Savior Simulator

Chapter 109 First Aid

Chapter 109 First Aid

"Brother Basaka, you really don't seem to be injured."

"Huh? No way!"

Gao Fei touched his face, and then his ribs. There was indeed no wound, not even a drop of blood.Only then did I suddenly realize that what I had just entered was a spiritual space, including the ferocious red dragon, all of which were illusions generated by the magic power of the "Dragon Warrior Heart". A living illusion.

Suddenly, he thought that the game world he was in was also a product of magic, and even the lively girl Eve beside him was just an npc in the game.

I have carried out a more illusory spiritual trial in the illusory game world, why do I feel like a "matryoshka"?

Fortunately, there is an absolutely real world outside the game world, and Jiang Feng and I are not fictional characters, so we can take comfort in talking about it.

Gao Fei smiled wryly and shook his head.Immersed in a fully immersive game world for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be an illusion of not being able to distinguish between reality and illusion. It seems that in the future, we should get in touch with the fireworks of the real society more to hedge against the house smell on ourselves.

At this time, the system sent a reminder, informing him that he had reached the plot milestone of this chapter, and the energy of the astrolabe +1 (9/9).

Barsaka was promoted to a level 7 berserker, with HP+11 and a maximum HP of 82 points, and also gained a new professional ability "First Aid".




"First Aid" is similar to the monk's "Qi Healing", except that it consumes a fixed number of uses instead of true energy.

Goofy's Berserker has a physique attribute of 18 and can use "First Aid" 7 times a day.Similar to other occupational abilities with a fixed number of uses, every Hit Dice spent during the short rest period can replenish 4 times of use of "First Aid".

After a simple comparison, it is not difficult to find that it is more cost-effective to use the Hit Dice to restore the number of times the "First Aid" is used, and then use the "First Aid" to replenish the blood instead of spending the Hit Dice to recover blood directly during the short rest period.

With "First Aid", the high-flying Berserker can also automatically remove the "exhausted" state after "Rage", which further improves the battery life on the battlefield.

At the same time that Gao Fei was upgraded, except for Jiang Feng, the foreign aid, the other members of the adventure team were also promoted to a level simultaneously.

Eve was promoted to level 7 "Earth Druid" and gained three new abilities - telepathy, wild spellcasting, partner link (shared life), and also comprehended the first 3-ring natural magic.

Needless to say, "telepathy" can directly communicate with intelligent creatures instead of language.

Druids transform into animals, plants or elemental forms, lose their physical and language abilities, and cannot normally chant spellcasting incantations and make spellcasting gestures, often losing their ability to cast spells.

After learning "wild spellcasting", this obstacle is easily solved-no matter what form it becomes, the druid can cast spells normally.

"Partner link" refers to the contract between the druid and its natural partner. As the level rises, the link between the master and the partner becomes closer and more abilities are derived.

For example, if Eve reaches level 7, the maximum distance of "Partner Link" will be increased to 7 miles, and she can also share vitality with her animal partner "Flash Dog" Mu Ning.

If Mu Ning's HP drops to 0 and the distance from Eve is within 7 miles, Eve can transfer part of her HP to it to revive it in place.And vice versa.

Most of the natural magics comprehended by "Earth Druids" are related to land and rocks.Eve's first 3rd ring spell was "melt into stone".


Melt into Stone: The caster is completely absorbed into a rock or masonry larger than itself, and can leave at any time; the spell's effect lasts up to 1 hour/level.


The druid integrated into the rock is equivalent to becoming a part of the rock, and any non-magic detection method can't tell the difference between her and ordinary rocks.

Druids who have merged into the rock can't move, but their minds are still clear, and they can secretly spy on the outside of the rock.

If the rock on which the dwelling is located is destroyed, the druid will also be damaged accordingly and forced out of the "melt into stone" state.

Mu Ning also raised a creature level (6 HD), HP +6, natural defense +1, and added 1 point of attribute value to the agility, reaching 18 points.

Al and Ush did not participate in the adventure of the Dragon Bone Tower, but after the team reached the story milestone, they were both promoted to level 6 berserkers, with +1 power attribute, and also gained a professional ability "Sensitive Sense of Smell" - a relationship with bears. Like the ability of the same name, it can use the sense of smell instead of vision to detect the surrounding situation, and it can play a miraculous effect in an environment with limited vision.

Next up is Goofy's perfect pass reward.

Four candidate bonus feats, which happen to be the signature skills of the four dragon tooth sergeants guarding the keel tower: dexterous movement (white dragon sergeant), tooth for tooth (red dragon sergeant), proficient jumping (blue dragon sergeant) and proficient dash (black dragon sergeant) !
Jiang Feng had learned "dexterous movements", and Gao Fei was already familiar with it, so he directly ruled it out.

"Tit for Tat" can use the reaction action to launch an advantageous counterattack, which is equivalent to one more hit per round, which is very good.

"Jump Mastery", as the name suggests, can improve the character's long jump and high jump ability to the same level as the mobility.

For example, a high-flying berserker can usually move 10 meters (30 feet) per round. If you learn "Proficient Jump", you can use a jump instead of moving to avoid attacks of opportunity. You can jump up to 10 meters away, or jump on the 10 meters high - equivalent to the height of a three-story residential building!

If Goofy is using an agility character, such as a thief, monk, or archer, he must choose "Proficient in Jumping"!
It's a pity that his berserker doesn't have this jumping style, so he can only reluctantly give up.

The last candidate specialty, "Proficient in Rush", has a mechanism similar to Jiang Feng's "Proficient in Tripping".When a character attempts to knock back or knock down an enemy, "proficient rush" can give the relevant checks an advantage, and it counts towards the double proficiency modifier.

Gao Fei hesitated for a long time between "Tit for Tat" and "Proficient in Dash", and finally chose "Proficient in Dash".

The most critical factor in making such a decision is the "earth shock".

That's right, "Earth Shock" is also a special type of "Crash", which can enjoy the enhancement of "Proficient in Clash", and the double proficiency modifier (+6) will be included in the calculation of the DC of the reflex save to avoid falling!
(End of this chapter)

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