Savior Simulator

Chapter 1073 Famous Opera Actors

Chapter 1073 Famous Opera Actors
"It's so wonderful!" Lisa applauded while applauding the actors at the curtain call. "From the stage setting to the performance and the lines are all perfect, especially the singing voice of the heroine Scarlett, which is as moving as the sound of nature!"

"My appreciation level is not as good as Lisa's, but I can also see that this is a good show. Not only the actors performed well, but the script is also well written. It is indeed the repertoire of the Times Grand Theater." Gao Fei was also full of praise.

As a form of artistic expression, opera originated from Hailan at the earliest. It is the quintessence of the country that this country is proud of. Lord Giuliano also feels honored to be appreciated by distinguished guests.

He put the repertoire under the fruit plate, and asked Gao Fei and Lisa with a smile: "My friends, here is a puzzle, you might as well guess it——Among all the characters on stage tonight, which one is played by Cosimo?" played by Bruno?"

The main roles were marked on the repertoire, but Gao Fei and Lisa didn't look carefully, and couldn't remember the role played by the famous tenor Cosimo Bruno on stage, so they could only try to guess.

Considering the status of the singer, it must be the protagonist.

"Cosimo is playing Prime Minister Abraham?" Lisa confidently made a guess.

Unexpectedly, however, Giuliano smiled and shook his head, denying her guess.

Next it was Gao Fei's turn to guess.

He recalled the whole play from the beginning to the end, among which there are more male characters, except for Abraham, only the heroine Scarlett's nominal father Ashley.

However, when he said the answer, Giuliano still shook his head and smiled even more slyly.

"Haha, you all guessed wrong." Under Gao Fei and Lisa's puzzled gaze, Giuliano announced the correct answer: "Cosimo's role... is actually Scarlett, the heroine on stage."

"Ah? How is this possible?!" Lisa's eyes widened in surprise, her face full of disbelief, "The heroine is only an 18-year-old girl, how old is Cosimo Bruno? At least 30 years old, right? A 30-year-old The next year's big man, playing the role of a young girl, has no flaws in terms of body, appearance, and singing voice. If this is true, he must have used magic!"

"Miss Colter, Cosimo doesn't need to use magic to cheat! Every time he goes on stage, he performs in his true colors, otherwise he wouldn't have the artistic achievements and status he has today." Giuliano rarely became serious.

"Well, it seems that I am so rare."

Lisa sighed, regretting that she should not have been too confident just now. If she had used "Detect Thoughts" to probe Giuliano's thoughts in advance, he would be able to guess the correct answer.

Of course, she also admits that doing so is tantamount to cheating, and she loses the fun of guessing riddles.

Goofy also became curious about Mr. Cosimo Bruno, who played a perfect role in the role, and then thought of some dark rumors about opera singers, so he accepted Giuliano's invitation and came to the backstage after the audience had left , Get acquainted with this great artist face to face.

Giuliano is not only a good friend of Cosimo, but also one of the main patrons of Cosimo's troupe.

into the background.

Cosimo was taking off his makeup in the dressing room, when he saw his friend and benefactor coming to join him, he quickly got up to greet him.

At this moment, he had already taken off his skirt, changed back into men's clothes, removed his wig, and scrubbed off the makeup on his face, but he looked not much different from the beautiful girl on the stage, still so fair and beautiful, bright and moving.

After Gao Fei carefully observed his chest and Adam's apple, he was reluctantly convinced that the man standing in front of him was really a man.

Lisa stared at Cosimo for a long time, finally couldn't hold back, and asked apologetically, "Mr. Bruno, please forgive my offense. You really didn't use magic to change your image?"

"Of course not, Miss Colter, my professional principles do not allow me to do that." Mr. Cosimo replied kindly.

His voice sounds neutral, with a touch of helplessness in his elegance, as if he has clarified the same question countless times.

Lisa was amazed, and then asked a series of questions, asking him how he usually takes care of himself, how could he look so much younger than his actual age, and more beautiful than a real woman.

Gao Fei also had a question, and asked Giuliano in a low voice: "I heard that there is an ancient tradition in the Sea Blue Kingdom. The opera troupe adopts orphans with excellent appearance and voice, and trains them into opera singers. In order to keep these teenagers clear forever voice, and occasionally use some inhumane operations...My lord, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, Brother Musk, of course I understand what you mean!"

Lord Giuliano laughed.

"The situation you describe does exist in the opera world, but my dear Cosimo is no eunuch!"

"Believe me, brother Musk, Cosimo is as healthy as you and me. The reason why he can hardly pretend to be a woman and make it look like the real one is not only his superb acting and singing skills, but also his innate beauty."

Gao Fei heard that when he talked about Cosimo, his tone was unusually intimate. This kind of intimacy has surpassed the friendship between men, and it can't help but remind people.

So, he tried to inquire whether there was some kind of fetter beyond friendship between Giuliano and Cosimo by insinuating.

The result was really as expected.

Cosimo was indeed Giuliano's secret lover.

Although this opera singer is more beautiful than a girl, he is the more aggressive "1" position when he has a passionate collision with Giuliano.

"It's really hard to tell by appearance..."

Gao Fei made a complaint, and suddenly realized that it was no wonder Giuliano claimed that he was not interested in women. It turned out that this kid was gay.

"My lord, I suddenly thought of something. The love poem that was praised by Queen Polga and involved you in the court affair was not actually written to the queen, but to praise Mr. Cosimo Bruno, right? ?”

Giuliano nodded slightly, his face extremely heavy.

The love poem was used by Adam Rulph as an excuse for his affair with the queen, and he was attacked in the newspapers, which got him into trouble.

Faced with accusations from the public opinion circles, Giuliano could have asked Cosimo to come forward to clarify the truth and restore his reputation for himself and the queen, but he dared not do that.

Once publicly acknowledging his sexual orientation, not only will Giuliano himself be excommunicated and usher in a social death, but his family's reputation will also be implicated.

"Brother Musk, I have to admit that I am a cowardly and selfish man, I am sorry for Her Majesty the Queen and Cosimo."

Giuliano sighed, guilty face.

(End of this chapter)

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