Force stationed at the naval port of Binhai City, in front of Rogge and others.

In this dictated letter, Director Gordon first briefly described the case of little Lucas, and then made a request, hoping that the Far East Navy will assist Rogge and others to land on Raging Island, go straight to the dragon's nest, and arrest the fugitive little Lu Cass.

Not long after, Director Gordon received a reply letter from Lieutenant Colonel Abigail. After reading it, he showed a relieved smile.

"Rogge, Martin, and Miss Quinn, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, Lieutenant Colonel Abigail will come to my office as a guest, and then I will trouble you to come too, and we will discuss the pursuit of the murderer and the suppression of the bandits." matter."

Hearing what he said, Roger, Martin, and Louise were all relieved, got up and said goodbye, and agreed to meet and discuss in detail tomorrow morning.

As soon as the three of them reached the gate of the police station, two men walked towards them.

One of them was Director Gordon's newly promoted confidant Robin, and beside the deputy director was a white-haired old man with a cane and a haggard complexion.

Louise couldn't help being surprised when she saw the old man.

Roger greeted Lu Bin, took two steps forward, and found his girlfriend was still in a daze, so he turned around and asked her what was wrong.

Louise didn't make a sound, and watched the old man's back silently. It wasn't until he walked into Director Gordon's office accompanied by Lu Bin that he turned around and asked Roger and Martin with a strange look:

"Do you recognize the old gentleman who passed us by just now?"

Roger and Martin shook their heads together.

"Louis, is that old gentleman some kind of big shot?" Roger asked curiously.

"The background is indeed not small." Louise lowered her voice, "He is John Lucas, the previous generation helm of the Lucas family shipping insurance company, that is, the father of little Lucas."

"Last spring, when Director Gordon first took office, Lucas Jr. hosted a dinner for the Gordon family, and I was also invited to attend that dinner."

"In the middle of the banquet, the old Lucas suddenly came back from the vacation and had a heated argument with his son. I happened to be sitting near the door and heard the father and son quarreling in the next room."

(End of this chapter)

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