Savior Simulator

Chapter 1085 The 5rd Duel

Chapter 1085 The Fifth Duel

Adam Rulph's second advanced magic, called "Valley Dance", is actually a 3-level "flying spell" that does not consume magic power.

The magic warrior's strongest move "Gate of the Demon World" also appeared in the investigation information of the astrolabe. The maximum range is 120 feet. The target who fails the will save is instantly teleported to a random location in Bator Hell. It is really abnormal!
The magic warrior is not only a "samurai", but also a spellcaster. Every time he upgrades, he can learn contract spells from the suzerain through his magic pet.

A 12th-level magician can learn two spells of 0-5 rings each. The specific spells depend on the domain mastered by the suzerain—similar to the "magic spells of the domain" of priests.

Different types of warlocks have different contracting suzerains, and the available contract spells are also different.

Adam Rulph, the magic warrior, is likely to be a demigod-level great devil, so the contract spells he is good at mostly come from the fields of evil, deceit, darkness, power and war.

Unfortunately, the scouting report did not provide Adam Rulph's detailed list of spells. Gao Fei could only experience the opponent's spellcasting ability in battle.

According to the opponent's characteristics, Gao Fei has to choose which "magic masks" to wear before going on the court.

He puts on the "Warlock Mask" first, and then the "Warlock Mask".

These two masks are necessary, and there is one mask left. Gao Fei weighed between the "Paladin Mask" and the "Druid Mask", and chose the latter.

If necessary, Gao Fei can switch the magic mask at any time according to the situation on the battlefield.

The referee blows the whistle to prompt the dueling parties to enter the field.

Gao Fei hugged Lisa, Umberto, and Claire one by one, and walked into the duel arena with everyone's blessings.

Adam Rulph on the opposite side, with a gloomy light in his eyes, stopped a long way away, raised his hand and waved a green light curtain.

The corners of Gao Fei's lips rose slightly, and he could see that the opponent was casting the third-level "dispel spell", intending to eliminate the buff spell on himself.

Adam Rulph seemed so cautious, perhaps because the failed assassination at the Times Theater sounded the alarm for the "dragon slaying hero", realizing that the royal dueling agent from Feizhen was more powerful than his previous ones. Dueling opponents are harder to deal with.

Adam Rulph thought he was cautious enough, but he still underestimated his opponent.


Goofy used the same "dispersion technique" to smash Adam Rulph's attempt.

The reason why he wore the "warlock mask" was mainly to use the "dispel" at any time to counter the opponent's spells.

In the first round of the duel, both sides deliberately extended the distance and made tentative moves.

Adam Rulph's offensive was resolved by Gao Fei, still maintaining a calm demeanor, calmly raised his right hand, turned his palm outward, and blasted out a blue-purple shock wave.

The "Magic Energy Explosion" strengthened by four layers of sorcery is his signature ultimate move. As long as the relative distance between the opponent and him does not exceed 300 feet, it is almost impossible to escape the tracking of "Magic Energy Explosion".

However, he didn't know that the young judicial knight on the opposite side even knew more about "Magic Energy Explosion" than him, and had already prepared sufficient countermeasures to crack this trick.


Gao Fei softly chanted the spellcasting incantation, and casually blasted out an equally gorgeous shock wave of magic power.

Two "Magic Energy Explosions" collided in mid-air, and the turbulence created was like countless blue and purple fireworks blooming in the air, attracting the eyes of many onlookers, who couldn't help holding their breath in surprise.

In an instant, the two magical forces canceled each other out.

Adam Rulph's second round of attack still failed to take advantage of the slightest advantage. Finally, he couldn't hide his nervousness on his pretendingly calm face.

Just when his confidence was shaken, Gao Fei had already thrown a small piece of red satin and cast the 2-ring magic "flying insects and beasts".


The red cloth exploded with the sound of the incantation, and each thread turned into a ferocious wasp, no less than a thousand in total.

The swarm of bees was like a yellow and black cloud, clamoring towards the opposite side of the duel field.

Adam Rulph was taken aback, and hastily released "Magic Energy Explosion", trying to interrupt Gao Fei's focus on casting spells.

Summoning spells such as "flying insects and beasts", as long as the caster is distracted due to injury or other reasons and cannot maintain a state of concentration, the summoned creatures will automatically disappear.

Adam Rulph's countermeasure was fine, but unfortunately he overlooked one detail.

Thousands of wasps scattered in the air, completely obscuring the vision between him and Goofy.

In this case, his attack on Gao Fei would most likely be blocked by at least one wasp.

If he can use piercing magic like "Lightning Beam", then there is no need to worry about this problem. After the lightning penetrates the hornet, it continues to move forward, and it can still kill Goofy as usual.

Unfortunately, there is no "Lightning Beam" in Adam Rulph's spell list, but he chose a single-target ray spell like "Magic Energy Blast".

When the "Magic Power Explosion" collided with the first wasp, it instantly blasted that little scapegoat into powder, and all its magic power was consumed.

The cannon hit the mosquitoes, but the shells and the mosquitoes died together.

For a physical kinetic weapon like a gun, this absurdity is unreasonable.

However, if the cannonballs are replaced with magic rays of the same lethality, the above-mentioned "ridiculous" scene will appear, which just reflects the common weakness of most ray magics - lack of penetration.

Adam Rulph soon realized that he had made a mistake and hastily cast "Dispel" in an attempt to remedy it.

The "dispersion technique" could indeed eliminate the swarm of bees summoned by magic, but Gao Fei would not give him a chance to cast the spell calmly. He issued a mental command, and remotely controlled the swarm of bees to pounce on Adam Rulph, stinging wildly around him.

The swarm is the equivalent of a Medium insect swarm, dealing 2d6 points of piercing damage to the siege target each round.

Adam Rolf has 15 points of damage-reducing armor, coupled with the protection of the black dragon leather armor, it is difficult for the hornet's stinger to penetrate his defense.

Gao Fei didn't expect the bee swarm to sting his opponent's hair all over his head, but he valued the "mind-disturbing" special effect attached to the buzzing of the bee swarm.

As long as Adam Rulph was surrounded by swarms of bees, his ears filled with disturbing buzzing, it was difficult to perform magic calmly.

Under the interference of the bee swarm, Adam Rulph failed to use the "dispel" technique, and suffered backlash due to the failure to cast the spell, and felt a strong headache.

Gao Fei took the opportunity to remotely control the bee swarm to spread out to both sides, and then raised his hand to blast out the "magic energy explosion".

The force field shock wave drove straight in along the passage made by the bee swarm, and hit Adam Rulph's chest.

The demon warrior was sent flying horizontally, rolled and fell to the edge of the duel.

(End of this chapter)

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