Savior Simulator

108 In situ resurrection

108 In situ resurrection
The moment the battle ax hit the dragon's horn, sparks shot out, and with a click, the red dragon's left horn was chopped off by the sharp ax blade.

Extremely annoyed, the red dragon twisted its neck, bit its sharp fangs tightly on the battle axe, trying to seize the opponent's weapon.

Gao Fei's storage bag was full of spare weapons, so he decided to do his best, gave up the battle axe, jumped onto the dragon's back, held the javelin upside down with both hands, and stabbed at the dragon's back!
The sharp javelin pierced through the dragon scales, penetrating into the flesh half a foot deep.

Gao Fei held the javelin tightly with both hands, and pressed all the strength of his body on it. The blood-stained barrel of the spear sank another foot, and the tip of the spear had already penetrated deeply into the viscera of the evil dragon.

The furious red dragon twisted its body, clawed back, grabbed Gao Fei's left leg with its sharp claws, pulled him off his back, swung it up and threw it to the ground!
Gao Fei tried his best to maintain his composure, spread out his magically transformed wings against the acceleration, gradually adjusted from a straight fall to a curved dive, and glided out close to the ground. The moment he finally touched the ground, he rolled over with his head in his hands, removing most of the impact force.

Due to the proper response, Gao Fei fell from a height of a hundred feet and only suffered 11 points of damage in the end.

Without taking a breath, Gao Fei got up and picked up the battle axe, ready to fight.

Sure enough, the red dragon swooped down again, like a red comet falling from the sky, trying to crush the opponent with its huge body.

A gust of wind and a large shadow approached from the top of his head, Gao Fei knew he couldn't dodge it, so he simply went out and stood where he was, steadied his horse, and slashed towards the sky with all his strength!

In mid-air, the blood surged violently, and the red dragon's chest was split open by Gao Fei's all-out blow.

Spitting out a big mouthful of burning blood that blocked his throat, Gao Fei coughed for a while, feeling better, then supported the ground with his tomahawk, and got up almost inch by inch.

The berserker was drenched in blood, physically exhausted, like a candle in the wind.

The red dragon on the opposite side was also seriously injured, and the huge wound slashed by the battle ax on its chest was like a fountain of blood. Through the broken sternum, the huge beating heart in the chest cavity could be vaguely seen.

There is also a javelin stuck on the red dragon's back, and a slight movement will tear the flesh and blood, aggravating the injury.

Gao Fei observes the opponent from the player's perspective, and can intuitively see a series of bleeding numbers that are beating frequently on the red dragon's head:


Gao Fei was not seriously injured, and he broke out in a cold sweat even when he was panting for breath.

The good news is that time is in his favour, as long as he manages to stall for a moment, the red dragon will be paralyzed from blood loss.

However, in this test of courage and will, the goddess of victory will not be favored if she waits.

The red dragon took a deep breath, the injured abdomen swelled up, and the wound sprayed blood like a water gun!However, this crazy dragon still ignored it and kept accumulating magic power until it opened its mouth and spewed out the last flaming dragon's breath.

With Gao Fei's current state of serious injury, it is already very difficult to maintain a standing posture. There is no time to run and dodge, so he can only bear the oncoming dragon's breath, followed by a series of systems that almost freeze his blood. hint:

You have been attacked by a red dragon's breath!
The dragon's breath triggers a critical strike, and the damage is doubled!
"Fire Barrier" offsets 30 points of fire damage!
You take 40 points of fire damage!
Your health is back to 0!

You are incapacitated and unable to move!


Gao Fei collapsed into the flames, his empty eyes looked at the dusty sky, and he couldn't help but recall the prophecy that the astrologer Luna made for him.

"The flames of the red dragon are destined to devour you..."

Could it be that the doom in the prophecy is really predestined and cannot be changed?
Desperation hovered in Gao Fei's heart, and cold system prompts followed one after another:

The overflow damage has not exceeded your HP limit, you are alive!
Please roll twenty-sided dice for a death saving throw!

wait first!Death immunity?

Gao Fei suddenly remembered something!

That's right, game characters who are dying and incapacitated usually have to make death saves. They have passed three saves in total, and they have not been whipped by the enemy during the period, in order to stabilize their injuries and avoid dying immediately.

However, there are some special spells and feats that allow the character to avoid the roll and directly pass the death saving throw, such as "survival", such as "tenacious".

Gao Fei remembered that his Berserker had learned the "Toughness" feat, not only that, but also mastered the follow-up high-level feat "Standing Standing" of "Toughness"!
correct!Why roll for the death saving throw?
no! no! no!unnecessary!
I'm sorry, but the Lord has "stand upright"!
In an instant, the fiery fighting spirit was rekindled in Gao Fei's eyes!
The system prompts: "Standing Up" has been activated, and your near-death state will be suppressed for 7 rounds. If you get hurt again during this period, "Standing Up" will be automatically released!
System prompt: You will recover your action power (1/7) this round!
The dying state is postponed for 7 rounds, which is enough!
With "stand upright", Gao Fei's HP jumped from 0 to 1 point, supporting him to stand up from the sea of ​​flames.

Not far from the opposite side, the Red Dragon, who was also seriously injured and dying, thought he had killed a powerful enemy, and was roaring with his head up, expressing his joy. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Gao Fei's resurrection on the spot, and was stunned!
"Stupid dragon! You are too happy!"

A sinister smile appeared on Gao Fei's blood-stained face, and he stomped his feet violently, triggering the last "earth shock" of the day.

With a bang, the ground under his feet caused waves, shaking the red dragon on the opposite side who was caught off guard on the spot.

The berserker with only one point of health left raises his battle axe, roars and rushes towards the lying dragon. Dragon's head.

System prompt: You successfully killed the red dragon and passed the trial!

The red dragon's body emitted a magical aura, and it shrank sharply in front of Gao Fei's eyes, and finally condensed into a fiery red gemstone.

Gao Fei stepped forward to pick up the red gemstone, and learned from the system prompt that it was the legendary secret treasure "Dragon Warrior's Heart".

Before he had time to use the astrolabe for identification, he felt dazed for a while, and was forcibly kicked out of the trial space. When he recovered, he had already returned to the hall on the sixth floor of the Dragon Bone Tower.

"Hey?! You're back!" Jiang Nvxia's joyful voice came from beside her ear, "Are you all right?"

"Thank you for asking!" Gao Fei said angrily, "I fought a fierce red dragon for 800 rounds, and 23456 bones were broken. Maybe it's all right!"

"But you look really fine. You're alive and kicking like a crayfish. You're not injured!" Jiang Feng's eyes were full of suspicion.

Sister Eve also ran over, intending to cast spells to heal Gao Fei's injuries, but after looking him up and down, she couldn't see anything worthy of treatment.

 Thanks to the book friends: tce, reward 600 starting coins this week; kongい, reward 200 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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