Savior Simulator

Chapter 1074 Fright in the Theater

Chapter 1074 Fright in the Theater
Gao Fei could understand Giuliano's dilemma, and was about to say something to comfort him, when Lisa rushed over suddenly, and pushed him away from Giuliano without any explanation!

At the same time, a whizzing bullet almost brushed Gao Fei's cheek, and hit the makeup remover mirror behind him, the sound of glass shattering was thrilling!

As soon as Gao Fei stood firm, he immediately looked in the direction of the bullet.

The door of the box room was open, and the corridor outside was empty, and there was no one in sight.

On the opposite stage on the first floor, the performance had long since ended, and a few workers were left packing up the sets and props, but there was also no gunman in sight.

Who shot that bullet just now, and from what angle?
While Gao Fei was still thinking, Lisa had already pulled out her pistol, her handsome face was full of evil spirits, and she continuously pulled the trigger towards the outside of the box door.

The bullet flew out of the door and was immediately blocked by an invisible wall, followed by the dull sound of hitting the flesh.

In a void, there were low-pitched groans and curses, as well as the sound of falling, but no trace of blood could be seen on the ground.

This weird scene made Gao Fei wake up suddenly!

Without thinking about it, he cast the 3-ring "dispel technique", and swayed a green light curtain towards the seemingly empty door.

The magical power in the air surged, and there were crackling explosions, and two figures appeared from the void, and the "advanced invisibility" blessed by them had been dispelled by Gao Fei.

The two gunmen were about to open fire on Lisa, but they suddenly realized that they had lost their invisible camouflage. They didn't care to shoot, and quickly hid in the corner.

It turned out that under the protection of invisibility magic, the two gunmen quietly walked outside the box door, intending to assassinate Gao Fei.

Fortunately, Lisa was gossip-minded, and secretly turned on "Detecting Thoughts", trying to eavesdrop on the voices of Giuliano and Cosimo, and spy on the depth of the relationship between the two men.

As a result, by mistake, he heard the vicious thoughts of the killer outside the door, and pushed Gao Fei away in time, so that he escaped.

The two killers were shot by Lisa just now, but no blood was left, this detail aroused Gao Fei's vigilance.

Open the astrolabe and view the battle records.

Sure enough, the killer was blessed with "shield technique", "bullet protection" and "blade protection". No wonder he was unharmed after being shot.

"My lord, there are killers outside the door, you and Mr. Bruno hide!" Goofy warned Giuliano and Cosimo in a deep voice.

The faces of the two men were frightened by the gunshots, and only after Gao Fei reminded them did they come back to their senses, and quickly hid in the corner of the box, squatting behind the sofa to avoid being hit by stray bullets.

Gao Fei quickly slapped himself with "Shield Technique" and "Mage Armor". Unfortunately, today's "Mage Mask" has no memory of "Protection Bullet", so he simply put on the "Paladin Mask" to gain proficiency in using military weapons , with a gun in her right hand and a +1 heavy steel shield in her left hand, providing cover for Lisa.

The two killers outside the door, after the failed sneak attack, seemed to realize that they alone could not complete the assassination mission, so they suddenly blew their whistles to call for the accomplices who were in charge of responding.

There was a sound of messy footsteps at the stairway of the theater, and four men dressed as audience members rushed up to the second floor with guns in their hands, murderous looks on their faces.

A total of six killers went around to the other side of the corridor and shot towards the box.

Gao Fei blocked the door with a shield, blocking the screaming bullets from the opposite side.

Lisa hides behind Goofy and occasionally fires back.

Her marksmanship is good, but it's a pity that the pistol is not an enchanted weapon, and occasionally she shoots a killer, but she can't penetrate the bulletproof enchantment on the opponent's body.

There was loud gunshots on the second floor of the theater. The members of the theater troupe and the staff of the venue turned pale in fright and covered their heads to hide.

The security team of the theater was also alarmed and hurried to the second floor.

The group of killers on the opposite side obviously didn't want to delay too long, and found that the pistol was difficult to penetrate the large shield in the target's hand, so they made similar spell-casting gestures one after another.

Gao Fei recognized that they were casting the 3rd ring "Human Immobilization Art", and unhurriedly activated the "Aura of Firmness" that came with the "Paladin Mask", and a circle of holy silver light radiated around the place where he was standing. , covering Lisa, Giuliano and Cosimo.

"Human Immobilization Technique" is a kind of enchantment control magic, which is only effective for humanoid creatures.

Unless the subject succeeds on a Will save, the subject is paralyzed for 1 round per level of the spell, during which time the subject remains conscious but unable to move the body.

Gao Fei's "Aura of Firmness" can resist all the negative effects of the enchantment system below the legend, and the "Human Immobilization Technique" is no exception.

The six people on the opposite side cast spells together, and the six blue lights shot were all bounced off by the "Halo of Firmness", which had no effect.

Faced with this situation, the well-trained killer couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Now it's my turn."

Gao Fei sneered and made a series of spell-casting gestures. First, he created thick clouds out of thin air, covering the killers' vision, and then cast the "entanglement technique", causing countless green vines to emerge from the corridor floor, entangled the killers' ankles .

"Lisa, don't worry about those assassins, cast spells quickly and take everyone to a safe place." Gao Fei whispered.


Lisa put away her pistol and raced against time to cast the 4-ring "Any Door".

With her spell-casting level, she can bring up to three people to teleport at a time, which is just right to take Goofy, Giuliano, and Cosimo out of the theater, away from the assassin's gunpoint.

As soon as the portal was opened, Gao Fei suddenly felt the ground under his feet tremble violently. He immediately rushed to Lisa's side and grabbed her hand tightly!
At the same time, the ground of the entire box suddenly collapsed.

The reinforced concrete supporting the floor tiles first decomposed into steel bars, mortar, and bricks, and the mortar decomposed into water, volcanic ash, and sand, which lost its viscosity and the bricks fell off, causing the entire floor to collapse.

With a roar, a large amount of sand and bricks, covering Gao Fei, Lisa, Giuliano, and Cosimo, fell straight down like a muddy waterfall, violently hit the ground of the first floor, and turned into a pile of ruins.

Gao Fei used his body to protect Lisa from being injured by the bricks. His eyes turned black when he fell, his forehead was scratched by the steel bar, and hot blood rolled down his cheeks.

From the second floor to the first floor of the Grand Theater, it is almost 20 meters high. It is not a joke to fall down unexpectedly.

Fortunately in the misfortune, directly below the box where Gao Fei and others were located was a large warehouse used by the theater to store performance props.

There are a large number of actors' costumes and heavy curtains placed under the falling point, which provided a buffer for Gao Fei and others so that they would not break their legs.

Lisa was the least injured. She climbed up with support, coughing until she was choked by the dust.

At the same time, Giuliano and Cosimo coughed painfully from the nearby brick and tile ruins, and it was obvious that they both fell hard.

(End of this chapter)

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