Savior Simulator

Chapter 1084 Entanglement

Chapter 1084 Entanglement

"Mr. Justice, you are a friend of Brother Umberto, and also my friend. What kind of politeness is there between friends?"

Simeone forced the "Ring of Refuge" to Gao Fei.

"You take this ring first. Tomorrow, you must defeat Adam Rulph in the duel field. When you come back safely, return the ring to me with your own hands!"

Gao Fei nodded, and replied with complicated emotions: "I will try my best."

"That's good, Miss Colter, Mr. Justice, I'll take my leave first, and tomorrow morning I will go to the dueling arena to cheer for you!"

Simeone gave Gao Fei a strong hug, got up and said goodbye.

Watching the young knight leave, Lisa closed the door, turned around and asked Gao Fei: "Honey, do you have something on your mind?"

At this time, Gao Fei has already left the "sentence" mode and can only watch the show from the perspective of a bystander.

Musk hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but tell the secret in his heart.

"Lisa, you must keep the grievances between me and Simeone's father a secret, especially not to Brother Umberto. I don't want this to affect the friendship between Simeone and Brother Umberto."

Lisa nodded, her eyes full of confusion: "Honey, with just one ring, you can't believe that Sir Colombo is your enemy... Is there a possibility that the 'Ring of Refuge' was bought by Sir Colombo from someone else? here?"

Musk hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "This possibility is not ruled out... If this is the case, it would be great."

"So don't think about it, let's try to contact Sir Colombo after tomorrow's duel, and it won't be too late to investigate the origin of the ring."

Lisa's words brought some comfort to Musk.

At this time, there was a sudden movement outside the door.

Lisa's face changed slightly, and she pushed open the door, only in time to see a familiar figure going away quickly.

"It seems to be Paul..." Lisa lowered her voice, "That kid is hiding outside the door and eavesdropping. I'm afraid he already knows that Sir Colombo is related to your enemy... He shouldn't be messing around, right?"

"I hope not."

Musk said this, but he was not sure in his heart whether Paul Porter, who has always been willful and reckless, would investigate Sir Colombo's background in private and get into big trouble.


At 10 o'clock in the morning the next day, Gao Fei came to the duel field on time.

In addition to the three referees, there were also groups of relatives and friends from both sides of the duel.

Lisa, Umberto, Claire and Simeone all came to cheer for Gao Fei. The strange thing is that Paul and Giuliano, who had promised to come to watch the battle, did not show up until the duel began.

Claire complained that the two brothers were not loyal, most likely because they were too drunk last night and hadn't woken up until now, forgetting to come to the duel arena to cheer for the good brothers.

Gao Fei didn't make a sound, but he was a little worried in his heart. He suspected that Paul and Giuliano didn't come to watch the game. It wasn't a drunken mistake, but he deliberately avoided Simeone and went to investigate his father in private.

The duel was about to start, and now he didn't have time to think about it, so Gao Fei withdrew his thoughts and made preparations as soon as possible.

Last night, he revised the spell list of "Warlock Mask", replacing the 2nd ring "Mist Cloud" with "Flying Insects and Beasts".

The "mage mask" prepared "shield technique", "magic weapons", "attribute enhancement" and "false life".

The weapons collected in the "storage gloves", including a pair of rapiers, a pair of +1 pistols, a +1 frost greatsword and a +1 heavy steel shield, are all blessed with "enchanted weapons" in advance, with a temporary +3 enchantment level, Comprehensively improve the hit and damage of weapons.


Counting the 18 points of temporary HP boosted by the "false life", Gao Fei's total HP is as high as 121, which is comparable to that of a fighter of the same level.

Across the arena, Goofy's opponent, Adam Rulph, was also preparing for the battle.

Except for his slightly pale complexion and gloomy expression, this man is worthy of the evaluation of a "beautiful man" in all aspects. The leather armor covered with black dragon scales and shining in the sun is the skinned and tanned black dragon he personally beheaded. made.

Adam Rolf wears a "magnificent belt" with all attributes +4, and the saber inserted obliquely on the belt is also a magical weapon.

Gao Fei used the astrolabe to identify it, and confirmed that it was a +1 sharp rapier with a critical strike rate of 30%.

Adam Rulph's health is 138, and his attributes are strength 20, agility 24, constitution 21, intelligence 17, perception 19, and charisma 26.

The feats he is good at include "Strongness", "Clearance", "Weapon Proficiency", "Proficient Dodge", "Proficient Critical Strike", "Combat Casting", "Spell Counter", "Silent Spell"... and a Goofy Never-before-seen "magic metamagic".

What does "sorcery metamagic" mean?
Gao Fei was temporarily unable to view the detailed description of this specialty. From a literal point of view, it seemed that he could perform supermagic operations on magic.

As a "Magic Warrior", Adam Rulph's professional abilities are largely similar to the racial talents of Baate Zu Devil, including telepathy, magic resistance, immunity to poison, fire, electric shock, acid erosion and cold resistance 20 points each, damage reduction armor 15/magic.

In addition, the professional abilities of the 12th-level magic warrior include "life magic medical treatment", "sovereign blessing" and "magic pet contract".

Most warlocks can only use simple weapons and light armor, while the magic warrior has obtained the proficiency items of military weapons, shields and medium armor through the blessing of the great devil suzerain, and is better at close combat than other types of warlocks.

The magic warrior does not have a "contract weapon", and must accept the little devil sent by the suzerain as a contract magic pet. The instructions and rewards provided by the suzerain from hell are all passed on to the magic warrior by this little devil, which is equivalent to an intermediary.

As Simeone said, Adam Rolf's little devil familiar can temporarily evolve into an erinia under the master's command, and the duration is proportional to the level of the demon warrior, which is 12 minutes.

For a duel, 12 minutes of transformation time is more than enough.

The gift that the magic warrior received from the suzerain, of course, cannot do without sorcery.

A level 12 magic warrior can learn a total of six magic spells, four of which are basic magic spells and two advanced magic spells.

Adam Rulph's basic magic spells include "magic spear", "tracking magic explosion" and "repelling magic explosion" that Gao Fei is very familiar with.

There is also a "Shadow Shield" that Gao Fei has seen, but has not been selected, which is equivalent to a free 1st ring "Shield Technique".

Gao Fei also discovered that the first of Adam Rulph's advanced sorcery is the "Shock and Awe Gun" of the same style as him.

It can be seen that this person's idea of ​​choosing magic to strengthen "Magic Energy Explosion" is exactly the same as his.

(End of this chapter)

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