Savior Simulator

Chapter 1089 Hungry Demon Blade

Chapter 1089 Hungry Demon Blade
Swift Magic Explosion: You can use a "bonus action" to cast "Magic Explosion", and it does +1d10 damage.

Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade: When using the "contract weapon" to perform an attack action, it can launch two consecutive attacks.


The sorcery that Gao Fei chose before all revolved around the idea of ​​strengthening the "magic explosion".

Starting from this line of thought, "Swift Magic Explosion" is undoubtedly a good choice.

In addition to further improving the basic damage dice of "Magic Energy Explosion", this advanced magic also greatly shortens the casting process. Like "Thunder Wave", the spell can be cast with additional actions.

If Gao Fei chooses "Quick Magic Explosion", then in his own attack round, he can use "standard action" to release "Magic Energy Explosion" once, and then spend "bonus action" to add another "Magic Energy Explosion".

Considering the destructive power of the enhanced "Magic Energy Explosion", if two shots are hit, enemies below the Boss level will either die or be disabled.

However, Gao Fei took a closer look at the "Demon Blade of Hunger and Thirst", and the balance in his heart could not help but tilt.

The "Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade" must be used in conjunction with the Warlock's "Contract Weapon". For Gao Fei, it is a rapier.

A standard attack action can only stab one sword under normal circumstances, but if you learn the "Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade", you can stab two swords in a row.

If that's all, "Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade" is obviously not as powerful as "Swift Demon Explosion".

But Gao Fei soon realized that other means of increasing the number of attacks can also be superimposed with the "Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade".

For example, the "acceleration technique", during the effective period of the spell, the subject can use the weapon every round, and perform an additional attack action-only physical attacks, not including casting spells.

If the extra attack provided by the "acceleration technique" is also used to launch the "hunger and thirst magic blade", it is equal to two additional attacks.

In the same way, the powerful specialty "Multiple Attacks" that Gao Fei learned in the last chapter can make two consecutive weapon attacks within one round, and superimpose the "Hunger and Thirst Magic Blade", which is four swords in one round.

"Multiple Attacks" + "Acceleration Technique" + "Hunger and Thirst Magic Blade", plus the "Fighting Slash" provided by the "Warrior Mask"... Gao Fei can stab eight swords in one attack, how terrifying it is!
The same combination method can also be extended to reality.

Gao Fei's "imitator" occupation in reality has not yet selected a "contract weapon".

If the "Various Changes" is set as the contract weapon of the "Witcher Mask", not only will it attack eight times in a row in each round, but it can also use the "Variety" enchanting feature to switch the Thunder King's tooth from the sickle form to grow. Piercing and blunt weapons, such as guns or clubs, are used to strike at weak points in an enemy's defenses.

No matter what form it takes, the "Various Thunder King Tooth" is still a "contract weapon", and the "Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade" is still applicable, which greatly broadens the scope of application of this advanced magic.

Through this comparison, Gao Fei feels that "Speedy Demon Explosion" is certainly good, but "Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade" is obviously a better choice.

Lisa is promoted to level 10 "Adjudicator", HP+7 (70), Perception +1 (23), and has learned "Psychic Ritual", which is the 5th ring "Psychic Art".

In addition, Lisa can also learn a 4-ring magical spell, and Gao Fei chose the very practical "freedom of movement" for her.

克莱尔大姐晋升10级“驯兽师”, HP+8(79),感知+1(21),第三宿敌选择的是“魔鬼”。

Level 10 "Beast Tamer" can choose "Whirlwind Attack" or "Multiple Shot".

Claire prefers melee combat, so she chose "Whirlwind Attack". With this move, all enemies within 15 feet will be whipped.

Umberto and Simeone, this chapter also participated in the battle, but did not upgrade the level.

Usually, in a module that specifies the upper limit of the protagonist's level, only the enemy Boss-level characters are not subject to the level limit, and your own NPC teammates cannot break through this limit.

Gao Fei speculates that Umberto and Simeone did not upgrade, perhaps because their professional level has reached the upper limit of the module (level 12), and no matter how much experience they have, they cannot continue to upgrade their level.

If you pass this chapter perfectly, you can actually get two rewarding jobs - one is "Alchemist" and the other is "Magic Warrior".

In the previous game experience, there have never been two reward jobs, which surprised Gao Fei.

Recalling the plot of this chapter, Gao Fei gradually realized where the problem was.

On the eve of the duel, there was a plot branch option: whether to report to the Holy See that Adam Rulph is suspected of worshiping the devil?

If you make an affirmative choice, you will lose part of the pass reward.

Now it seems that if Gao Fei chose this branch, even if he passed the level perfectly, he could only get the "Alchemist" profession, and "Magic Warrior" would not appear in the reward list.

It also makes sense when you think about it.

If the protagonist chooses to denounce Adam Rulph, the duel on the second day will be cancelled. The only magic warrior in this chapter will not have the chance to make an official debut. Of course, he will not be able to get this reward job.

The reward feats in this chapter are still one of three choices. Candidate feats include "weapon proficiency", "spell counterattack" and "magic super magic".

Gao Fei is already familiar with the first two specialties, so go directly to "Evil Magic and Super Magic".


Sorcery metamagic (prerequisites: sorcery, metamagic feats): All the metamagic feats you are good at can be applied to sorcery, and the sum of the magic points consumed by metamagic must not exceed the current casting level.


There are two prerequisites for "magic super magic". First, you must learn at least one magic spell, and second, you must master at least one super magic specialty.

If these two conditions are met, the metamagic feat can be applied to sorcery, just like performing metamagic on spells.

For example, "Magic Lance" combined with "Silent Spell", can exempt from casting spells and become "Silent Magic Lance", which is actually an enhanced version of "Silent Magic Explosion".

Gao Fei learned a total of five magic spells through the "Witchcrafter Mask", four of which are used to strengthen the "Magic Energy Explosion", and the other is used to strengthen the "Contract Weapon" "Hunger and Thirst Magic Blade" , the former is suitable for "magic metamagic", while the latter is not necessary.

In the module "Duel Agents", the only metamagic feat that Gao Fei has learned is "wild spellcasting", unless he wears the "druid mask" and "warlock mask" at the same time, in the form of beasts or plants It is not necessary to release "Magic Energy Explosion" at once, otherwise the feat of "Magic Super Magic" will not come in handy.

In contrast, "Spell Counterattack" seems to be more practical.

However, Goofy finally chose "Evil Magic".

This is mainly out of consideration of long-term benefits in reality.

Gao Fei has learned "Spell Expansion" and "Spell Silence" in the "Hong Kong Raiders" module. In the future, he may learn more metamagic feats, which can be used as materials for "sorcery metamagic".

(End of this chapter)

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