Savior Simulator

Chapter 1108

Chapter 1108
Jiang Feng's "Scorching Radiance" is also a kind of ray magic, which can match "Ray Splitting" or "Ray Piercing".

In comparison, she prefers the "ray penetration" - a blast of "hot light" blasts out, piercing through a row of enemies, which is so cool!

After choosing the reward specialty, the next step is the happy part of the spoils.

The most valuable loot obtained in this chapter is the "+2 silencer pistol" captured by Goofy from Lucas Jr.

Three times a day, this pistol can add "Silence" to the bullets it shoots. After hitting the target, it will automatically open a silence barrier with a radius of 3 feet.

In the past, Gao Fei had to prepare the "Silence Technique" for the bullets, and the silence enchantment opened by the bullets would also hinder himself and his teammates, hinder language communication, and suppress spellcasting, forcing him to communicate with his teammates. Keep at least 20 feet apart.

With this "silenced pistol", he does not need to prepare "silent bullets" in advance.

When you need to silence the enemy, you can temporarily activate the enchantment effect that comes with the pistol, which will neither hinder yourself from casting spells nor affect the teammates around you.

In the bedroom, everyone also searched for the cash and jewels that little Lucas hadn't taken away in time. The total value was no less than [-] Gold Duga, and the four of them shared [-] each.

Brother Martin was not greedy enough, and wanted to search the entire mansion thoroughly, and take away all valuables.

"Mr. Page, you'd better not do this." Eva's face sank in displeasure, "We took the cash and jewels, and it's enough to keep us here, in case the Lucas woman is alarmed And children, if we are regarded as robbers who rob the house, if things get big, it will not end well."

"Well, my dear lady, I will obey you."

Martin shrugged, reluctantly dismissing the greed.

Everyone followed the way they came, and quietly left the Lucas family's mansion.

At the same time, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were forced by the system to cancel the "Shen Shen" mode, separated from the hero and heroine they possessed, and watched the next cutscene.


The three of them and one dog returned to the street, and the sky was already dark.

Eva still had a performance this morning, so she bid farewell to Gao Fei and others, and returned to the troupe alone.

Roger, Louise, and Martin stopped a taxi, took the hounds into the car, and told the driver to go to the Binhai City Police Headquarters.

What are you doing at the police station?
Rogge carried the black accounts and letters found from Lucas's house in his arms. With these hot criminal evidence, he might be hunted down by gangsters at any time. Of course, he had to go to the police as soon as possible to report the case to Chief Gordon. Little Lucas' crime.

The carriage disappears around the corner, and the chapter comes to an end.

After finishing this chapter, the real time is just after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng ate breakfast late, they were not hungry yet, and they were in high spirits, so they decided to continue playing games and go to supper after clearing the level.

The final chapter of "Hong Kong Raiders", the opening continues the plot of the previous chapter.

Roger, Louise and Martin, sitting on the sofa in the director's office, briefed James Gordon on the case.

Commissioner Gordon frowned, smoking his third pipe of tobacco this morning.

The criminal evidence obtained by Rogge and his party from Lucas's house, including the black account and the correspondence between Lucas Jr. and the gang members, is now on the desk, forcing Director Gordon to face a fact:
John Lucas II, a millionaire in the shipping insurance business, is an enthusiastic person who contributes money and supports the police to fight crime. Chief, staunch ally of pirates.

Director Gordon couldn't accept this cruel truth for a while.

Louise saw that he still had doubts in his heart, so she took out her trump card.

"Mr. Gordon, if these evidences still don't allow you to recognize the true face of little Lucas, why not seek advice from God's will?"

"Divine will?" Commissioner Gordon raised his head and looked at Louise hesitantly, "Miss Queen, what do you mean?"

"My lord Pelor, the praised old man of the sun, is just and strict. He will neither wrong a good person nor be deceived by a hypocrite. If you don't mind, I will perform the 'spiritual rite' now, and ask the lord to judge these evidences." Is it credible?"

"Alright, Miss Quinn, I'll trouble you then." Commissioner Gordon nodded.

The "Holy Light Church" is the state religion of the Holy Ashean Empire, and the emperor himself is also the supreme leader of the church. For a long period of time in the past, the power of the church even surpassed the government, and religious laws were higher than secular laws.

Since the beginning of this century, with the rapid development of the magic industry, the emerging bourgeoisie has gradually replaced the status of nobles and priests, and the power of the Holy See has been weakened, but its influence in all walks of life is still not to be underestimated.

Taking the judicial field as an example, on the premise of being officially recognized and notarized by the church, the testimony and evidence obtained by using divine magic are legally valid.

The two most widely used magical arts in this respect are the 3rd-level "psychic art" and the 5th-level "psychic art".

The former can make the dead speak and provide first-hand testimony; the latter can ask the true God to send down revelations to judge whether a piece of evidence is credible and whether a piece of testimony is true.

There is more than one true god in the Vales world, and each true god has its own priest. However, in the Holy Asan Empire, only the "spirituality" performed by the priest accompanied by the sun god can be recognized by the court-this is The status of the state religion is reflected in the level of judicial practice.

Information obtained by heretics and heretics through "spiritual rites" usually cannot be used as evidence in court-the evidence obtained in this way may be credible, but it is also useless if it is politically incorrect.

Louise lit the censer, poured holy water, and performed a "sacred ceremony" in the director's office.

"Mr. Gordon, you can ask three questions next. I will use coins for divination, and through the combination of the front and back of the coin, I will show the will of the Lord." Louise said to the police chief.

James Gordon put down his pipe, rubbed his hands, and the first question he asked was straight to the point: "Miss Quinn, I want to know, is the boss of the Blood Anchor Gang Little Lucas?"

Louise tossed two coins and both came up heads.

The answer is yes.

Commissioner Gordon sighed, and then asked: "Since little Lucas is really the leader behind the Blood Anchor Gang and an ally of the Raging Sea Pirates, then he deliberately robbed the ship that signed the insurance policy with his own company, and publicized the insurance policy of the ship. The purpose of claim settlement is presumably to create a public image of honesty and trustworthiness, but in fact, the left hand turns the right hand, and both ends take it all?"

Louise flips the coin again.

Two coins jingled to the ground.

The results of divination are always heads up.

(End of this chapter)

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