Savior Simulator

Chapter 1090 The Painful Truth

Chapter 1090 The Painful Truth

On the other hand, in the duel with Adam Rulph, Gao Fei personally felt the power of the "magic warrior" profession. If he hadn't collected information in advance, made adequate countermeasures, and borrowed Simeone's "refuge ring" ", and I dare not say that I have absolute certainty in defeating Adam Rulph.

Among all the wizard types, the "Magic Warrior" definitely belongs to the T0 level, far from being comparable to the half-baked "Wizard Mask".

Gao Fei has already obtained this powerful profession, and he does not need to be involved with a certain big devil to practice "magic warrior" in reality. There are "half-god" level bosses at the top of Tiangong, and it is still possible to sign a contract with them Get sorcery.

Thinking a little deeper, it is not difficult to find that this is a shortcut to seek advancement in the workplace.

If "Tiangong" is compared to a company, Gao Fei is like a new employee who has just finished his internship, and a demigod-level boss is the founder and board member of the company.

Even if Gao Fei is an excellent employee, he rarely has the opportunity to contact the big boss, let alone establish a personal relationship.

However, if he chooses "Magic Warrior" as his sub-profession, Tiangong must appoint a "sovereign" for him, and this demigod-level suzerain must be a high-ranking member of Tiangong.

The relationship between the sorcerer and the suzerain can be said to be an employment relationship, but in some respects, it is more like a doctoral student and a tutor. If the relationship between the two parties is harmonious, it is also necessary for the tutor to support the students. Have a backer?
Gao Fei is not a person who is good at making calculations, but there is such a positive road ahead that is beneficial to his career development prospects, but he still deliberately takes a detour and walks on a single-plank bridge.

Now he is not sure whether there are other Tiangong special police officers who have also obtained the profession of "magician" besides himself, and he cannot communicate with his colleagues on this issue.

I can only keep this idea in my heart first, and when I visit the station chief or Ms. Metatron in the future, I will mention it by the way, and ask them to help me feel the pulse and analyze whether this idea of ​​actively approaching the big leader is feasible.

Gao Fei temporarily suppressed these messy thoughts, spent an astrolabe energy, and the game screen switched to the next scene.

At the same time, Gao Fei was also released from the "sentence" mode, and could only appreciate the end of this chapter from the perspective of a bystander.

After the duel, Musk and Lisa returned to the embassy, ​​changed their clothes, and prepared to participate in the celebration party specially held by the ambassador for them.

At this time, there was a knocking sound outside the door.

Lisa opened the door and gasped in surprise.

"You two didn't come to the duel field, where have you been fooling around all day?"

"Miss Colter, don't wrong me and Giuliano, we have really broken our legs and broken our hearts these days because of Musk's brother!" Paul yelled aggrievedly.

Musk walked to the door and smiled at Paul and Giuliano: "I was worried that the two of you would run out and cause trouble. It's fine. Have you received an invitation to the embassy's banquet tonight?"

"Brother Musk, put the dinner aside and come with me, I have something very important to tell you." Lord Giuliano rarely looked so serious.

Musk saw something unusual in the faces of the playboy cousins, and his heartstrings tensed.

"Paul, Giuliano, are you hiding something from me?"

Paul and his cousin looked at each other, then looked left and right to confirm that no one was listening, and then lowered his voice and said to Musk: "Do you still remember Alonzo, the boatswain of the freighter 'Lucky'? The guy who hired a bounty hunter on Molasses Island to try to kill us."

"Of course I remember! Later that man was let go by Captain Dantès, did you find him?" Lisa rushed to ask.

Giuliano nodded slightly.

"Where is 'Scarface' Alonzo?" Lisa asked eagerly.

"It's locked in a secret place, you come with me."

Paul activates the "teleportation ring" and takes Musk, Lisa, and Giuliano directly to the place where "Scarface" Alonzo is being held.

This is the wine cellar of the Medici family, and the dark underground grotto is very suitable as a prison cell.

A shaggy, unshaven man with his hands and feet bound was sitting against a wall. There was a half-foot-long brown scar on his face, and there were signs of torture on his body.

Four capable warriors, all guards of the Medici's house, guarded the prisoner, and when they saw Giuliano bringing someone over, they hurried forward to salute.

Giuliano waved his hand to signal the guards to step back, pointing to the haggard prisoner and said, "This kid is Alonzo. He is hiding in the attic rented by a good barmaid. It took us a lot of effort to find him."

"When this kid saw us for the first time, he thought it was a killer sent by the boss to silence us. He was so scared that he almost peed on his pants. Give him a little lesson, and he will explain everything."

Paul sneered.

"That is to say, compared to us, Alonzo is more afraid of being caught by the mastermind behind the murder?" Musk asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, in fact, he can live to this day, thanks to Captain Dantès' consideration for his old brother, and let him go." Paul continued, "Miss Colter, as you guessed, Dontès Captain Tays was also involved in the assassination on Molasses Island, and Alonzo was just a small character who ran errands, and after he bought the killer, he lost his use value."

"When Alonzo returned to the ship and reported to Captain Dantès the process of hiring the killer, Dantès should follow the orders of the boss behind the scene, send Alonzo a glass of poisoned wine to be summoned by the Lord, and tie the body with stones. Sink into the sea, and there will be no such person in the world."

"However, Captain Dantès did not agree with the boss's approach, and he couldn't bear to murder his old buddy, so he let Alonzo out and gave him a sum of money to find a safe place to hide from the wind. head."

"My cousin is the leader of Patus, and he has made friends with many people of various religions and ranks. He is well-informed, and after a lot of trouble, he finally caught this mouse out of the gutter."

"I told you a long time ago that I will handle the matter, so don't worry!"

Giuliano raised his beard proudly.

"The boss behind Alonzo, is Adam Rulph?" Musk asked.

Giuliano smiled strangely, shook his head, and said, "The mastermind of the assassination at the opera house was Adam Rulph, but Alonzo was not one of his people. In fact, his boss had a bigger background. It was our Father of the venerable paladin Simone Colombo—Sir Giovanni Colombo!"

"Sure enough..."

Musk lowered his head, staring blankly at the "refuge ring" in his hand that he hadn't returned to Simeone in time.

(End of this chapter)

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